Firebase Genkit Developer Tools

Firebase Genkit comes with two sets of developer tools:

  • A Node.js CLI
  • An optonal local web app that can connect to your Genkit configuration

Command Line Interface

Install the CLI with the following command:

npm install genkit

The CLI offers many useful commands to work with Genkit projects including:

  • genkit init : initialize a Genkit project
  • genkit flow:run flowName : run a flow
  • genkit eval:flow flowName : evaluate a flow

See all the available commands with:

npx genkit --help

Genkit Developer UI

The Genkit developer UI is a local web app that you can use to interact with the models, retrievers, flows and other actions in your Genkit project.

Download and start the developer UI with:

npx genkit start

The UI will load in your default browser:

Welcome to Genkit Developer UI

The Developer UI has action runners for flow , prompt , model , tool , retreiver , indexer , embedder and evaluator configured in your genkit.conf file.

Here's a quick gif tour with cats.

Gif overview of Genkit Developer UI


The Genkit CLI and Developer UI use cookies and similar technologies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze usage. Learn more .

To opt-out of analytics, you can run the following command:

genkit config set analyticsOptOut true

You can view the current setting by running:

genkit config get analyticsOptOut