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第2次 인티파다 - 위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典 本文으로 移動

第2次 인티파다

위키百科, 우리 모두의 百科事典.

第2次 인티파다 (아랍語: ????????? ??????? Al-Intif??at a?-??niyya; 히브리어: ?????????? ?????? Ha-Intif??ah ha-Shniya)는 이스라엘의 占領地 에 對抗한 팔레스타인人 의 大規模 蜂起였다. 2000年에서 2005年 사이에 팔레스타인 領土 와 이스라엘에서 暴力이 高調된 期間이 特徵인 이스라엘 占領에 反對하는 示威이다. 不安의 一般的인 原因은 2000年 캠프 데이비드 頂上會談의 失敗에 集中된 것으로 推測된다. 2000年 7月 이스라엘-팔레스타인 平和 過程에 對한 最終 合意가 이루어졌다. 2000年 9月 이스라엘 政治人 아리엘 샤론이 예루살렘 都市의 性電算 꼭대기에 位置한 알아크사 團地를 挑發的으로 訪問한 以後 暴力 事件이 急增하기 始作했다. 訪問 自體는 평화로웠지만 豫想대로 이스라엘 警察이 고무彈과 催淚彈으로 鎭壓하는 示威와 暴動을 觸發시켰다.

民間人과 戰鬪員 사이에서 많은 死傷者가 發生했다. 이스라엘 保安軍은 銃擊戰, 標的 殺害, 탱크 攻擊 및 空襲에 參與했다. 팔레스타인人들은 銃擊戰, 自殺 爆彈 테러, 돌 던지기, 로켓 攻擊 等을 恣行했다. [1] [2] 팔레스타인 加害者들이 恣行한 自殺 爆彈 테러는 2次 인티파다의 가장 두드러진 特徵 中 하나가 되었으며 主로 이스라엘 民間人을 標的으로 삼았다. 이는 1987年부터 1993年 사이에 發生한 第1次 인티파다 의 相對的으로 덜 暴力的인 性格과 對照된다. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 戰鬪員과 民間人의 境遇, 이番 暴力事態로 인해 팔레스타인人 約 3,000名, 이스라엘人 1,000名, 外國人 64名이 死亡한 것으로 推算된다. [8]

많은 사람들은 2005年 샤름 엘 셰이크 頂上會談이 蜂起를 종식시켰다고 생각한다. 마흐무드 압바스 팔레스타인 大統領과 아리엘 샤론 이스라엘 總理는 兩側 間의 敵對 關係를 緩和하기 위한 決定的인 措置를 取하기로 合意했다. 모든 팔레스타인 武裝 勢力이 모든 것을 막을 것이다. 모든 곳의 모든 이스라엘人에 對한 暴力 行爲, 그리고 이스라엘도 마찬가지로 모든 곳의 모든 팔레스타인人에 對한 모든 軍事 活動을 中斷할 것이다. 그들은 또한 2003年 中東四重奏가 提案한 "平和를 위한 로드맵"에 對한 意志를 再確認했다. 또한 샤론은 當時 이스라엘이 抑留하고 있던 팔레스타인 政治犯 7,500名 中 900名을 釋放하기로 合意했다. 軍隊는 蜂起 동안 팔레스타인 武裝勢力과 싸우면서 다시 占領했던 西安 地區 地域에서 撤收할 것이다.

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  1. Cohen, Samy (2010). 〈Botched Engagement in the Intifada〉. 《Israel's Asymmetric Wars》. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US. 73?91쪽. doi : 10.1057/9780230112971_6 . ISBN   978-1-349-28896-0 .   "The al-Aqsa Intifada ushered in an era with a new brand of violence.1 It began with a popular uprising following Ariel Sharon's visit to Temple Mount on September 28, 2000. But unlike the first Intifada, which was basically a civil uprising against the symbols of an occupation that has lasted since June 1967, the second Intifada very quickly lapsed into an armed struggle between Palestinian activists and the Israeli armed forces. Almost from the very start, armed men took to hiding among crowds of Palestinians, using them as cover to shoot from. The IDF retaliated forcefully, each time causing several casualties."
  2. Kober, Avi (2007). “Targeted Killing during the Second Intifada:: The Quest for Effectiveness” . 《Journal of Conflict Studies》 (英語) 27 (1): 94?114. ISSN   1198-8614 . 2022年 4月 5日에 原本 文書 에서 保存된 文書 . 2022年 4月 5日에 確認함 . Based on the assumption that there was no longer one front or one line of contact, Israel was carrying out dozens of simultaneous operations on the ground and in the air on a daily basis, including TKs, which were supposed to have multi-dimensional effects. According to Byman, TKs were mostly attractive to Israelis as they satisfied domestic demands for a forceful response to Palestinian terrorism. Byman also believes that by bolstering public morale, the TKs helped counter one of the terrorists' primary objectives ? to reduce the faith of Israelis in their own government.  
  3. Matta, Nada; Rojas, Rene (2016). “The Second Intifada: A Dual Strategy Arena” . 《European Journal of Sociology / Archives Europeennes de Sociologie》 (英語) 57 (1): 66. doi : 10.1017/S0003975616000035 . ISSN   0003-9756 . S2CID   146939293 . 2022年 4月 5日에 原本 文書 에서 保存된 文書 . 2022年 4月 5日에 確認함 . Suicide terror, lethal attacks indiscriminately carried out against civilians via self-immolation, attained prominence in the Palestinian repertoire beginning in March 2001. From that point until the end of 2005, at which point they virtually ceased, 57 suicide bombings were carried out, causing 491 civilian deaths, 73% of the total civilians killed by Palestinian resistance organizations and 50% of all Israeli fatalities during this period. While not the modal coercive tactic, suicide terror was the most efficient in terms of lethality, our basic measure of its efficacy.  
  4. Brym, R. J.; Araj, B. (2006年 6月 1日). “Suicide Bombing as Strategy and Interaction: The Case of the Second Intifada” . 《Social Forces》 84 (4): 1969. doi : 10.1353/sof.2006.0081 . ISSN   0037-7732 . S2CID   146180585 . In the early years of the 21st century, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza became the region of the world with the highest frequency of - and the highest per capita death toll due to - suicide bombing.  
  5. Schweitzer, Y. (2010). The rise and fall of suicide bombings in the second Intifada. Strategic Assessment , 13 (3), 39?48. "As part of the violence perpetrated by the Palestinians during the second intifada, suicide bombings played a particularly prominent role and served as the primary effective weapon in the hands of the planners."
  6. Schachter, J. (2010). The End of the Second Intifada? 保管됨 30 9月 2021 - 웨이백 머신 . Strategic Assessment , 13 (3), 63?70. "This article attempts to identify the end of the second intifada by focusing on the incidence of suicide bombings, arguably the most important element of second intifada-related violence."
  7. Sela-Shayovitz, R. (2007). Suicide bombers in Israel: Their motivations, characteristics, and prior activity in terrorist organizations. International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV) , 1 (2), 163. "The period of the second Intifada significantly differs from other historical periods in Israeli history, because it has been characterized by intensive and numerous suicide attacks that have made civilian life into a battlefront."
  8. B'Tselem ? Statistics ? Fatalities 29.9.2000?15.1.2005 , B'Tselem . 保管됨 14 4月 2013 -

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