
Google Play Pass | Google Play Console

Grow with Google Play Pass

Google Play Pass is a subscription service offering access to hundreds of apps and games, completely free of ads and in-app purchases. Play Pass provides a high-quality, curated collection of titles ? with new content added regularly.

Get discovered through Play Pass

Reach a new audience for your app no matter your category ? from action and indie games, to education and utility apps.

  • Attract new users who may not have discovered your app on their own

  • Earn recurring revenue from Play Pass users who engage with your app

  • Highlight your app in a curated section of the Play Store with new featuring opportunities

  • Indicate your app quality to Play Pass users with the Play Pass badge

Effortlessly integrate

A single app supports distribution in the Google Play Store and through Play Pass, so you can take advantage of both opportunities without spending a lot of extra time on development. All you need to do is integrate a few Google Play APIs to enable a seamless experience for Play Pass subscribers:

  • Paid apps are free for Play Pass subscribers to enjoy. Developers integrate with the Google Play licensing service to limit access only to paying users.

  • In-app ads are automatically removed for Play Pass subscribers, and continue to surface for the general Play audience. Developers integrate by defining an in-app product that removes advertising when unlocked.

  • In-app products and subscriptions are unlocked for Play Pass members. No integration is required aside from detecting new or removed purchases when the app resumes, using the Google Play Billing API.

Frequently asked questions

Continue learning

Google Play Points

Discover the program that rewards users for engaging with the Play ecosystem.

User choice billing

Allows participating developers to offer an alternative billing option next to Google Play's billing system.

Indie games

Create games and grow on Google Play with tools designed specifically for indie game developers.

- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 교육부 고전문헌국역지원사업의 지원으로 구축되었습니다.
- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
- 현재 고유명사(인명, 지명등)을 비롯한 여러 변환오류가 있으며 이를 해결하고자 많은 연구 개발을 진행하고자 하고 있습니다. 이를 인지하시고 다른 곳에서 인용시 한자 변환 결과를 한번 더 검토하시고 사용해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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