위키百科 : 도움이 必要하신가요

위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典.

Asking for help?

위키百科에 오신 것을 歡迎합니다! If you ask for help someone will assist you. We're a friendly bunch of volunteers around here always willing to lend a helping hand. Listed below are the main noticeboards (forums) and alternative ways to ask for assistance. For a comprehensive directory of interactive services that can be requested on 위키百科, see 要請 . 위키百科 also has an introduction for aspiring contributors that provides information and resources on the basics needed to comprehend, comment on, and contribute to 위키百科.

위키百科 도움 포럼

  • 質問房 - the "main page" for asking questions about how to use or edit 위키百科.
  • 키다리 아저씨 - a "very friendly place" for new editors to become accustomed to and ask questions about editing.
  • Reference desk - where volunteers answer worldly questions, on any subject. e.g. "What country has the world's largest fishing fleet?"

Special services:

Static help:

The blue bar that follows is a navigation box for many of the help pages. Click "show" on the right to expand it.

틀:Help navigation