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使用者:Han-Jun Cho - 위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典 本文으로 移動

使用者 : Han-Jun Cho

위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典.
Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), 조한준
出生 1988年 09月 16日
江南 , 大韓民國
國籍 대한민국의 기 大韓民國
職業 科學者 , 生物學者 , 醫學專門記者
活動 期間 2007-present
所屬 移轉 Anonymous 團員
宗敎 基督敎
웹사이트 Facebook Homepage
ko 이 使用者의 모어 韓國語 입니다.
en -2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English .
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Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), 조한준 I'm a general editor on Wikipedia. My mission is to supply information on the biology and science technology.

I don't like pointless criticism.

Introduce [ 編輯 ]

Current whereabouts I am researching at Sungkyunkwan University.

Education and Training [ 編輯 ]

  • 2020. Apr.- Present Sungkyunkwan University.(Researcher)
  • 2020. Jan.- 2020. Mar. Korea university (Researcher)

(Advisor: Professor Youngja Hwang Park PhD.)

  • 2018. Aug.- 2020. Jan. CHA medical science university (Researcher)

(Advisor: Professor Dong-Hyeon Lee MD. PhD.)

  • 2016. Mar.- 2018. July. Catholic University of Seoul St. Mary's Hospital (Researcher)

(Advisor: Professor YeongJin Choi MD. PhD.)

  • 2016. Jan.- 2016. Mar. Kyung-Hee Dentistry Medical Research Center (Researcher)

(Advisor: Professor Eun-Chul Kim DDS. PhD.)

  • 2015. Aug.-2016. Jan. CHA medical science university (Researcher)

(Advisor: Professor Dong-Hyeon Lee MD. PhD.)

  • 2015. June.-2015. July. Seoul National University Hospital at the Laboratory Medicine (Researcher)

(Advisor: Professor Eun-Young Song MD. PhD.)

  • 2014. Jan.-2015. Mar.(Leave of Absence) M.S.+PhD. in Medicine Drug Development

Inha University. Incheon. Korea
(Advisor: Professor Bryan Byung-hyune Choi PhD. Doctor of Science)

  • 2010-2014 B.S. in Applied Life Science

Kyungpook National University. Daegu. Korea
(Advisor: Professor Ki-Byung Lim PhD. Doctor of Agriculture and Doctor of Science)

  • 2010. Dec.-2011. Dec. B.S. in Applied Bioscience Chemistry

Seoul National University. Seoul. Korea
(Exchange student)

  • 2008. Mar.-2009. Apr. B.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Chung-Ang University. Seoul. Korea
(Mid-cource leave)

Publications [ 編輯 ]

  • Proceeding
  1. Machine learning and A.I.

  1. Age-related mutational classifiers trained by machine learning algorithms in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
  2. Gender specific mutation analysis by machine learning.
  3. Mutational analysis through whole exome squencing in korean metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
  4. Survival specific mutational makers of clear cell renal cell carcinoma extracted by machine learning.
  5. Clinical significance of survival specific mutational markers of clear cell renal cell carcinoma in other types of renal cell carcinoma.
  6. Mutational classifiers of stage progression based on feature selection models trained by machine learning algorithms in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
  7. Discovery of smoking-specific mutations using machine learning in lung cancer.
  8. Repurposed drugs for angiogenesis inhibitors using database analysis system.
  9. Association of specific gene mutations derived from machine learning with survival in lung adenocarcinoma.
  10. Recurrence-specific mutation classification using machine learning in breast cancer research.
  11. Synergistic anti-cancer effects of AKT and SRC inhibition in human pancreatic cancer cells.

  • SCI or SCIE
  1. Activating P2X7 Receptors Increases Proliferation of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells via ERK1/2 and JNK (Coauthor)
  2. Association of specific gene mutations derived from machine learning with survival in lung adenocarcinoma (First)

  • Non-SCI
  1. Arabidopsis Thaliana with basis to plant bioscience experiment. (First)
  2. Synergistic Anti-Cancer Effects of AKT and SRC Inhibition in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells. (Coauthor)

  • Patents
  1. Patent Application Serial No. 10-2016-0003449 Title: The MH battery and cell phone battery charger for auxiliary heating and cooling Cup.(Under examination)
  2. Patent Application Serial No. 10-2016-0005006 Title: Heating in the winter with a separate threaded and non-slip heel shoes for women.(Final Reject)
  3. Patent Application Serial No. 10-2018-0073711 Title: Diagnosis and treatment strategies for kidney cancer patients Metastasis-specific markers. (Under examination)
  4. Patent Application Serial No. 10-2018-0085078 Title: Survival and death specific for the determination of prognosis and treatment strategy in patients with lung adenocarcinoma biomarker(Under examination)
  5. Patent Application Serial No. 10-2018-0087628 Title: Recurrence-specific markers for diagnosis and treatment strategies for breast cancer patients(Under examination)
  6. Patent Application Serial No. 10-2018-0104056 Title: Gender-specific biomarker for the diagnosis and treatment strategy of lung adenocarcinoma(Under examination)

  • Wiki Keyword in Korea
  1. 하우스키핑 遺傳子
  2. P-value
  3. 줄기細胞
  4. 分子生物學
  5. 細胞生物學
  6. 페로토시스

  • Wiki Keyword in English
  1. Stem Cell
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Akt
  4. PTEN
  5. PI3K/AKT/mTOR

  • Et cetera, upload online data
  1. Life Sciences, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Statistics Text Book "Endless voyage"
  2. 메르스 恐怖症이 오히려 메르스 鎭靜 局面을 무너뜨린다.
  3. 韓國 醫學 드라마 烈風을 이끈 作品 10線
  4. 基礎 醫學 最新 硏究 動向 '眼科學'
  5. 基礎 醫學 最新 硏究 動向 '主要 癌 硏究 動向과 腫瘍生物學'
  6. 基礎 醫學 最新 硏究 動向 '解剖學, 生理學, 藥理學, 微生物學'
  7. 第 4回 癌 征服 國際 세미나 盛況裏에 '盛了'
  8. 2015年 노벨生理醫學賞 캠벨, 오무라, 투유유에게로(종합)
  9. 2015年 노벨 物理學賞 '中性微子 振動 發見' 아서, 가지타 共同受賞
  10. 2015年 노벨化學賞 'DNA 復舊原理' 밝힌 3名 共同受賞
  11. 基礎 醫學 硏究 動向
  12. 비오는 날 생각나는 막걸리와 海物파煎의 醫學的 效能
  13. Adieu! 2015 乙未年(乙未年) 醫學 關聯 10大 이슈 整理
  14. 28年間 政府의 宿願 事業 '遠隔 醫療' 올해 決定 나나
  15. 韓國醫學敎育評價院 理事長에 '김봉옥' 충남대 病院長 就任
  16. "헬스케어 人工知能 왓슨(IBM)" 醫學界의 알파고 登極할까?
  17. BT&ICT의 融合의 到來! 컴퓨터가 人間을 만드는 世上?
  18. 2016年 올해 노벨 生理醫學, 物理, 化學 受賞者들과 그들의 硏究에 意味

TV appearances [ 編輯 ]

  1. MBC " 能力者들 " 덕후判定團[科學 덕후]

E001 便宜店 덕후, 버스 덕후, 熱帶魚 덕후 便 2015年 11月 13日 放送
E002 새 덕후, 推理 덕후, 막걸리 덕후 便 2015年 11月 20日 放送
E003 飛行機 덕후, 大學 探訪 덕후, 怪獸 덕후 便 2015年 11月 27日 放送
E004 신발 덕후, 모차르트 덕후, 라면 덕후 便 2015年 12月 04日 放送
E005 성룡 덕후, 종이로봇 덕후, 고기 덕후 便 2015年 12月 11日 放送
E006 飮食寫眞 덕후, 아이돌 덕후, 비트박스 덕후 便 2015年 12月 18日 放送
E007 마요네즈 덕후, 홈쇼핑 덕후, 古典게임 덕후 便 2015年 12月 25日 放送
E008 人形뽑기 덕후, 떡볶이 덕후, 좀비 덕후 便 2016年 01月 01日 放送
E009 쌍절곤 덕후, 冷麵 덕후, 三國志 덕후 便 2016年 01月 08日 放送

Presentations (National and International) [ 編輯 ]

  • The announced purpose and place of country (Month. Date. Year.)
  1. Kyungpook National University horticulture thesis presentation. Daegu. Korea (06. 07. 2013.)

Experimental Skill [ 編輯 ]

  • All Organism Anatomy
  • Cell Culture
  • Primary Culture
  • Plant Tissue and Organ Culture and Anatomy
  • Animal Tissue Culutre and Anatomy
  • Plant Gene Cloning(Agrobacterium method, Transgenic)
  • Animal Gene Cloning and Gene recombination[E.coli Method]
  • Plant staining and reporter gene assay
  • Plant karyotype analysis (GISH, FISH-Method from Lim)
  • Plant Cell analysis(PCR, Flow cytometry)
  • Animal Cell analysis(PCR, qPCR, Micro array)
  • Western blotting
  • HPLC
  • Animal I.P. and O.P. Experiment-(Mice, Rat, Rabbit, ETC)
  • H&E Staining(tissue)
  • Immunohistochemical staining(Cell and Tissue)
  • Mechanical Research
  • Enrichment experiments
  • Genealogy Research
  • Ecological Research
  • Astronomy Research
  • Physics and Chemistry Research
  • All Science Research
  • Protocols can be set up over 1000

Teaching [ 編輯 ]

  • Jun. 2010 ? Aug. 2010
    Basic Science (a summer-class) in High Grade Mathematic Academy. Seoul. Korea.
  • Jun. 2011 ? Aug. 2011
    Middle Mathematic (a summer-class) in Mrs. Chang English Academy. Seoul. Korea.
  • Nov. 2014 ? May. 2015
    Mathematic (part time) in Shinsago Mathmatic Academy. Bucheon. Korea.
    Kage Gifted and Talented Education Center. Seoul. Korea.
    Korea Scholarship Foundation Mento. Incheon. Korea.

Honors & Awards [ 編輯 ]

  • Sep. 2010 ? Dec. 2010

Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Department of Hortscience, Kyungpook National University

  • Mar. 2011 ? Jun. 2011

Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Department of Hortscience, Kyungpook National University

  • Mar. 2012 ? Dec. 2012

Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Department of Hortscience, Kyungpook National University

  • Aug. 2012

Selected in August Bric’s(Postech at Biological Research Information Center in Korea) Best Facebook friend

  • Mar. 2013 ? Dec. 2013

Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Department of Hortscience, Kyungpook National University

  • Mar. 2014 - Dec. 2014

Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Department of Medicine, Inha University

See also [ 編輯 ]

  1. Ki-Byung Lim
  2. Sa-Yeol Ghim
  3. Kwang-Ryul Cha
  4. Hye-Eun Han
  5. Jin-Ju Lee
  6. So-Dam Jeong
  7. Ji-Sung Jeong
  8. Da-Hye Jung

Website link [ 編輯 ]

  1. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Facebook No.1 ID
  2. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Facebook No.2 ID
  3. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Facebook No.3 ID
  4. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Facebook Bloger ID
  5. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Naver Blog ID
  6. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Twitter ID
  7. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Instagram ID
  8. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Cyworld No.1 ID
  9. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Cyworld No.2 ID
  10. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), DCinside ID
  11. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Weibo ID
  12. Han-Jun Cho (David Cho), Seoul national university ID

E-mail address [ 編輯 ]
