Manage cache behavior

Firebase Hosting uses a powerful global CDN to make your site as fast as possible.

Any requested static content is automatically cached on the CDN . If you redeploy your site's content, Firebase Hosting automatically clears all your cached content across the CDN until the next request.

However, because Cloud Functions and Cloud Run services generate content dynamically, the content for a given URL can vary based on such things as user input or the user's identity. To account for this, requests that are handled by backend code do not cache on the CDN by default.

You can, though, configure caching behavior for dynamic content . For example, if a function generates new content only periodically, you can speed up your app by caching the generated content for at least a short period of time.

You can similarly configure caching behavior to potentially reduce function execution costs because the content is served from the CDN rather than from a triggered function. Read more about optimizing function execution and services in the Cloud Functions and Cloud Run documentation.

The exception is requests that return 404 errors. The CDN caches your service's 404 response to a nonexistent URL for 10 minutes, so that subsequent requests for that URL are served out of the CDN. If you change your service so that content now exists at this URL, the CDN continues serving any cached 404s for 10 minutes (at most), and then serves content from that URL normally.

If a 404 response already contains caching headers set by your Cloud Functions or Cloud Run service, they override the default of 10 minutes and fully determine the caching behavior of the CDN.

Learn more about caching behavior in Google's web developer documentation .

Set Cache-Control

The main tool that you use to manage cache for dynamic content is the Cache-Control header. By configuring this header, you can communicate both to the browser and the CDN how long your content can be cached. In your function, you set Cache-Control like so:

res.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=300, s-maxage=600');

In this example header, the directives do three things:

  • public ? Marks the cache as public . This means that both the browser and the intermediate servers (meaning the CDN for Firebase Hosting) can cache the content.

  • max-age ? Tells the browser and the CDN how many seconds that they can cache the content. When the set time expires, the browser and the CDN must revalidate the content with the origin server. In the example header, we're allowing the browser and the CDN to cache the content for five minutes (see s-maxage below for specific controls for CDN caching).

  • s-maxage ? Overrides the max-age directive for the CDN-caching only; tells the CDN how many seconds that it can cache the content. When the set time expires, the CDN must revalidate the content with the origin server. In the example header, we're overriding the setting for max-age for the CDN only and allowing the CDN to cache the content for ten minutes.

For max-age and s-maxage , set their values to the longest amount of time that you're comfortable with users receiving stale content. If a page changes every few seconds, use a small time value. However, other types of content can be safely cached for hours, days, or even months.

You can learn more about the Cache-Control header on the Mozilla Developer Network and in Google's web developer documentation .

When is cached content served?

The browser and the CDN cache your content based on:

  • The hostname
  • The path
  • The query string
  • The content of the request headers specified in the Vary header

Vary headers

The Vary header determines which request headers should be used to provide an appropriate response (whether the cached content is valid or if the content should be revalidated with the origin server).

Firebase Hosting automatically sets an appropriate Vary header on your response for common situations. Most of the time, you don't need to worry about the Vary header. However, in some advanced use cases, you might have other headers that you need to affect the cache. When that's the case, you can set the Vary header on your response. For example:

res.set('Vary', 'Accept-Encoding, X-My-Custom-Header');

In this case, the value of the Vary header is:

vary: X-My-Custom-Header, x-fh-requested-host, accept-encoding, cookie, authorization

With these settings, two otherwise identical requests with different X-My-Custom-Header headers are cached separately. Note that Hosting adds Cookie and Authorization to the Vary header by default when a request is made for dynamic content. This ensures that any session or cookie authorization header you use is made part of the cache key, which prevents accidental leaks of content.

Also note:

  • Only GET and HEAD requests can be cached. HTTPS requests using other methods are never cached.

  • Be careful when adding settings to the Vary header. The more settings that you add, the less likely it is that the CDN can serve cached content. Also remember that Vary is based on request headers, not response headers.

Using cookies

When using Firebase Hosting together with Cloud Functions or Cloud Run, cookies are generally stripped from incoming requests. This is necessary to allow for efficient CDN cache behavior . Only the specially-named __session cookie is permitted to pass through to the execution of your app.

When present, the __session cookie is automatically made a part of the cache key, meaning that it's impossible for two users with different cookies to receive the other's cached response. Only use the __session cookie if your app serves different content depending on user authorization.