Wikimedia Foundations integritetspolicy

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Policy:Privacy policy and the translation is 68% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Detta ar en sammanfattning av integritetspolicyn. For att lasa de fullstandiga villkoren, rulla ned eller klicka har .
Observera: Denna sammanfattning ar inte en del av den officiella integritetspolicyn och ar inte heller ett lagbindande dokument. Detta ar helt enkelt en lattlast referens for att forsta den fullstandiga integritetspolicyn. Se den som en anvandarvanlig version av den officiella integritetspolicyn.

Eftersom vi tror pa att du inte ska behova att uppge personlig information for att delta i rorelsen for fri kunskap, kan du:

Eftersom vi vill forsta hur Wikimedias webbplatser anvands sa att vi kan gora dem battre at dig samlar vi in lite information nar du:

Vi ar forpliktigade till att:

Var uppmarksam pa att:

  • Allt innehall du lagger till eller andrar pa en av Wikimedias webbplatser blir offentligt och permanent tillgangligt .
  • Om du lagger till innehaller eller gor en andring pa en av Wikimedias webbplatser utan att logga in kommer innehallet eller andringen vara offentligt och permanent arkiverat for allmanheten; ditt innehall eller din andring kommer tillskrivas till IP-adressen som vid tillfallet anvandes istallet for ett anvandarnamn.
  • Var gemenskap av frivilliga redigerare och bidragsgivare ar ett sjalvreglerande organ. Vissa gemenskapsutvalda administratorer anvander verktyg som ger dem begransad atkomst till inte-offentlig information om senaste bidragen sa de kan skydda Wikimedias webbplatser och verkstalla policyer.
  • Denna integritetspolicy omfattar inte alla webbplatser och tjanster som drivs av Wikimedia Foundation, som webbplatser eller tjanster som har en egen integritetspolicy (som Wikimedia Shop ) eller webbplatser eller tjanster som drivs av tredje parter (som utvecklarprojekt av tredje part pa Wikimedia Cloud Services ).
  • Som en del av vart engagemang i forsknings- och utbildningprojekt runt om i varlden slapper vi emellanat offentlig information och sammanstalld eller icke-personlig information till offentligheten i form av datadumpar och datauppsattningar.
  • For att skydda Wikimedia Foundation och andra anvandare far du inte anvanda Wikimedias webbplatser om du inte godkanner denna integritetspolicy.



Wikimediarorelsen ar grundad pa en enkel, men stark, princip: Vi kan gora mer tillsammans an vad vi kan gora var och en for sig. Vi kan inte arbeta tillsammans utan att samla in, dela och analysera information om vara anvandare medan vi soker nya satt att gora Wikimediasidorna mer anvandbara, sakra och nyttiga.

Vi tror att informationsinsamling och anvandande gar hand i hand med transparens. Denna Policy forklarar hur Wikimedia Foundation, den ideella organisation som driver Wikimediasidor, som Wikipedia, samlar in, anvander och delar information vi tar emot fran dig genom ditt anvandande av sidorna. Det ar av storsta vikt att forsta, att nar du anvander nagon av Wikimediasidorna, ger du ditt medgivande till insamling, overforing, forandring, lagring, och anvandande av den information som beskrivs i denna Policy. Detta betyder att en noggrann genomlasning av Policy ar viktigt.

Vi tycker inte att du ska behova uppge privat personlig information for att delta i kunskapsrorelsen. Du behover inte uppge sadant som ditt riktiga namn, adress eller fodelsedatum for att ha ett standardkonto eller for att bidra med material till Wikimedias webbplatser.

Vi varken saljer eller hyr ut din personliga information. Inte heller ger vi den till andra som forsoker salja dig nagot. Vi anvander bara informationen for att forsta hur vi kan gora Wikimedias webbplatser mer engagerande och tillgangliga, for att se vilka ideer som fungerar, och for att gora larande och medverkan roligare. Enkelt uttryckt: vi anvander den har informationen for att gora Wikimedias webbplatserna battre for dig som anvandare.

For i slutandan ar det folk som du, den fria kunskapens forsvarare, som gor det mojligt for Wikimediasidorna att inte bara existera, utan ocksa vaxa och bli starkare.


Eftersom alla (inte bara advokaterna) enkelt bor kunna forsta hur och varfor information om dem samlas in och anvands, anvander vi i hela denna Policy ett vardagligt sprak istallet for mer formella termer. For att hjalpa dig forsta vissa speciella termer ar har en oversattningstabell:

Nar vi sager... ... menar vi:
"Wikimedia Foundation" / "stiftelsen" / "vi" / "oss" / "var" Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., den ideella organisationen som driver Wikimedias webbplatser.
"Wikimedias webbplatser" / "vara tjanster" Wikimedia websites and services (regardless of language), including our main projects , such as Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, as well as mobile applications, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), emails, and notifications; excluding, however, sites and services listed in the "What This Privacy Policy Does Not Cover" section below.
"du" / "dina" / "mig" You, regardless of whether you are an individual, group, or organization, and regardless of whether you are using the Wikimedia Sites or our services on behalf of yourself or someone else.
"denna policy" / "denna integritetspolicy" Detta dokument som heter "Wikimedia Foundations integritetspolicy".
"bidrag" Innehall du lagger till eller andringar du gor pa en av Wikimedias webbplatser.
"personlig information" Information du tillhandahaller oss eller som vi samlar in fran dig i samband med din anvandning av Wikimedias webbplatser som kan anvandas for att personligen identifiera dig. For att vara tydlig, aven om vi nodvandigtvis inte samlar in alla foljande typer av information, anser vi atminstone att foljande personlig information kan vara det om den kan anvandas for att identifiera dig:
(a) namn, adress, telefonnummer, e-postadress, anvandarnamn, losenord, identitetsnummer pa dina statligt utfardade identitetshandlingar, IP-adresser, anvandaragentsinformation och ditt kreditkortsnummer; samt;
(b) i samband med en identifierbar person, dar all kanslig data sasom fodelsedatum, kon, sexuell laggning, etniskt ursprung eller ras, civilstand, genetiska och biometriska data, medicinska tillstand eller handikapp, politisk tillhorighet och religion.
"tredje part" / "tredje parter" Individuals, entities, websites, services, products, and applications that are not controlled, managed, or operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. This includes other Wikimedia users and independent organizations or groups who help promote the Wikimedia movement such as Wikimedia chapters , thematic organizations , and user groups as well as volunteers, employees, directors, officers, grant recipients , and contractors of those organizations or groups.

Vad denna integritetspolicy tacker och inte tacker

Bortsett fran de undantag som forklaras nedan galler denna integritetspolicy vart insamlande och hantering av informationen som vi far om dig nar du anvander Wikimediasidorna. Denna policy omfattar ocksa information vi far fran vara samarbetspartners eller nagon annan tredjepart. For att forsta mer av vad den har policyn tacker kan du se exempel nedan.

Exempel pa vad denna integritetspolicy tacker

For enkelhetens skull tacker denna integritetspolicy, oavsett sprak:

  • Alla vara huvudsidor (se dom har: lista over storre projekt ), som Wikipedia, samt anvandarsidor, diskussionssidor och anslagstavlor.
  • Vara bloggar och APIn (om vi inte har en separat policy for de sidorna).
  • Wikimedia Foundations officiella mobilapplikationer.
  • E-post, SMS och meddelanden fran oss eller som skickats till oss fran dig.

Denna integritetspolicy tacker dock inte vissa situation dar vi kan samla in eller behandla information. Till exempel kan vissa anvandare tackas av separata integritetspolicys (som i Wikimedia Shop ) eller webbplatser eller tjanster som drivs av (som utvecklarprojekt fran tredje part som Wikimedia Cloud Services .) For att forsta mer om vad denna integritetspolicy inte tacker, se nedan.

Mer om vad denna integritetspolicy inte tacker

Detta avsnitt ar en del av integritetspolicyn och avser att forklara i detalj vilka situationer som var integritetspolicy inte tacker.

Wikimedias webbplatser och verktyg med alternativa policyer
En del av Wikimedia Foundations webbplatser verktyg har or tools have alternativa integritetspolicys eller avsattningar som skiljer sig fran denna integritetspolicy. Dessa webbplatser inkluderar:
If a Wikimedia Foundation website is governed by an alternative privacy policy, it will link to such policy. When a Wikimedia Foundation tool is governed by an alternative privacy policy, the page where the tool may be downloaded or enabled will include a link to that policy.
Gemenskapens medlemmar
The Wikimedia Sites are collaborative labors of love that are constantly maintained and updated by a global community of volunteers. This global community of volunteers may sometimes have access to personal Information in order to ensure the functioning of the Wikimedia Sites.
  • Administrative volunteers , such as CheckUsers or Stewards . These are volunteers who enforce Wikimedia Site policies and ensure the safety of the Wikimedia Sites. When these administrators access Personal Information that is nonpublic, they are required to comply with our Access to nonpublic personal data policy , as well as other, tool-specific policies.
  • Tool providers . We support platforms for third-party developers to experiment and develop new tools and sites, such as . When you use one of the tools developed by these volunteers, you may transfer information to them. When these volunteers access nonpublic information or Personal Information, they are required to comply with the terms governing the particular platform the tool is available on.
  • Andra anvandare . Vi anvander flera verktyg som later anvandare kommunicera med varandra. Kommunikation kan tackas av denna policy medan de hanteras via vara system, men anvandarna som tar emot denna kommuniation och vad de gor med den nar de tar emot den tacks inte av denna policy. Nagra exempel:
    • gora inlagg pa sandlistor som drivs av Foundation;
    • fraga efter support fran volontarer via var onlinebugghanteringssystem (e-post som skickads till info[snabel-a] hamnar i detta system);
    • skicka e-post till andra anvandare via Wikimedias webbplatser (till exempel med funktionen "E-posta denna anvandare"); och
    • chatta pa IRC (som pa kanalen #wikipedia).
Tredje parter
This Privacy Policy only covers the way the Wikimedia Foundation collects, uses and discloses Personal Information and does not address the practices of third parties. For example, this Privacy Policy does not address the practices of:
  • Websites run by other organizations , like websites linked to from the "References" sections of Wikipedia, or run by Wikimedia chapters or other movement organizations . These organizations may receive information from you if you visit their websites after using one of the Wikimedia Sites. They are governed by their own privacy policies.
  • Mobile applications provided by other organizations or individuals . These organizations or individuals may receive information from you if you use those applications to access the Wikimedia Sites or Wikimedia Site content. They are governed by their own privacy policies.

Sometimes, volunteers may place a data-collecting tool, such as a script, gadget, tracking pixel, or share button, on a Wikimedia Site without our knowledge. This Policy does not cover how third parties handle the information they receive as a result of such a tool. If you come across such a third-party tool, and you believe it violates this Policy, you can remove the tool yourself, or report it to privacy[at] so we can investigate.

Where community policies govern information, such as the CheckUser policy , the relevant community may add to the rules and obligations set out in this Policy. However, they are not permitted to create new exceptions or otherwise reduce the protections offered by this Policy.

Insamling och anvandning av information

Typer av information vi far fran dig och hur vi far den

Din offentliga bidrag

When you make a contribution to any Wikimedia Site, including on user or discussion pages, you are creating a permanent, public record of every piece of content added, removed, or altered by you. The page history will show when your contribution or deletion was made, as well as your username (if you are signed in) or your IP address (if you are not signed in). We may use your public contributions, either aggregated with the public contributions of others or individually, to create new features or data-related products for you or to learn more about how the Wikimedia Sites are used, as further explained below in the "How We Use Information We Receive From You" section of this Privacy Policy.

Offentlig synlig information

Unless this Policy says otherwise, you should assume that information that you actively contribute to the Wikimedia Sites, including Personal Information, is publicly visible and can be found by search engines. Like most things on the Internet, anything you share may be copied and redistributed throughout the Internet by other people. Please do not contribute any information that you are uncomfortable making permanently public, like revealing your real name or location in your contributions.

Du maste observera att specifik data som du lamnar, antingen sjalvmant eller via aggregerad data som gors offentlig av oss, kan analyseras av vem som helst for att ta reda pa ytterligare information, t.ex. vilket land en anvandare kommer ifran, politiska preferenser eller kon.

Kontoinformation och registrering

Vill du skapa ett konto? Toppen! Vill du inte skapa ett konto? Inga problem!

Du behover inte skapa ett konto for att lasa eller bidra till en Wikimedia-sida, forutom under vissa forhallanden . Hursomhelst, om du bidrar utan att logga in kommer ditt bidrag att offentligen tillskrivas den IP-adress som ar kopplad till din enhet.

Om du vill skapa ett standardkonto , kravs det for det mesta endast ett anvandarnamn och losenord. Om du daremot inte har angett en e-postadress kan vi tyvarr inte hjalpa dig aterstalla ditt losenord.

Mer om anvandarnamn

Ditt anvandarnamn kommer att visas offentligt, sa var forsiktig om du skildrar ditt riktiga namn eller annan personlig information i ditt anvandarnamn. Ditt losenord anvands bara for att bekrafta att kontot ar ditt. Din IP-adress skickas ocksa automatiskt till oss, som vi sparar temporart. Detta ar for att skydda Wikimedias anvandare och projektinnehall. I handelse av missbruk kan IP-adresser kopplas till anvandarnamn som en del av en utredning. Inga andra personuppgifter kravs: inget namn, ingen e-postadress, inget fodelsedagsdatum och ingen kreditkortsinformation.

Nar de val har skapats, kan inte anvandarkonton helt tas bort (fast du kan dolja informationen i din anvandarsida). Detta beror pa att dina offentliga bidrag forblir associerade med dess forfattare (du!). I vissa fall kan Wikimedia gemenskaper hjalpa anvandare att ta bort ytterligare information som ar relaterad till deras konto fran projekten.

To gain a better understanding of the demographics of our users, to localize our services and to learn how we can improve our services, we may ask you for more demographic information, such as gender or age, about yourself. We will tell you if such information is intended to be public or private, so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to provide us with that information. Providing such information is always completely optional. If you do not want to, you do not have to?it is as simple as that.


GPS och andra lokaliseringstekniker

Om du samtycker kan vi anvanda GPS (och andra tekniker som vanligen anvands for platspositionering) for att visa mer relevant innehall. Vi later information ifran teknologier vara konfidentiella, bortsett fran det som anges i denna policy. Du kan lasa mer via listan over exempel pa hur vi anvander dessa teknologier i vara vanliga fragor .


Sometimes, we automatically receive location data from your device. For example, if you want to upload a photo on the Wikimedia Commons mobile app, we may receive metadata , such as the place and time you took the photo, automatically from your device. Please be aware that, unlike location information collected using GPS signals described above, the default setting on your mobile device typically includes the metadata in your photo or video upload to the Wikimedia Sites. If you do not want metadata sent to us and made public at the time of your upload, please change your settings on your device.


Slutligen, nar du besoker en av Wikimedias webbplatser tar vi emot enhetens (eller din proxyservers ) IP-adress som du anvander for att komma ut pa internet, som kan anvandas for att ta reda pa din geografiska plats .

Information relaterad till din anvandning av Wikimedias webbplatser

We want to make the Wikimedia Sites better for you by learning more about how you use them. Examples of this might include how often you visit the Wikimedia Sites, what you like, what you find helpful, how you get to the Wikimedia Sites, and whether you would use a helpful feature more if we explained it differently. We also want this Policy and our practices to reflect our community's values. For this reason, we keep information related to your use of the Wikimedia Sites confidential, except as provided in this Policy.

Information vi far automatiskt

Because of how browsers work, we receive some information automatically when you visit the Wikimedia Sites. This includes when you use an online tool on a third-party site that loads information coming from the Wikimedia Sites. This information includes the type of device you are using (possibly including unique device identification numbers, for some beta versions of our mobile applications), the type and version of your browser , your browser's language preference, the type and version of your device's operating system , in some cases the name of your internet service provider or mobile carrier, the website that referred you to the Wikimedia Sites, which pages you request and visit, and the date and time of each request you make to the Wikimedia Sites.

Put simply, we use this information to enhance your experience with Wikimedia Sites. For example, we use this information to administer the sites, provide greater security, and fight vandalism; optimize mobile applications, customize content and set language preferences, test features to see what works, and improve performance; understand how users interact with the Wikimedia Sites, track and study use of various features, gain understanding about the demographics of the different Wikimedia Sites, and analyze trends.

Information vi samlar in

We actively collect some types of information with a variety of commonly-used technologies. These generally include tracking pixels , JavaScript , and a variety of "locally stored data" technologies, such as cookies and local storage . These types of technologies may also be used in online tools on a third-party site that loads information from the Wikimedia Sites. We realize that some of these technologies do not have the best reputation in town and can be used for less-than-noble purposes. So we want to be as clear as we can about why we use these methods and the type of information we collect with them.

Depending on which technology we use, locally stored data may include text, Personal Information (like your IP address ), and information about your use of the Wikimedia Sites (like your username or the time of your visit). See below for more information.

We use this information to make your experience with the Wikimedia Sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and their interaction with the Wikimedia Sites, and to generally improve our services. We will never use third-party cookies, unless we get your permission to do so. If you ever come across a third-party data collection tool that has not been authorized by you (such as one that may have been mistakenly placed by another user or administrator), please report it to us at .

Mer om lokalt lagrad data

Lokal lagrad data, JavaScript och "tracking pixels" hjalper oss att gora saker som att:

  • Ge dig en anpassningsbar upplevelse, som att anvanda kakor for att veta dina sprakinstallningar, for att komma ihag de anvandarinstallningar du andrar sa att vi kan ge dig det anpassade utseende och den kansla som du vill ha, och for att beratta om intressanta Wikimedia-arende och evenemang i ditt omrade.
  • Leverera mer relevant innehall till dig snabbare. Till exempel anvander vi lokal lagring for att lagra dina senast lasta artiklar direkt pa din enhet, sa att de snabbt kan hamtas. Vi anvander ocksa kakor for att lara oss om de amnen som soks efter sa att vi kan optimera sokresultaten som vi levererar till dig.
  • Forsta hur du anvander Wikimedias webbplatser, sa att vi vet vad som fungerar och vad som ar anvandbart. Till exempel kan vi anvanda kakor for att lara oss mer om listan over artiklar du foljer pa din bevakningslista sa att vi kan rekommendera liknande artiklar som du kan vara intresserad av.
  • Forsta hur du anvander Wikimedias webbplatser pa olika enheter, sa att vi kan gora vara olika webbplatser effektivare for dig.
  • Gora Wikimedias webbplatser bekvamare att anvanda, till exempel genom att anvanda kakor for att behalla din session nar du loggar in eller komma ihag ditt anvandarnamn i inloggningsfaltet.

Vill du veta annu mer? Du kan lasa mer om nagra specifika kakor vi anvander, nar de utgar och vad vi anvander dem till i vara fragor och svar .

We believe this data collection helps improve your user experience, but you may remove or disable some or all locally stored data through your browser settings, depending on your browser. You can learn more about some options you have in our FAQ . While locally stored data may not be necessary to use our sites, some features will not function properly if you disable locally stored data.

While the examples above concerning information about you collected through the use of data collection tools are kept confidential in accordance with this Policy, please note that some information about the actions taken by your username is made publicly available through public logs alongside actions taken by other users. For example, a public log may include the date your account was created on a Wikimedia Site along with the dates that other accounts were created on a Wikimedia Site.

Hur vi anvander informationen vi far ifran dig


Vi och vara tjansteleverantorer anvander din information i legitimt syfte att fullfolja vart valgorenhetsuppdrag, som inkluderar:

Driva Wikimedias webbplatser, dela dina bidrag och administrera vara tjanster.
  • Att hjalpa dig att dela din kunskap med varlden och lagga till nya funktioner i vara tjanster.
  • Att ordna atkomst till ditt konto och ge dig relaterade tjanster.
  • Att skicka administrativ information till dig, sasom andringar av vara policyer.
  • Att lata dig skicka meddelanden till en annan person om du valjer att gora det. Direkt kommunikation mellan anvandare (sasom meddelanden som skickas via funktionen "Skicka e-post till den har anvandaren"), i den man sadan kommunikation ar icke-offentlig och lagras i eller pa vag genom Wikimedia Foundations system, halls konfidentiell av oss, forutom vad som anges i denna policy.

Vi gor detta for att hantera var relation med dig, eftersom vo har ett legitimt intresse och/eller for att folja vara juridiska skyldigheter.

Tillhandahalla anpassade tjanster.
  • Att ge dig anpassat innehall, aviseringar och installningar samt att forbattra din upplevelse med Wikimedias webbplatser.

Vi kommer att anpassa tjansterna, i vissa fall, med ditt samtycke; eller i enlighet med vart berattigade intresse.

Skicka e-postmeddelanden med nyhetsuppdateringar och amnen vi tror kan vara intressanta for dig.
  • Att informera dig om saker som hander med Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedias webbplatser eller Wikimedia-rorelsen.
  • Att meddela dig nar en artikel som du valt att folja har andrats.

Vi kommer att skicka dessa typer av e-postmeddelanden till dig endast med ditt samtycke, utom om annat tillats enligt tillamplig lag. Vi varken saljer, hyr ut eller anvander din e-postadress for att marknadsfora produkter eller tjanster fran tredje part till dig. Du kan hantera vilka typer av aviseringar du far och hur ofta du far dem genom att ga till dina aviseringsinstallningar och anvandarprofil. Du kan lasa mer om e-post och aviseringar och hur du andrar dina installningar i vara fragor och svar .

Skicka valfria enkater och begara aterkoppling.

Vi kommer alltid att beratta for dig, nar vi ger dig en mojlighet att dela dina tankar, hur vi planerar att anvanda dina svar och all personlig information du tillhandahaller.

Dina svar pa vara undersokningar och fragor om aterkoppling ar alltid valfria. Vi kommer att e-posta dessa typer av forfragningar till dig endast med ditt samtycke, forutom om annat tillats enligt tillamplig lag. Du kan hantera vilka typer av aviseringar du far och hur ofta du far dem genom att ga till dina aviseringsinstallningar och anvandarprofil. Du kan lasa mer om e-post och aviseringar och hur du andrar dina installningar i vara fragor och svar .

Forbattra Wikimedias webbplatser och gora din anvandarupplevelse sakrare och battre.
  • Att anvanda dina offentliga bidrag, antingen sammanslagna med andras offentliga bidrag eller individuellt, for att skapa nya funktioner eller datarelaterade produkter at dig eller for att lara dig mer om hur Wikimedias webbplatser anvands.
  • Att bekampa spam, identitetsstolder, skadlig programvara och annan sorts missbruk.
  • Att optimera mobilversioner och andra applikationer.
  • Att testa funktioner och se vad som fungerar, forsta hur anvandare interagerar med Wikimedias webbplatser, spara och studera hur olika funktioner fungerar, skaffa forstaelse om demografin hos Wikimedias olika webbplatser och analysera trender.

Vi gor detta for att hantera var relation med dig, eftersom vi har ett legitimt intresse och/eller for att folja vara juridiska skyldigheter.



GPS och andra lokaliseringstekniker

As stated above, we can use commonly-used location technologies to show you more relevant content. For example, our mobile apps can identify articles from the Wikimedia sites about points of interest near your location. As a reminder, you can consent to and/or deactivate our access to these location technologies at any time for example through the native OS functionalities on your mobile device, and still use the Wikimedia Sites.


As stated above, we may automatically receive location data from your device. For example, if you upload a photo using the Wikimedia Commons mobile app, please be aware that the default setting on your mobile device typically results in the metadata associated with your photo being included in the upload. As a reminder, if you do not want metadata sent to us and made public at the time of your upload, please change your settings on your device.


When you visit any Wikimedia Site, we automatically receive the IP address of the device (or your proxy server) you are using to access the Internet, which could be used to infer your geographical location. We keep IP addresses confidential, except as provided in this Policy. If you are visiting Wikimedia Sites with your mobile device, we may use your IP address to provide anonymized or aggregated information to service providers regarding the volume of usage in certain areas.

We use this location information to make your experience with the Wikimedia Sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and their interaction with the Wikimedia Sites, and to generally improve our services. For example, we use this information to provide greater security, optimize mobile applications, and learn how to expand and better support Wikimedia communities. We also use Personal Information in the manner described in the sections of this Policy titled "For Legal Reasons" and "To Protect You, Ourselves & Others."


Nar kan vi dela din information?

Med din tillatelse

Vi delar din personliga information for sarskilda andamal, forutsatt att du godkanner detta. Till exempel, om du far ett stipendium och vi ber om tillatelse att dela din personliga information med en lokalavdelning. Du hittar mer information i listan over exempel i vara fragor och svar .

Av juridiska skal

We will access, use, preserve, and/or disclose your Personal Information if we reasonably believe it necessary to satisfy a valid and legally enforceable warrant, subpoena, court order, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. However, if we believe that a particular request for disclosure of a user's information is legally invalid or an abuse of the legal system and the affected user does not intend to oppose the disclosure themselves, we will try our best to fight it. We are committed to notifying you via email at least ten (10) calendar days, when possible, before we disclose your Personal Information in response to a legal demand. However, we may only provide notice if we are not legally restrained from contacting you, there is no credible threat to life or limb that is created or increased by disclosing the request, and you have provided us with an email address.

Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to limit any legal objections or defenses you may have to a third-party's request (whether it be civil, criminal, or governmental) to disclose your Personal Information. We recommend seeking the advice of legal counsel immediately if such a request is made involving you.

For mer information, se vara fragor och svar .

Om organisationen forflyttas (riktigt osannolikt!)

In the extremely unlikely event that ownership of all or substantially all of the Foundation changes, or we go through a reorganization (such as a merger, consolidation, or acquisition), consistent with our legitimate interest, we will continue to keep your Personal Information confidential, except as provided in this Policy, and provide notice to you via the Wikimedia Sites and a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L or similar mailing list at least thirty (30) calendar days before any Personal Information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

For att skydda dig, oss och andra

We, or particular users with certain administrative rights as described below, need to use and share your Personal Information if it is reasonably believed to be necessary to enforce or investigate potential violations of our Terms of Use , this Privacy Policy, or any Wikimedia Foundation or user community-based policies. We may also need to access and share Personal Information to investigate and defend ourselves against legal threats or actions.

Wikimedia Sites are collaborative, with users writing most of the policies and selecting from amongst themselves people to hold certain administrative rights. These rights may include access to limited amounts of otherwise nonpublic information about recent contributions and activity by other users. They use this access to help protect against vandalism and abuse, fight harassment of other users, and generally try to minimize disruptive behavior on the Wikimedia Sites. These various user-selected administrative groups have their own privacy and confidentiality guidelines, but all such groups are supposed to agree to follow our Access to nonpublic personal data policy . These user-selected administrative groups are accountable to other users through checks and balances: users are selected through a community-driven process and overseen by their peers through a logged history of their actions. However, the legal names of these users are not known to the Wikimedia Foundation.

We hope that this never comes up, but we may disclose your Personal Information if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm or death to a person, or to protect our organization, employees, contractors, users, or the public. We may also disclose your Personal Information if we reasonably believe it necessary to detect, prevent, or otherwise assess and address potential spam, malware, fraud, abuse, unlawful activity, and security or technical concerns. (Check out the list of examples in our FAQ for more information.)

Till vara tjansteleverantorer

We use third-party service providers or contractors to help run or improve the Wikimedia Sites for you and other users. We give access to your Personal Information to these providers or contractors as needed to perform their services for us or to use their tools and services. We put requirements, such as confidentiality agreements, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your Personal Information consistently with, and no less protective of your privacy than, the principles of this Policy. For further information, please see our FAQ .

If you are visiting Wikimedia Sites with your mobile device, we use your IP address to provide anonymized or aggregated information to service providers regarding the volume of usage in certain areas.

Some of our service providers ask us to post links to their privacy policies; a list of these service providers and links to their policies can be found on this page .

For att forsta och experimentera

The open-source software that powers the Wikimedia Sites depends on the contributions of volunteer software developers, who spend time writing and testing code to help it improve and evolve with our users' needs. To facilitate their work, we give some developers limited access to systems that contain your Personal Information, but only as reasonably necessary for them to develop and contribute to the Wikimedia Sites.

Similarly, we share non-Personal Information or aggregated information with researchers, scholars, academics, and other interested third parties who wish to study the Wikimedia Sites. Sharing this Personal Information helps them understand usage, viewing, and demographics statistics and patterns. They then can share their findings with us and our users so that we can all better understand and improve the Wikimedia Sites.

When we give access to Personal Information to third-party developers or researchers, we put requirements, such as reasonable technical and contractual protections, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your Personal Information consistently with the principles of this Policy and in accordance with our instructions. If these developers or researchers later publish their work or findings, we ask that they not disclose your Personal Information. Please note that, despite the obligations we impose on developers and researchers, we cannot guarantee that they will abide by our agreement, nor do we guarantee that we will regularly screen or audit their projects. (You can learn more about re-identification in our FAQ .)

Eftersom du gjorde den offentlig

Any information you post publicly on the Wikimedia Sites is just that ? public. For example, if you put your mailing address on your talk page, that is public, and not specifically protected by this Policy. And if you edit without registering or logging into your account, your IP address will be seen publicly. Please think carefully about your desired level of privacy before you disclose Personal Information on your user page or elsewhere.


Hur skyddar vi din personliga information?

Vi stravar efter att skydda din personliga information fran obehorig atkomst, anvandning eller utlamning. Vi anvander en mangd olika fysiska och tekniska atgarder, policys och procedurer (som procedurer for atkomstkontroll, natverksbrandvaggar och fysisk sakerhet) for att skydda vara system och din personliga information. Tyvarr kan man inte uppna fullstandigt saker overforing eller lagring av data, sa vi kan inte garantera att sakerhetsavbrott inte forekommer (via tekniska atgarder eller brott mot vara policys och procedurer).

We will never ask for your password by email (but may send you a temporary password via email if you have requested a password reset). If you ever receive an email that requests your password, please let us know by sending it to, so we can investigate the source of the email .

Hur lange behaller vi din data?

Nar vi har mottagit personlig information fran dig kommer vi behalla den under kortast mojliga tid for underhall, forstaelse och forbattring av Wikimedias webbplatser samt for vara skyldigheter enligt tillampbar amerikansk lag. I de flesta fall raderas, sammanstalls eller avidentifieras personlig information efter 90 dagar. Icke-personlig information kan lagras pa obestamd tid. (Se listan over exempel i vara fragor och svar .)

Kom ihag att nar du gor ett bidrag pa en Wikimedia-webbplats kommer sidhistoriken visa nar ditt bidrag gjordes, ditt anvandarnamn (om du ar inloggad) eller din IP-adress (om du redigerar som oinloggad). Projektens genomskinlighet av dess bidrag och versionshistorik ar viktiga for deras effektivitet och trovardighet. For mer information om var praxis for datalagring, se vara riktlinjer for datalagring .

Your rights

For information about how you may request removal of your Personal Information, or other rights you may have with respect to your Personal Information, see our FAQ . If you would like to request to access, update or restrict/object to the processing of Personal Information, or receive a copy of your Personal Information for purposes of transmitting it to another organization, you may Contact Us . We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law.

Please note also that you may be able to exercise some of these rights without our intervention. For example, if you are a registered user, you can access and update some Personal Information in your Preferences, as well as download your user account data. You may also manage what kinds of notifications you receive and how often you receive them by going to your Notifications Preferences.

Viktig information

For att skydda Wikimedia Foundation och andra anvandare far du inte anvanda Wikimedias webbplatser om du inte godkanner denna integritetspolicy.

Var finns stiftelsen och vad betyder det for mig?

The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California, with servers and data centers located in the U.S. If you decide to use Wikimedia Sites, whether from inside or outside of the U.S., you understand that your Personal Information will be collected, transferred, stored, processed, disclosed and otherwise used in the U.S. as described in this Privacy Policy. You also understand that your information may be transferred by us from the U.S. to other countries, which may have different or less stringent data protection laws than your country, in connection with providing services to you.

Our Response to Do Not Track (DNT) signals

We are strongly committed to protecting users' Personal Information. Under this Policy, we may share your information only under particular situations, which you can learn more about in the "When May We Share Your Information" section of this Privacy Policy. In particular, we do not share your Personal Information for marketing purposes.

Because we protect all users in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we do not change our behavior in response to a web browser's "do not track" signal.

For more information regarding Do Not Track signals and how we handle them, please visit our FAQ .

Andringar i denna integritetspolicy

Because things naturally change over time and we want to ensure our Privacy Policy accurately reflects our practices and the law, it may be necessary to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We reserve the right to do so in the following manner:

  • In the event of substantial changes, we will provide the proposed changes to our users in at least three (3) languages (selected at our discretion) for an open comment period lasting at least thirty (30) calendar days. Prior to the start of any comment period, we will provide notice of such changes and the opportunity to comment via the Wikimedia Sites, and via a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L or a similar mailing list.
  • For minor changes, such as grammatical fixes, administrative or legal changes, or corrections of inaccurate statements, we will post the changes and, when possible, provide at least three (3) calendar days' prior notice via WikimediaAnnounce-L or similar mailing list.

We ask that you please review the most up-to-date version of our Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Wikimedia Sites after any effective date of a subsequent version of this Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy on your part.

Kontakta oss

Om du har fragor eller forslag om denna integritetspolicy, eller den information som samlas in under denna integritetspolicy, kontakta oss garna pa eller kontakta oss direkt. Om du befinner dig i Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsomradet och har fragor om dina personuppgifter eller vill begara att fa tillgang till, uppdatera eller radera dem, kan du kontakta var representant via e-post pa eller via post pa:

Bird & Bird GDPR Representative Ireland
29 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 AY28
Main point of contact: Vincent Rezzouk-Hammachi

If you are an individual located in the United Kingdom, and have questions about your personal data or would like to request to access, update, or delete it, you may contact our representative via email at, or via mail at:

Bird & Bird GDPR Representative Services UK
12 New Fetter Lane
United Kingdom
Main point of contact: Vincent Rezzouk-Hammachi

Our European Economic Area and United Kingdom Representative can only be contacted for queries in relation to data protection.

Depending on your jurisdiction, you also may have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority competent for your country or region.


Tack for att du har last var integritetspolicy. Vi hoppas att du gillar att anvanda Wikimedias webbplatser och uppskattar ditt deltagande i att skapa, underhalla och konstant arbeta for att forbattra varldens storsta databas med fri kunskap.

Observera att i handelse av eventuella skillnader i innebord eller tolkning mellan den engelska originalversionen av denna integritetspolicy och en oversattning, tar den ursprungliga engelska versionen foretrade.

Denna version godkandes av Amanda Keton den 7 juni 2021, i enlighet med delegeringen for beslutande befogenheter av styrelsen, och tradde i kraft den 25 juni 2021. Tidigare versioner finns nedan:

Integritetsrelaterade sidor