Заява пра маркёр

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Policy:Cookie statement and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

As stated in our Privacy Policy , Wikimedia believes strongly in the values of privacy and transparency. To that end, we have created this Cookie Statement as a clear reference guide to the use of cookies on Wikimedia Sites. This Cookie Statement explains how we use cookies (and other locally stored data technologies), how we use third-party cookies, and how you can manage your cookie options. For more information on our privacy practices, please visit our Privacy Policy .

The Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization that hosts the Wikimedia Sites, actively collects some types of information with a variety of commonly-used technologies. These generally include tracking pixels , JavaScript , and a variety of "locally stored data" technologies, such as cookies and local storage .

Што такое маркёр?

≪Маркёр≫ (б?рка, кук?) ? гэта маленечк? файл зьвестак, як? мы перадаем на Ваш кампутар, маб?льны тэлефон або ?ншую прыладу, якой Вы карыстаецеся для доступу да бачына? ≪В?к?мэды?≫ ? якую звычайна выкарысто?ваюць для зьверк? ? адсочк?. Кожны маркёр пратэрм?но?ваецца пасьля пэ?нага адц?нку часу, але гэты адц?нак адрозьн?ваецца ? залежнасьц? ад таго, для чаго маркёр выкарысто?ваюць ? як наладжаны Ваш аз?ральн?к.

Маркёры (б?рк?) часта падзяляюць на падставе таго, як до?га яны застаюцца дзейным? да пратэрм?но?к?. Маркёр ≪паседжаньня≫ звычайна заканчваецца, кал? Вы зачыняеце Ваш вэб-аз?ральн?к або маб?льнае дастасаваньне. ≪Працяглы≫ маркёр застаецца на Вашай прыладзе нават пасьля закрыцьця аз?ральн?ка або маб?льнага дастасаваньня. Працяглы маркёр заканчваецца згодна з вызначанай нам? працягласьцю або кал? Вы выдаляеце яго ?ручную. Вы можаце даведацца больш пра маркёры ? В?к?пэды?.

Вы можаце прыбраць або выключыць маркёры праз налады Вашага аз?ральн?ка. Кал? ласка, глядз?це н?жэй Разьдзел 3 гэтай Заявы пра маркёр для дадатковых зьвестак пра тое, як абыходз?цца з Вашым выбарам наконт маркёра.

For more information on this and other key terms that may be relevant, please read through our Privacy Policy Glossary .

Як?я в?ды маркёра? ≪В?к?мэдыя≫ выкарысто?вае ? для як?х задача??

Cookies are not required in order to read or edit the Wikimedia Sites. We use the information we receive from cookies and other locally stored data technologies to make your experience with the Wikimedia Sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and interactions with the Wikimedia Sites, and to generally improve our services. Cookies are required in order to login and for your edits to be associated to a user account; without cookies, your edits will be anonymous and unassociated with an account.

Мы карыстаемся маркёрам? (б?ркам?), Ява-сцэнаром, адсочвальным? п?ксэлам? ? ?ншым? тэхналёг?ям? зьвестак мясцовага захо?ваньня, каб дасягнуць розных задача?. Н?жэй пададзены сьп?с катэгорыя? маркёра?, як?я мы выкарысто?ваем ? для чаго ?х выкарысто?ваюць.


These cookies help the Wikimedia Sites work and are essential in order to enable you to move around the Wikimedia site and use their features. These cookies are useful for remembering your username in the login field, maintaining your session and remembering previous actions, keeping you logged in (if selected), and more.

Here are a few examples:

Назва Expires Катэгорыя What does it do?

{$wgCookiePrefix}* Token

365 days, if the user chooses 'Keep me logged in'. Otherwise omitted. Functionality Provides 'Keep me logged in' functionality.
{$wgCookiePrefix}* UserID, UserName 365 days, if the user chooses 'Keep me logged in'. Otherwise 30 days. Functionality Helps identify you to the wiki, and keeps you logged in.
loginnotify_prevlogins 180 days Functionality

Verifies that you are logging in from a known device.

This affects the threshold for how many unsuccessful login attempts trigger a notification to the user.


{$wgCookiePrefix}* Session

When user exits browser Functionality Manage sessions. Provides functionality such as logging in to Wikimedia Projects.


Гэтыя маркёры (б?рк?) назапашваюць Вашыя пераваг?, каб яны магл? запам?нацца наступным разам, кал? Вы скарыстаеце бачыны ≪В?к?мэды?≫, для больш адладжанага досьведу. Гэтыя маркёры карысныя для распазнаваньня ? падтрыманьня Вашых мо?ных перавага?, запам?наньня зьмяненьня?, як?я Вы зраб?л? з памерам тэксту, шрыфтам? ? ?ншым? перавагам? паказу, каб мы магл? даць Вам пажаданыя выгляд ? адчуваньне.

Here are a few examples:

Назва Expires Катэгорыя What does it do?
stopMobileRedirect 30 days Preferences Tells us not to redirect to the mobile site if you do not like that.
uls-preferences Local Storage, not a cookie Preferences Allows you to set preferences for the Universal Language Selector functionality.
hidewatchlistmessage- [watchlistMessageId]

● where watchlistMessageld is the Id of the message being hidden

28 days Preferences Allows a user to hide a watchlist message.
userFontSize Local Storage, not a cookie Preferences Keeps track of your preferred font size on the mobile site.
preferredEditor Local Storage, not a cookie Preferences Keeps track of your preferred editor on the mobile site.

Performance and Analysis:

These cookies count the number of visitors and collect information about how you use the Wikimedia Sites. This allows us to better understand your user experience on the Wikimedia Sites and helps us improve them for you and other users ? for instance, by making sure users are finding what they need easily. Other examples include:

  • remembering pages visited, and actions taken on the Wikimedia sites so we can optimize the pages;
  • remembering if users get error messages from web pages;
  • storing your most recently read articles directly on your device, so they can be retrieved quickly;
  • remembering the topics searched so that we can optimize the search results we deliver to you;
  • remembering the list of articles you are following on your watchlist so that we can recommend similar articles that you may be interested in.

Here are a few examples:

Назва Expires Катэгорыя What does it do?
centralnotice_bucket 7 days Performance and Analysis Helps us understand the effectiveness of notices provided to users through the CentralNotice extension. For more details, see Extension:CentralNotice
ext.popups.core.previewCount Local Storage, not a cookie Performance and Analysis Helps us understand the effectiveness of Hovercards.
WMF-Last-Access 30 days Performance and Analysis Helps us calculate Unique devices accessing our site. See: diff.wikimedia.org/2016/03/30/unique-devices-dataset/


We will never use third-party cookies on our wikis unless we get your permission to do so. These cookies would allow us to render services provided by third parties, such as "like" and "share" buttons. When a third party provides these kinds of services, they may require the use of a cookie in order to provide their services.

If you ever come across a third-party cookie transferred to your device during your access of the Wikimedia wiki sites, where you did not take any action to authorize the use and/or transfer of that cookie  (such as one that may have been mistakenly placed by another user or administrator), please report that cookie to us at privacy @wikimedia.org .

A note about Wikimedia Foundation non-wiki sites:

Some non-wiki Wikimedia Foundation sites are hosted by a third-party service provider.

Sites hosted by WordPress VIP may have the WordPress Stats module enabled. Stats is a service that allows us to understand how many visitors we get to our WordPress-hosted non-wiki sites, their location by country, and which pages, posts and links are the most popular. Only the Wikimedia Foundation and the service provider, Automattic/WordPress, have access to the raw Stats data, which is retained for a maximum of 30 days. For more information about Stats, see WordPress' support page on the module .

Sites hosted by Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc., known as Discourse forums, use cookies for functionality purposes and to store preferences. Only the Wikimedia Foundation and the service provider have access to the raw data. For more information about the cookies and their retention periods, see Discourse's information about cookies . Please note that the Wikimedia Foundation has not configured its Discourse forums to use Google Analytics, serve advertisements, or process donations; Discourse cookies related to those purposes are not used in our Sites.

Як? ? мяне выбар наконт маркёра?

Н?жэй знаходзяцца некаторыя рэчы, як?я Вы можаце зраб?ць, каб абмежаваць выкарыстаньне маркёра? (б?рак) ? ?ншых тэхналёг?я? зьвестак мясцовага захо?ваньня на Вашай прыладзе, хоць гэта не вычарпальны сьп?с. Хоць маркёры ? ?ншыя тэхналёг?? зьвестак мясцовага захо?ваньня могуць ня быць патрэбным? для карыстаньня нашым? бачынам?, некаторыя магчымасьц? могуць не працаваць належна, кал? ?х выключыць.

You can:

  • remove or disable specific locally stored data on your browser's settings (you can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent);
  • use a browser that can block third-party cookies; or
  • install a plug-in to block locally stored data, if one is available.

Адключэньне маркёра? (б?рак) аз?ральн?ка прадух?л?ць адсочвальныя п?ксэлы ад адсочваньня Вашай адмысловай дзейнасьц?. Адсочвальны п?ксэл усё ж можа зап?сваць безыменнае наведваньне з Вашага ?нтэрнэт-адраса, але непа?торныя зьвестк? не зап?шуцца. Вым спатрэб?цца выключыць в?дарысы ? Вашым кл?енце электроннай пошты на аз?ральн?ку, кал? не жадаеце атрымл?ваць адсочвальныя п?ксэлы, але гэта можа па?плываць на Вашую здольнасьць праглядаць в?дарысы ? ?ншых атрыманых л?стах.

Дзе я магу знайсьц? больш зьвестак?

Кал? ласка, прачытайце нашую Пал?тыку прыватнасьц? для дадатковых зьвестак. Зьвяжыцеся праз privacy @wikimedia.org , кал? маеце дадатковыя пытаньн?.


Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this content and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.