Soul food

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A plate of soul food consisting of fried chicken, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, and cornbread

Soul food is the ethnic cuisine of African Americans . [1] [2] It originated in the American South from the cuisines of enslaved Africans trafficked to the North American colonies through the Atlantic slave trade during the Antebellum period and is closely associated (but not to be confused with) with the cuisine of the American South . [3] The expression "soul food" originated in the mid-1960s, when " soul " was a common word used to describe African-American culture . [4] Soul food uses cooking techniques and ingredients from West African, Central African, Western European, and Indigenous cuisine of the Americas . [5] Soul food came from the blending of what African Americans ate in their native countries in Africa and what was available to them as slaves. The cuisine had its share of negativity initially. Soul food was initially seen as low class food, and Northern African Americans looked down on their Black Southern counterparts who preferred soul food. The term evolved from being the diet of a slave in the South to being a primary pride in the African-American community in the North such as New York City . [6]

Etymology [ edit ]

Cooking at stove in old Trepagnier Plantation House, Norco, Louisiana , October 1938

The term soul food became popular in the 1960s and 1970s in the midst of the Black Power movement . [7] One of the earliest written uses of the term is found in The Autobiography of Malcolm X , which was published in 1965. [8] LeRoi Jones (later known as Amiri Baraka ) published an article entitled "Soul Food" and was one of the key proponents for establishing the food as a part of the Black American identity. [9] Those who had participated in the Great Migration found within soul food a reminder of the home and family they had left behind after moving to unfamiliar northern cities. Soul food restaurants were Black-owned businesses that served as neighborhood meeting places where people socialized and ate together. [10] [11] [12]

History [ edit ]

Slavery [ edit ]

Soul food recipes have pre-slavery influences, as West African and European foodways were adapted to the environment of the region. [3] [13] During the period of the trans-Atlantic slave trade enslaved people ate African foods such as rice, okra, black-eyed peas, and kidney and lima beans aboard slave ships . These crops were brought to North America and became a staple in Southern cuisine . [14] Soul food originated in the home cooking of the rural Southern United States or the " Deep South " and has its origins in slavery, using locally gathered or raised foods and other inexpensive ingredients. [15] Rabbits, squirrels, and deer were often hunted for meat. Fish, frogs, crawfish, turtles, shellfish, and crab were often collected from fresh waters, salt waters, and marshes. [16] [17] Soul food originated during the time of slavery, when Black American/ African American enslaved people were given only leftovers and the undesirable parts of animals, such as ham hocks, hog jowls, and pigs' feet, ears, skin and intestines, which white plantation slave owners did not eat. [18] [19]

Pork and corn were two staple items in the Southern United States for both slave owners and slaves. Many of the foods integral to the cuisine originated in the limited food stuffs that poor southern subsistence farmers had at hand. This in turn was reflected in the rations given to enslaved people by their masters. Enslaved people were typically given a peck of cornmeal and 3?4 pounds of pork per week, and those rations formed the basis of African American soul food. [20] Most enslaved people needed to consume a high-calorie diet to replenish the calories spent working long days in the fields or performing other physically arduous tasks. [21] The slave owners would have smoked ham and corn pudding while the enslaved were left with the offal . [22] [23]

Archeological and historical research concerning slave cabins in the Southern United States indicates that enslaved African Americans used bowls more often than flatware and plates, suggesting that they primarily made stews and "gumbo" for meals, using local ingredients gathered in nature, vegetables grown in their gardens, and left-over animal scraps their white plantation owners did not eat. This process allowed enslaved people to create new dishes and develop a variety of ways to season and add spice to their food with hot sauces. Research shows that white plantation families more often used plates and flatware, indicating that they ate meals consisting of individual cuts of meats and vegetables that were not blended into one dish like the stews made by enslaved people. Enslaved people living on plantations located along the Atlantic coast developed a diversity of foodways enabled by their access to seafood. [24]

Black fishermen find bass, flounder, shad and rock fish in Chesapeake Bay

During slavery times, Gullah people in the lowcountry of South Carolina and Georgia practiced a fishing culture that came from West Africa , and made canoes similar in appearance to the ones in Sub-Saharan Africa . Gullah people passed down their fishing traditions, and prepared meals of fish using local ingredients from the region, developing fish dishes that are still a part of Gullah culture. Author Amy Lynne Young's research at the Mabry Plantation in Louisiana showed the differences in foodways between enslaved people living inland versus those living along the Atlantic coast. Families living along the coast had access to a variety of meats from land and sea animals, especially those that lived on the coastlines and barrier sea islands . Inland slaves' choices of meats were limited, consisting of game such as rabbit and squirrel, farm chickens, pigs, and left-over animal scraps. Vegetables were locally gathered or grown in their gardens. Young suggests enslaved people living along the coast had a more diverse diet than inland slaves. This demonstrates regional styles of cooking soul food based on local ingredients. [25] [26] [27]

Some slaves grew herbs in their gardens to add flavor to their food. [28] Other cooking techniques were boiling and simmering food in an earthenware or iron pot known as colonoware. [29] Salt was used to preserve meats for weeks until consumption. [30]

A slave food garden at Mount Vernon - To supplement their diet, enslaved people grew their own food to make stews.

Enslaved fishermen in Virginia caught fish to feed their families and the slave community . The Encyclopedia of Virginia explained the history of free and enslaved Black fishermen: "Enslaved workers also received fish considered undesirable by whites, such as garfish , whose red flesh Niemcewicz explained 'is little esteemed, serving only as food for negroes,' and black catfish, which held less appeal for whites than white catfish, which was 'considered excellent.' Enslaved workers also fished in their time off to supplement their rations." [31] [32] On George Washington's plantation called Mount Vernon in Virginia, enslaved people primarily ate corn meal and salted fish. Enslaved cooks prepared corn meal pancakes, "hoe cakes", individual cuts of meats, and seasoned cooked vegetables for George Washington and his family. [33]

Cooking techniques in West Africa continued in North America with enslaved Africans and their descendants.

The slaves' diet in Virginia consisted of meat from farm animals, vegetables, blackberries, walnuts, and seafood. Historical research at the Burroughs plantation in Franklin County, Virginia by the National Park Service showed that enslaved people there had a diet of cornbread, pork, chicken, sweet potatoes, and boiled corn for breakfast. Along the coast enslaved people ate oysters and seafood. Booker T. Washington was born enslaved in Franklin County, Virginia in 1856 and wrote an autobiography titled, The Story of My Life and Work and Up from Slavery , that explained the diet he grew up with as an enslaved child. Washington's mother was an enslaved woman who was the plantation cook and prepared meals for white families. [34]

Washington's mother prepared meals over an open fireplace or in skillets and pots. Washington, his mother, and siblings ate out of pots and skillets while white families ate from plates and flatware using forks and spoons. Washington's mother prepared one-pot meals for her family using local meats, vegetables, nuts, and berries combining all the ingredients in a pot to make a stew. This way of cooking is done in West Africa and continued in the Southern United States with enslaved families. [35] Enslaved people at the Burroughs plantation had a variety of vegetables with which to eat and make stews; they were: "Asparagus, beets, beans, black-eyed peas, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, garden peas, Irish potatoes, kale, lettuce, lima beans, muskmellons, okra, onions, peppers, radishes, tomatoes, turnips, and watermelons would be planted, ripened, and harvested from spring through fall". [36]

Macaroni and cheese, a European dish, was popularized by enslaved cook James Hemings (chef of Thomas Jefferson ) in the United States that became a staple in Southern cuisine.

A few enslaved chefs had some degree of freedom for their cooking skills, such as Hercules Posey and James Hemings . Hercules Posey was the enslaved cook for George Washington at Mount Vernon in Virginia. Posey's dishes were so popular among elite white families he had quasi freedom to leave the house on his own and earn money selling leftovers. According to historians, the dishes Posey made were influenced by West African, European, and Native American foodways. He created dishes of veal, roast beef, and duck, along with puddings and jellies prepared in a way not unlike that of other chefs, but creating his own sauces and flavors. Posey was never given his freedom, so he escaped from slavery. [37] [38] James Hemings (brother of Sally Hemings ) was born enslaved in colonial Virginia and was the head chef for Thomas Jefferson . Hemings combined African, French, and Native American food traditions. While enslaved, Hemings traveled to France with Jefferson and learned how to make macaroni pie (today called macaroni and cheese ). Hemings introduced and popularized macaroni and cheese in the United States. It became a common side item in soul food dishes in Black communities. [39] [40]

Enslaved women cooking

Sesame is an African crop that was brought to South Carolina in 1730 during the slave trade. Thomas Jefferson noted how enslaved people prepared stews, baked breads, boiled their greens with sesame, and made sesame pudding. Slaves ate sesame raw, toasted, and boiled. It was used as an ingredient for baked breads in colonial America and is still used in the present day. [41]

According to research by scholars at Mercer University , white plantation families initially refused to eat African foods prepared by their slaves, although in many plantation kitchens enslaved African women were the primary cooks. These women passed down cultural knowledge of cooking techniques to the children. Time spent in the kitchen was time that enslaved mothers could spend bonding with their children and teaching them about life, culture, and foodways. The role of enslaved Black women in the kitchen and as mothers led to racist stereotypes portraying them as Mammys . [42]

Emancipation [ edit ]

Emancipation Day celebration in Beaufort

On January 1, 1863, Gullah people in the sea islands of South Carolina celebrated their freedom on New Year's Day at Camp Saxton in Beaufort with food and barbecues. Black people in the barrier islands of South Carolina became free early during the American Civil War after the Battle of Port Royal on November 7, 1861, when many of the plantation owners and white residents fled the area after the arrival of the Union Navy and Army. As a result, over 10,000 African Americans became free on that day. [43] However, their freedom was not official in government writing until the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation on New Year's Day in 1863. Thousands of newly freed people celebrated their freedom with food, song, and dance. [44] Charlotte Forten , the first black teacher at the Penn School on St. Helena Island in Beaufort, attended the Emancipation Day celebration at Camp Saxton and recorded in her journal they ate roasted oxen and barbecue. [45] [46] [47]

A 2017 Juneteenth Celebration showing soul food vendors

After the American Civil War , 4 million African Americans were freed from slavery. They celebrated their newly won freedom with barbecues and Emancipation Day celebrations and prepared soul food meals. Two months after the Civil War ended in April 1865, slaveholders in Galveston, Texas refused to tell their slaves the Civil War had ended and they were free. On June 19, 1865, United States Brigadier General Gordon Granger and his troops arrived in Galveston and read the Emancipation Proclamation announcing that enslaved people were now free. To celebrate their freedom, African Americans in Galveston, and other Black communities in the United States, gathered at public parks and prepared red foods that represent the color of freedom. These celebrations are called Juneteenth , which became a national holiday under the Biden Administration in the year 2021. [48]

Picayune Creole Cookbook

According to food historian Michael Twitty , the reason African Americans eat red food on Juneteenth is that it reminds them of the blood of their ancestors that was shed during slavery, and the cultural colors of the Yoruba and Bakongo people , who were enslaved in the Southern United States and brought to North America under the slave trade. Among the Yoruba and Bakongo people, the color red represents power, sacrifice, and transformation. [49] [50] The red foods eaten at Juneteenth are, watermelon, red lemonade, and red velvet cake . [51] In addition to red foods, BBQ, fried foods, and other cooked meals are prepared to celebrate the day of freedom. [52]

After emancipation , many Black Americans in the South became sharecroppers and cooked what was available in their region. This created regional styles of cooking with similar dishes passed down orally in Black families . [53] [54] [55] Due to slave laws, it was illegal in many states for slaves to learn to read or write. Soul food recipes and cooking techniques were passed down orally until after emancipation. [56]

The first soul food cookbook is attributed to Abby Fisher , entitled What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking and published in 1881. Good Things to Eat was published in 1911; the author, Rufus Estes, was a former slave who worked for the Pullman railway car service. Many other cookbooks were written by black Americans during that time, but as they were not widely distributed, most are now lost. [57]

Mid-20th century to present day [ edit ]

Introduction of soul food to cities such as Washington, D.C. and Baltimore came during the Great Migration as African Americans moved to the North for work. Impoverished white and Black people in the South cooked many of the same dishes stemming from this tradition, but styles of preparation sometimes varied. Certain techniques popular in soul and other Southern cuisines (i.e., frying meat and using all parts of the animal for consumption) are shared with cultures all over the world. [58]

The Busy Bee Cafe is a soul food restaurant frequented by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

During the civil rights movement , soul food restaurants were places civil rights leaders and activists met to discuss and strategize civil rights protests and ideas for social and political change. As the Atlanta History Center explained: "Throughout the civil rights movement in Atlanta, soul food restaurants were hubs of change where civil rights leaders could convene, converse, and strategize, and in times of terror and violence, these places were retreats where leaders could plan their next tactical moves, giving many of these spots a legacy beyond good cooking". Soul food restaurants in Atlanta, Georgia served as the primary meeting places for numerous civil rights leaders and supporters of the movement. Many politicians and civil rights leaders gathered to discuss plans about the movement at Paschal's Restaurant on West Hunter Street. In the 1950s and 1960s, civil rights icons such as Andrew Young , John Lewis , Martin Luther King Jr. , Julian Bond , Adam Clayton Powell Jr. , and Jesse Jackson frequented the restaurant staying late into the night talking about civil rights strategies and politics. Several soul food restaurants were located on West Hunter Street because Jim Crow laws restricted where African-Americans were allowed to operate their businesses. [59] [60]

Ben's Chili Bowl is a black-owned restaurant in Washington D.C.

In 1963, a few days before the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in Washington D.C. where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I Have a Dream Speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, King ate at a soul food restaurant called the Florida Avenue Grill. During the years of the civil rights movement, other civil rights leaders and activists met at the restaurant where they planned and strategized for the movement. Before King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee he ate at the Four Way restaurant and ate fried catfish and icebox pie. Throughout his civil rights career, King frequented several soul food restaurants where he ate and planned civil rights strategies with other local and national civil rights leaders. [61] After King's assassination, riots broke out in Washington D.C ., and leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Stokely Carmichael asked the owner of Ben's Chili Bowl restaurant to remain open to provide food for police officers, student activists, and firefighters as they worked together to stop the riot. Authors Hoekstra and Khan explained in their book, The People's Place: Soul Food Restaurants and Reminiscences from the Civil Rights Era to Today , that soul food restaurants served as places to bring communities and families together in times of trouble during the Jim Crow era and helped in the fight against segregation laws by allowing white and black people to eat together. [62]

Staff of Sylvia's, a legendary soul food restaurant in Harlem, New York

In Montgomery, Alabama , civil rights protestors convened and organized for the movement at soul food restaurants because they provided a safe haven and a place to eat and relax. Martha's Place and Chris' Hotdogs were visited by protestors. During this period of activism, Jereline and Larry James Bethune, the owners of the restaurant Brenda's BBQ also in Montgomery, taught African Americans how to register to vote and how to read a ballot when Jim Crow laws and literacy tests prevented Black people from voting. Civil rights activists frequented the restaurant for moral and financial support. The owners also helped to print out fliers for the movement and allowed protestors to have secret meetings in the back of the restaurant. [63]

Atlanta's oldest black-owned restaurant was founded in 1936 by Evelyn Jones and her sister and was called Evelyn Jones Cafe. In the mid-1940s, Evelyn and her husband, Luther Frazier, enlarged the restaurant and renamed it Frazier's Cafe Society. It is located at 880 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive (then known as West Hunter Street). The Jones family challenged Jim Crow laws when they allowed whites and blacks to eat together. It was the first interracial restaurant on West Hunter Street. The cafe also served as a location for civil rights leaders to meet. The foods the restaurant served were Virginia baked ham, pork chop dinner, jumbo shrimp, roast beef and other classic Southern dishes. [64] [65]

During the Jim Crow era in the 20th century it was not safe for Black Americans to travel on the road as they faced possible violence from white supremacists, thus Black people needed to know what places were safe to stop for food, gas, and motels. In 1936, an African American postal worker from Harlem, New York, named Victor Hugo Green created the The Green Book for Black people to travel safely in the Southern United States where Jim Crow laws were widespread. Several soul food restaurants were listed in the book because they were safe havens for African Americans to eat. One restaurant listed in the Green Book was Swett's that opened in 1954. [66] [67]

African-Americans in church during a church service. Black churches served soul food meals to the feed the African-American community .

The Black Church (African-American churches) played a key role in Black communities as they provided food and a place of worship. Researchers from the Public Broadcasting (PBS) explained: "Religion played a key role in the proliferation of soul food, as well as the diversification of the cuisine. Black churches, crucial during slavery and in the Civil Rights movement, were also crucial as gathering places, where Black communities could eat and rejoice over plates of chicken and dumplings, black-eyed peas and rice, red drink, and the classic Black American church dish, fried catfish and spaghetti". [68] Dr. Carter is an African American pastor and professor of history and published a book about the Black Church and soul food in 2021 titled, The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, and Food Justice . According to Dr. Carter, soul food in the African-American community is food that fights injustices centered around the lack of access to food as some Black Americans live in poverty and Black churches on Sundays and during the week prepare meals to feed their community. [69]

Since the mid-20th century, many cookbooks highlighting soul food and African-American foodways have been compiled and published. One notable soul food chef is celebrated traditional Southern chef and author Edna Lewis , [70] who released a series of books between 1972 and 2003, including A Taste of Country Cooking in which she weaves stories of her childhood in Freetown, Virginia into her recipes for "real Southern food". [71]

Another early and influential soul food cookbook is Vertamae Grosvenor 's Vibration Cooking, or the Travel Notes of a Geechee Girl , originally published in 1970, focused on South Carolina Lowcountry / Geechee / Gullah cooking. Its focus on spontaneity in the kitchen?cooking by "vibration" rather than precisely measuring ingredients, as well as " making do " with ingredients on hand?captured the essence of traditional African-American cooking techniques. The simple, healthful, basic ingredients of lowcountry cuisine, like shrimp , oysters , crab , fresh produce, rice and sweet potatoes , made it a bestseller. [72]

The Historical Cookbook of the American Negro

Usher boards and Women's Day committees of various religious congregations large and small, and even public service and social welfare organizations such as the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) have produced cookbooks to fund their operations and charitable enterprises. [73] The NCNW produced its first cookbook, The Historical Cookbook of the American Negro , in 1958, and revived the practice in 1993, producing a popular series of cookbooks featuring recipes by famous black Americans, among them: The Black Family Reunion Cookbook (1991), Celebrating Our Mothers' Kitchens: Treasured Memories and Tested Recipes (1994), and Mother Africa's Table: A Chronicle of Celebration (1998). The NCNW also recently reissued The Historical Cookbook . [74] [75] [76]

In 2011 culinary historian Jessica B. Harris published a book titled, High on the Hog that explains the origins and development of African-American dishes and their roots in Sub-Saharan Africa . Enslaved and free African Americans incorporated indigenous foods from North America such as plants, fruits, and animals but Africanized the foods by preparing and flavoring their dishes similar to West and Central Africans. [77] Harris' book later became a docuseries in 2021 on Netflix called High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America . [78]

In 2018, African American author and culinary historian Michael Twitty published The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South that explains the history, development and evolution of soul food in Black communities in the Southern United States. [79]

In the year 2024, Lakisha Harris became the first Black woman in the United States to present a presentation on soul food at the American Culinary Federation (ACF) National Convention titled, culinary freedom of the soul. [80]

African influence [ edit ]

Ham hock and black-eyed peas

Scholars have noted the substantial African influence found in soul food recipes, especially from the West and Central regions of Africa . This influence can be seen through the heat level of many soul food dishes, as well as many ingredients found within them. [81] Peppers used to add spice to food included malagueta pepper , as well as peppers native to the western hemisphere such as red (cayenne) peppers . [21] Several foods that are essential in southern cuisine and soul food were domesticated or consumed in the African savanna and the tropical regions of West and Central Africa . These include watermelon , pigeon peas , black-eyed peas , okra , sorghum , and peppers. [81] [82]

Okra is used in soul food dishes

It has also been noted that a species of rice was domesticated in Africa, thus many Africans who were brought to the Americas kept their knowledge for rice cooking. Rice was a cash crop in the South Carolina lowcountry , and during the slave trade Europeans selected Africans dwelling on the coast of West Africa who had knowledge of rice growing. [83] [84] Rice is a staple side dish in the Lowcountry region and in Southern Louisiana. Rice is a main ingredient of dishes such as jambalaya and red beans and rice , which are popular in Southern Louisiana . Recipes for rice and beans that were developed in West Africa were brought to the South Carolina Lowcountry by enslaved Africans and continued to be prepared by their descendants, the Gullah people . Gullahs made a dish with rice, black-eyed peas, onions, and bacon that they called " Hoppin' John ". [85] A Gullah New Year's Tradition is eating Hoppin' John to bring in good-luck for the New Year. This Gullah dish is now customarily eaten on January 1 throughout the Lowcountry region, usually paired with cornbread and collard greens, which are said to bring prosperity. [86] Charleston red rice is made with rice and tomato paste. This dish originated from jollof rice in West Africa which is made with a tomato product giving the rice its red color. [87]

Authentic Gullah Hoppin John

There are many documented parallels between the foodways of West Africans and soul food recipes. [88] The consumption of sweet potatoes in the US is reminiscent of the consumption of yams in West Africa. The frequent consumption of cornbread by African-Americans is analogous to West Africans' use of fufu to soak up stews. [88]

Culinary historian Jessica B. Harris starred in the 2021 docuseries High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America , and traveled to Benin , West Africa where she saw women making a leafy sauce called feuille that was prepared similarly to how African Americans cook collard greens. [89]

West Africans also cooked meat over open pits, and thus it is possible that enslaved Africans came to the Americas with knowledge of this cooking technique (it is also possible they learned it from Native Americans, since Native Americans barbecued as a cooking technique). [21] [90]

It was not uncommon to see food served out of an empty gourd. Many techniques to change the overall flavor of staple food items such as nuts, seeds, and rice contributed to added dimensions of evolving flavors. These techniques included roasting, frying with palm oil , baking in ashes, and steaming in leaves such as banana leaf. [91]

Native American influence [ edit ]

Cornbread, a traditional Native American food, became a staple in African-American cooking

Southeastern Native American culture is an important element of Southern cuisine . From their cultures came one of the main staples of the Southern diet: corn (maize), either ground into meal or limed with an alkaline salt to make hominy , in a Native American process known as nixtamalization . [92] Corn was used to make all kinds of dishes, from the familiar cornbread and grits , to liquors such as moonshine and whiskey (which are still important to the Southern economy [93] ). Black Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama combined molasses and leftover cooked grease, a combination they called " sap ", to pour over their cornbread and "hoe cakes". [94] The foods of Black Seminoles in Florida and Oklahoma are influenced by Gullah rice and bean dishes and Seminole foodways. [95] [96] Historian Ray Von Robertson conducted oral interviews with sixteen Black Seminoles from 2006 and 2007 and found that Seminole cultural influences were incorporated into their daily lives in practices such as food ways and herbal medicine. Black Seminoles cooked and ate fry bread, sofkee , and grape dumplings. [97]

Grits originated among Southeastern Native American tribes and have become a staple in soul food dishes.

Many fruits are available in this region: blackberries , muscadines , raspberries , and many other wild berries were part of Southern Native Americans' diets, as well.

To a far greater degree than anyone realizes, several of the most important food dishes that the Native Americans of the southeastern U.S.A live on today is the "soul food" eaten by both Black and White Southerners. Hominy, for example, is still eaten: Sofkee lives on as grits; cornbread [is] used by Southern cooks; Indian fritters -- variously known as "hoe cake" or "Johnny cake"; Indian boiled cornbread is present in Southern cuisine as "corn meal dumplings" and "hush puppies"; Southerners cook their beans and field peas by boiling them, as did the Native tribes; and, like the Native Americans, Southerners cured their meats and smoked it over hickory coals...

?  Charles Hudson, The Southeastern Indians [98]

African, European, and Native Americans of the American South supplemented their diets with meats derived from the hunting of native game. What meats people ate depended on seasonal availability and geographical region. Common game included opossums , rabbits , and squirrels . [99]

When game or livestock was killed, the entire animal was used. Aside from the meat, it was common for them to eat organ meats such as brains , livers , and intestines . This tradition remains today in hallmark dishes like chitterlings (commonly called chit'lins ), which are small intestines of hogs ; livermush (a common dish in the Carolinas made from hog liver); and pork brains and eggs. The fat of the animals, particularly hogs, was rendered and used for cooking and frying. Many of the early European settlers in the South learned Native American cooking methods, and so cultural diffusion was set in motion for the Southern dish. [ citation needed ]

Sauces and seasoning [ edit ]

Hot sauce is used to add flavor to food.

Since the mid-20th century, Black Americans season their food with Lawry's Seasoned Salt . This seasoning salt is used to season cooked meats and vegetables. For extra flavor and spice, hot sauce is sprinkled over fried chicken and fish, collard greens, and other cooked foods. Black Americans use Lawry's because it is economical and has given Black families the opportunity to buy an item with multiple herbs and spices. African-Americans still use it in most of their dishes except sweet dishes. [100] [101] [102] West Africans made variations of hot spicey sauces using hot peppers indigenous to the region. Enslaved West Africans in the southern United States continued to make their own versions of hot sauces using spices and peppers from North America. By the mid-20th century, Black Americans turned to store-bought hot sauces to add flavor and spice to their food. [103] [104] During slavery times, enslaved people flavored their vegetables with bacon grease or other parts of the pig. This tradition continues today in Black families using pig feet , bacon grease, or turkey necks to flavor collard and turnip greens. [105]

Cultural relevance [ edit ]

Soul food restaurant in Texas

Soul food originated in the southern region of the US and is consumed by African-Americans across the nation. Traditional soul food cooking is seen as one of the ways enslaved Africans passed their traditions to their descendants once they were brought to the US, and is a cultural creation stemming from slavery and Native American and European influences. [88] [21]

Soul food recipes are popular in the South due to the accessibility and affordability of the ingredients. [88] [20]

Scholars have noted that while white Americans provided the material supplies for soul food dishes, the cooking techniques found in many of the dishes have been visibly influenced by the enslaved Africans themselves. [21] Dishes derived by slaves consisted of many vegetables and grains because slave owners felt more meat would cause the slave to become lethargic with less energy to tend to the crops.

The bountiful vegetables that were found in Africa, were substituted in dishes down south with new leafy greens consisting of dandelion, turnip, and beet greens. Pork, more specifically hog, was introduced into several dishes in the form of cracklins from the skin, pig's feet, chitterlings, and lard used to increase the fat intake into vegetarian dishes. Spices such as thyme, and bay leaf blended with onion and garlic gave dishes their own characteristics. [91]

Figures such as LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Elijah Muhammad , and Dick Gregory played notable roles in shaping the conversation around soul food. [106] [88] Muhammad and Gregory opposed soul food because they felt it was unhealthy food and was slowly killing African-Americans. [8] They saw soul food as a remnant of oppression and felt it should be left behind. Many African-Americans were offended by the Nation of Islam's rejection of pork as it is a staple ingredient used to flavor many dishes. [88]

Stokely Carmichael also spoke out against soul food, claiming that it was not true African food due to its colonial and European influence. [88] Despite this, many voices in the Black Power Movement saw soul food as something African-Americans should take pride in, and used it to distinguish African-Americans from white Americans. [9] Proponents of soul food embraced the concept of it, and used it as a counterclaim to the argument that African-Americans had no culture or cuisine. [21] [88]

The magazine Ebony Jr! was important in transmitting the cultural relevance of soul food dishes to middle-class African-American children who typically ate a more standard American diet. [107]

Soul food is frequently found at religious rituals and social events such as funerals, fellowship, Thanksgiving, and Christmas in the black community. [88] [70] [81]

Soul food spread throughout the United States when African Americans from the South moved to major cities across the country such as Chicago and New York City . They brought with them the foods and traditions of the Southern United States, where they were enslaved. [108]

Soul food is culturally similar to Romani cuisine in Europe. [109]

Health concerns [ edit ]

Soul food prepared traditionally and consumed in large amounts can be detrimental to one's health. Opponents to soul food have been vocal about health concerns surrounding the culinary traditions since the name was coined in the mid-20th century. [110] [111]

Soul food has been criticized for its high starch , fat , sodium , cholesterol , and caloric content , as well as the inexpensive and often low-quality nature of the ingredients such as salted pork and cornmeal . In light of this, soul food has been implicated by some in the disproportionately high rates of high blood pressure ( hypertension ), type 2 diabetes , clogged arteries ( atherosclerosis ), stroke , and heart attack suffered by African-Americans. [112] [113] Figures who led discussions surrounding the negative impacts of soul food include Dr. Alvenia Fulton , Dick Gregory , and Elijah Muhammad . [106] [88]

On the other hand, critics and traditionalists have argued that attempts to make soul food healthier also make it less tasty, as well as less culturally/ethnically authentic. [114]

There is also often a foundational difference in how health is perceived; soul food may differ from normal understandings in American culture. [115]

Fueled by federal subsidies, the agricultural system in the United States became industrialized as the nutritional value of most processed foods, and not just those implicated in a traditional perception of soul food, have degraded. [116] This urges a consideration of how concepts of racial authenticity evolve alongside changes in the structures that make some foods more available and accessible than others. [117] [118]

An important aspect of the preparation of soul food was the reuse of cooking lard . Because many cooks could not afford to buy new shortening to replace what they used, they would pour the liquefied cooking grease into a container. After cooling completely, the grease re-solidified and could be used again the next time the cook required lard. [119]

With changing fashions and perceptions of "healthy" eating, some cooks may use preparation methods that differ from those of cooks who came before them: using liquid oil like vegetable oil or canola oil for frying and cooking, and using smoked turkey instead of pork , for example. Changes in hog farming techniques have also resulted in drastically leaner pork, in the 21st and late 20th centuries. Some cooks have even adapted recipes to include vegetarian alternatives to traditional ingredients, including tofu and soy -based analogues. [120] Several Black chefs have opened vegan soul food restaurants to cook healthier foods rooted in African American culture. Others, such as Jenne Claiborne, author of the Sweet Potato Soul Cookbook , have chosen to start a YouTube channel and show people how to prepare healthier soul food. [121]

Several of the ingredients included in soul food recipes have pronounced health benefits. Collard and other greens are rich sources of several vitamins (including vitamin A , B 6 , folic acid or vitamin B 9 , vitamin K , and C ), minerals ( manganese , iron , and calcium ), fiber , and small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids . They also contain a number of phytonutrients , which are thought to play a role in the prevention of ovarian and breast cancers . [122] [ dubious ]

The traditional preparation of soul food vegetables often consists of high temperatures or slow cooking methods, which can lead the water-soluble vitamins (e.g., Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins) to be destroyed or leached out into the water in which the greens cooked. This water is often consumed and is known as pot liquor . [70] Because it contains micronutrients from the greens cooked in it, pot liquor contributes to the nutritional value of a meal when consumed. [123]

Peas and legumes are inexpensive sources of protein , and they also contain important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. [124]

Dishes and ingredients [ edit ]

See also [ edit ]

References [ edit ]

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Further reading [ edit ]

  • Huges, Marvalene H. Soul, Black Women, and Food . Ed. Carole Counihan and Penny van Esterik. New York: Routledge, 1997.
  • Bowser, Pearl and Jean Eckstein, A Pinch of Soul, Avon, New York, 1970
  • Counihan, Carol and Penny Van Esterik editors, Food and Culture, A Reader, Routledge, New York, 1997
  • Harris, Jessica, The Welcome Table ? African American Heritage Cooking, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996
  • Mitchell, Patricia (1998). Plantation Row slave cabin cooking: the roots of soul food . Patricia B. Mitchell foodways publications. Chatham, VA: P.B. Mitchell. ISBN   978-0925117892 .
  • Root, Waverley and Richard de Rochemont, Eating in America, A History, William Morrow, New York, 1976
  • Glenn, Gwendolyn, "American Visions", Southern Secrets From Edna Lewis, February?March, 1997
  • Puckett, Susan, "Restaurant and Institutions", Soul Food Revival, February 1, 1997

External links [ edit ]