
Fram Wikip?dian
Polisce Cynewise
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Polalandes fana
Polalandes fana
Pola rices tæcn
Pola rices tæcn
Polalandes fana
Pola rices tæcn

Anstefn: Mazurek D?browskiego

Mæste burg ?arsa?
Foresittend Andrzej Duda
Forma Þegn Donald Tusk
Wyrþingdæg 11 Blotmonaþ
? h?afodger?m
35 a stæpe
38,422,346 b?enda
? getæl
? for ?lcum h?afde
593.2 mld USD
15,629 USD
HDI 0.876
Feoh złoty (zł, PLN)
T?dgyrdel Eallic t?d +1 Winter
Eallic t?d +2 Summor
Sundorr?cehad 11 Blotmonaþ 1918 of Russum, Germanie and of Æastrice-Ungerland
Sprecungr?m +48
Wægnplatung PL
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Polaland ( Polisc : Polska [?p?lska] ( About this sound  listen ) ), oððe ambihtlice seo Polisce Cynewise ( Polisc : Rzeczpospolita Polska [??t??p??sp?lita ?p?lska] ( About this sound  listen ) ) is land on Europan . 38.43 þusenda þusenda oneardað ðis land. ?arsa? is Polalandes heafodburg . Þaet land is nu fulfealdende folcwealdendrice. Siððan þæm 2004 is Polaland liþ þære Europiscan Gesamnunge .

Stær [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Heafodgewrit: Stær Polalandes

Polaland begann mid þara Uenodiscan landum, west fram Germanie . Polarice hæfþ geweaxen and gesiped ofer mænigum gearum. Fram 1565 oþ 1795 wæs Polisc-Liþuanie Cynewise, seo hateþ eac Polaland Cynerice. Fram 1765 oþ 1795 wæs Polaland-Luþuania betweonum Prussie , Eastrice and Russlande bedæled.

Polaland Cynerice wæs ongean aræred in 1815, ac hit wæs in soðe Russa underrice. Polaland Cynewise hadde hiere selfdom on 1918.

In 1939 wæs Polaland bedæled betweonum Germanþeode and Russum . Æfter þæm wige wæs hit edcwic under Communistiscan Russiscan hlafordscipe, ac Russþeod heald hiere healf þære land. Pole fengon in hiere stede micel land fram Germanie .

Underdælunga [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Heafodgewrit: Underdælunga Polalandes

Polaland is gedæled in 16 toþegniendlicum landscipas, "wojewodztwa" gehaten. Wojewodztwa ist ambihtlice gewended in Ænglisc swa voivodscipu .

Menniscu [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Micela byrig [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Heafodgewrit: Getalu burga in Polalande
Stæpe Voivodscip Menn. Stæpe Voivodscip Menn.
1 Warsaw Mægþa 1,777,972 11 Katowice Sysylaland 294,510 Łódź
2 Cracow L?sse Polaland 771,069 12 Gdynia Weonoðland 246,309
3 Łod? Łod? 685,285 13 Cz?stochowa Sysylaland 222,292
4 Bresl? Niðer Sysylaland 640,648 14 Radom Mægþa 213,029
5 Posen Ge?nede Polaland 536,438 15 Toru? Cuiawia-Weonoðland 202,074
6 Dantsic Weonoðland 466,631 16 Sosnowiec Sysylaland 202,036
7 Stettin Westweonoðland 402,465 17 Kielce H?lig R?d 195,774
8 Bydgoszcz Cuiawia-Weonoðland 350,178 18 Rzeszow Undercarpathia 191,564
9 Lublin Lublin 339,682 19 Gliwice Sysylaland 179,806
10 Białystok Underlahia 297,459 20 Zabrze Sysylaland 173,374

Biliþbord [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Fruman [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

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1. Þeod dællice on Asie . 2. Gewunelice gesett to Asie be eorþmetunge, ac naþ?læs oft gedemed swa Europisc for þeawe and stærlicum racum.