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正體性注意 - 위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典 本文으로 移動


위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典.

正體性主義의 象徵으로 主로 使用되는 람다 . "東洋的 專制國家" 페르시아 로부터 유럽 世界를 守護해낸 테르모필레 戰鬪 에서 玉碎한 스파르타 好플理테스 防牌 를 形象化한 것이다. [1]

正體性注意 ( 英語 : Identitarianism )는 유럽 에서 나타나고 있는 汎유럽注意 國民主義 , [1] [2] [3] 極右 [4] [5] 理念이다. 프랑스 正體性當 이 이념적 始初로, 正體性黨의 靑年團體人 "세대正體性"을 통해 21世紀 初 유럽 各國에 퍼져나갔다. 哲學的으로는 近代 獨逸哲學에 存在論 敵 根據를 두고 있으며, 1960年代부터 알랭 드 베누아 , 도미니크 베네르 , 기욤 파이 , 르노 카뮈 等이 理論化 作業을 해서 이들이 大槪 理念의 知的 指導者들로 여겨진다.

正體性主義는 特定 集團의 사람들에게는 특정한 存在樣式이 慣習的으로 妥當하다고 主張하는데, 癲癎機 獨逸 保守革命 의 主張이 유럽 新右派 를 거쳐 培養되어 繼承된 것이다. [6] [7] [8] 正體性主義는 汎유럽 國民主義 , 地域主義 , 民族多元主義 , 移民者의 本國送還 을 支持하고, 世界化 , 多文化主義 , 이슬람化 , 外部로부터 유럽으로의 移民에 反對한다. [9] [10] [3] 新右派 메타政治 의 影響을 받아 正體性主義는 選擧를 통한 直接的 政治的 勝利를 追求하지 않고, 代身 自身들의 思想을 大衆과 文化에 蔓延시켜 文化霸權 을 獲得하고자 한다. [11] [12]

各州 [ 編輯 ]

  1. Weiß, Volker (2013年 3月 21日). “Nicht links, nicht rechts ? nur national” . 《Die Zeit》.  
  2. Camus, Jean-Yves (2018). “Le mouvement identitaire ou la construction d'un mythe des origines europeennes” . 《Fondation Jean-Jaures》 (프랑스語). 2021年 2月 3日에 原本 文書 에서 保存된 文書 . 2019年 8月 16日에 確認함 . It was the transition from French nationalism to the promotion of a European identity, theorised by Europe-Action in the mid-1960s, which disrupted the references of the French far-right by producing a schism which has not been repaired to date, separating integral sovereignists , for whom no level of sovereignty is legitimate except the sovereignty of the nation state, (...) from the identitarians, for whom the nation state is an intermediate framework between being rooted in a region (in the sense of the German " Heimat ") and belonging to the framework of European civilisation.  
  3. Francois, Stephane (2009). “Reflexions sur le mouvement "Identitaire " . 《Fragments sur les Temps Presents》. This mixophobic discourse, that is to say the fear of ethnic mixing , can be found in their geopolitical vision ... [Identitarians] defend the idea of an ethnically homogeneous Europe ... [they] reject the nation-state in favour of a confederation of regions which have strong identities, inscribing themselves in the idea of a "great European imperial nationalism" ... This form of nationalism must therefore be understood in its European continental dimension and it must no longer be understood in its national dimension, which is seen as having been inherited from the dubious philosophy of the French Revolution ...  
  4. Mudde 2019 : "The Identitarians are a pan-European far-right movement which started with the Identitarian Bloc in France in 2003."
  5. Taguieff 2015 : "... we can see in the multiplication of these new [emerging Identitarian and protesting] party-movements an indication of the emergence of a new far-right with many faces, described as 'post-industrial' by Piero Ignazi, and who has set it apart from the 'traditional' far-right, guardian of nostalgia."
  6. Teitelbaum 2017 , 31쪽: "Channeling concepts of a French antiliberal school known as the Nouvelle Droite, Nordic identitarians [...]"
  7. Camus 2019 , 73쪽: "Although this is questionable, de Benoist and Dominique Venner are also seen as the forefathers of the “identitarian” movement in Europe."
  8. Mudde 2019 : "Ideologically, the Identitarian movement is derived from the nouvelle droite , inspired by its main thinkers, Alain de Benoist and the late Guillaume Faye."
  9. Schlembach, Raphael (2016). 《Against Old Europe: Critical Theory and Alter-Globalization Movements》. Routledge. 134 . ISBN   9781317183884 .  
  10. Camus, Jean-Yves (2018). “Le mouvement identitaire ou la construction d'un mythe des origines europeennes” . 《 Fondation Jean-Jaures 》 (프랑스語). 2021年 2月 3日에 原本 文書 에서 保存된 文書 . 2021年 10月 26日에 確認함 .  
  11. Teitelbaum 2017 , 43?44쪽.
  12. Mudde 2019 .