
Fram Wikip?dian
Cildru feorrsiehaþ in Mali.

S?o feorrs?en is mechanisc t?l for br?d?eorpunge and feccunge ?endendra biliða and s??ga ofer feorrnesse. Þis ?ord mearcaþ ?ac ealle d?las þæs feorrs?enendebyrdes and ofersendunge .

Þæt N??englisce word, television , is d?c?ord , and cymþ of Cr?cisce and L?dene . Tele- is þæt Gr?cisce ?ord for "feorr", and "-vision" is of L?dene visio , "s?en".

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce . Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan .