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General location o Yugoslavie. First established wi the Treaty o Rapallo , the oreeginal wastren border left a population o hauf a million Sooth Slavs [1] in Italy .

Yugoslavie ( Serbo-Croatian , Macedonie , Slovene : Jugoslavija , ?угослави?а), ance spelled an cried "Jugoslavia", wis a kintra in Sootheast Europe during maist o the 20t century.

References [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

  1. Hehn, Paul N. (2005) A Low Dishonest Decade: Italy, the Powers and Eastern Europe, 1918?1939. , Chapter 2, Mussolini, Prisoner of the Mediterranean

Coordinates : 44°49′14″N 20°27′44″E  /  44.82056°N 20.46222°E  / 44.82056; 20.46222