Handle your extension's lifecycle events

Your extension can include Cloud Tasks functions that trigger when an extension instance goes through any of the following lifecycle events:

  • An instance of the extension is installed
  • An instance of the extension is updated to a new version
  • An extension instance's configuration is changed

One of the most important use cases of this feature is backfilling data . For example, suppose you're building an extension that generates thumbnail previews of images uploaded to a Cloud Storage bucket. The main work of your extension would be done in a function triggered by the onFinalize Cloud Storage event. However, only images uploaded after the extension is installed would be processed. By including in your extension a function triggered by the onInstall lifecycle event, you could also generate thumbnail previews of any existing images when the extension is installed.

Some other use cases of lifecycle event triggers include:

  • Automate post-install setup (creating database records, indexing, etc.)
  • If you have to publish backwards-incompatible changes, automatically migrate data on update

Short-running lifecycle event handlers

If your task can run completely within the maximum Cloud Functions duration (9 minutes using the first-generation API), you can write your lifecycle event handler as a single function that triggers on the task queue onDispatch event:

export const myTaskFunction = functions.tasks.taskQueue()
  .onDispatch(async () => {
    // Complete your lifecycle event handling task.
    // ...

    // When processing is complete, report status to the user (see below).

Then, in your extension's extension.yaml file, do the following:

  1. Register your function as an extension resource with the taskQueueTrigger property set. If you set taskQueueTrigger to the empty map ( {} ), your extension will provision a Cloud Tasks queue using the default settings; you can optionally tune these settings .

      - name: myTaskFunction
        type: firebaseextensions.v1beta.function
        description: >-
          Describe the task performed when the function is triggered by a lifecycle
          location: ${LOCATION}
          taskQueueTrigger: {}
  2. Register your function as a handler for one or more lifecycle events:

      - ...
        function: myTaskFunction
        processingMessage: Resizing your existing images
        function: myOtherTaskFunction
        processingMessage: Setting up your extension
        function: myOtherTaskFunction
        processingMessage: Setting up your extension

    You can register functions for any of the following events: onInstall , onUpdate , and onConfigure . All of these events are optional.

  3. Recommended : If the processing task isn't required for your extension to work, add a user-configured parameter that lets users choose whether to enable it.

    For example, add a parameter like the following:

      - param: DO_BACKFILL
        label: Backfill existing images
        description: >
          Should existing, unresized images in the Storage bucket be resized as well?
        type: select
          - label: Yes
            value: true
          - label: No
            value: false

    And in your function, if the parameter is set to false , exit early:

    export const myTaskFunction = functions.tasks.taskQueue()
      .onDispatch(async () => {
    if (!process.env.DO_BACKFILL) {
          await runtime.setProcessingState(
            "Existing images were not resized."
        // Complete your lifecycle event handling task.
        // ...

Performing long-running tasks

If your task can't complete within the maximum Cloud Functions duration, break the task into subtasks and perform each subtask in sequence by enqueueing jobs with the Admin SDK's TaskQueue.enqueue() method.

For example, suppose you want to backfill Cloud Firestore data. You can split the document collection into chunks using query cursors . After processing a chunk, advance the starting offset and enqueue another function invocation as shown below:

import { getFirestore } from "firebase-admin/firestore";
import { getFunctions } from "firebase-admin/functions";

exports.backfilldata = functions.tasks.taskQueue().onDispatch(async (data) => {
  // When a lifecycle event triggers this function, it doesn't pass any data,
  // so an undefined offset indicates we're on our first invocation and should
  // start at offset 0. On subsequent invocations, we'll pass an explicit
  // offset.
  const offset = data["offset"] ?? 0;

  // Get a batch of documents, beginning at the offset.
  const snapshot = await getFirestore()
  // Process each document in the batch.
  const processed = await Promise.allSettled(
    snapshot.docs.map(async (documentSnapshot) => {
      // Perform the processing.

  // If we processed a full batch, there are probably more documents to
  // process, so enqueue another invocation of this function, specifying
  // the offset to start with.
  // If we processed less than a full batch, we're done.
  if (processed.length == DOCS_PER_BACKFILL) {
    const queue = getFunctions().taskQueue(
    await queue.enqueue({
      offset: offset + DOCS_PER_BACKFILL,
  } else {
      // Processing is complete. Report status to the user (see below).

Add the function to your extension.yaml as described in the previous section .

Reporting status

When all of your processing functions finish, either successfully or with an error, report the status of the task using the Admin SDK's extension runtime methods. Users can see this status on the extension details page in the Firebase console.

Successful completion and non-fatal errors

To report successful completion and non-fatal errors (errors that don't put the extension into a nonfunctional state), use the Admin SDK's setProcessingState() extension runtime method:

import { getExtensions } from "firebase-admin/extensions";

// ...

getExtensions().runtime().setProcessingState(processingState, message);

You can set the following states:

Non-fatal states

Use to report successful task completion. Example:

  `Backfill complete. Successfully processed ${numSuccess} documents.`

Use to report partial success. Example:

  `Backfill complete. ${numSuccess} documents processed successfully.`
    + ` ${numFailed} documents failed to process. ${listOfErrors}.`
    + ` ${instructionsToFixTheProblem}`

Use to report errors that prevent the task from completing, but don't leave the extension unusable. Example:

  `Backfill failed. ${errorMsg} ${optionalInstructionsToFixTheProblem}.`

To report errors that do leave the extension unusable, call setFatalError() .


Use to clear the task's status. You can optionally use this to clear the status message from the console (for example, after some amount of time has passed since setting PROCESSING_COMPLETE ). Example:


Fatal errors

If an error occurs that prevents the extension from functioning—for example, a required setup task failing—report the fatal error with setFatalError() :

import { getExtensions } from "firebase-admin/extensions";

// ...

getExtensions().runtime().setFatalError(`Post-installation setup failed. ${errorMessage}`);

Tuning the task queue

If you set the taskQueueTrigger property to {} , your extension will provision a Cloud Tasks queue with the default settings when an extension instance is installed. Alternatively, you can tune the task queue's concurrency limits and retry behavior by providing specific values:

  - name: myTaskFunction
    type: firebaseextensions.v1beta.function
    description: >-
      Perform a task when triggered by a lifecycle event
      location: ${LOCATION}
          maxConcurrentDispatches: 1000
          maxDispatchesPerSecond: 500
          maxAttempts: 100  # Warning: setting this too low can prevent the function from running
          minBackoffSeconds: 0.1
          maxBackoffSeconds: 3600
          maxDoublings: 16

    function: myTaskFunction
    processingMessage: Resizing your existing images
    function: myTaskFunction
    processingMessage: Setting up your extension
    function: myOtherTaskFunction
    processingMessage: Setting up your extension

See Configure Cloud Tasks queues in the Google Cloud docs for details on these parameters.

Don't try to specify task queue parameters by passing them to taskQueue() . These settings are ignored in favor of the configuration in extension.yaml and the configuration defaults.

For example, this won't work:

export const myBrokenTaskFunction = functions.tasks
    retryConfig: {
      maxAttempts: 5,
      minBackoffSeconds: 60,
    rateLimits: {
      maxConcurrentDispatches: 1000,
      maxDispatchesPerSecond: 10,
    // ...

The taskQueueTrigger property in extension.yaml is the only way to configure an extension's task queues.


The official storage-resize-images , firestore-bigquery-export , and firestore-translate-text extensions all use lifecycle event handlers to backfill data.