
Fram Wikip?dian
(Edl?ded of Iraq )
الجمهورية العراقية
(Al-Jumh?r?yah Al-`Ir?q?yah)

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Iraces fana Iraces scild
( Fana ) ( Scild )
Þ?odlic c?ide : Allahu Akbar
( Englisc : God is se M?sta)
Ambihtlicu spr?c Arabisc , Curdisc (ambihtlic in Curdicum landscipum)
H?afod Baghdad
Foresittend Jalal Talabani
Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari
 - Getæl
 - % ?æter
Grad 57ða
437,072 km²
 - Getæl (M?dm?naþ 2005 est.)
 - Þiccnes
Grad 44ða
Selfd?m 1 ?interfylleþ 1919 of þ?m Ottoman R?c

3 ?interfylleþ 1932 of þ?m Bryttiscan

- Getæl ( 2003 )
- GDP/h?afod
Grad 76ða
$38.790 billionena
Feoh N??e Iracisc d?nor (NID)
T?dgyrtel UTC +3
Þ?odlic antefn Mawtini ( ?ord fram: Ibrahim Touqan S??g fram: ?alid George Gholmieh ) N?t: Þ? Curde br?caþ Ey Reqib
Internet TLD .iq
Clipunge R?m 964
R?ces ?
(Land?aran habbaþ ??licne fr?od?m )

S?o Cyne??se Iraces (of þ?m Middelpersiscan ?rag "beneoðan", on Arabisce ?????? al- ? Ir?q ) is Middel?asterne l?odgeard in s?þ?esternre Asie , þe ymbf?hþ micelne d?l þæs ealdan landes Mesopotamie æt m?tunge þ?ra ?ana Tigris and Eufrates , and ?ac in Irace is Kurdistanes s?þd?l. H? d?lþ mearca ?iþ Ku?ait and Saudi Arabie bes?ðan hire, Iordanr?ce be?estan hire, Syrie benorþ?estan hire, Turclande benorþan hire, and Persealand be?astan hire. In Irace is s??ðe nearu s?rima æt Umm Qasr on þ?m Persiscan D?le .

N??e f?rendlic l?od?eard ?earþ gecoren on þ?m Æfterrum G?olan þæs 2005 . g?ares, æfter þ?re infare in Hr?þm?nþe þæs 2003. g?ares, þe ?æs gel?ded fram Ge?nedr?ciscum and Ge?nedcyner?ciscum fierdum þe adr?fdon from meahte fyrnl?dere Saddam Hussein and his l?od?eard, þe ?æs Ba`aþ geh?ten. On þ?m 15. ?interfylleðes þæs 2005 . g?ares in sigefullum cyste gecuron þ? Iraciscan c?osendas n??e gesetednesse . 79% þæs folces g?atton þ?, and ?ac fela þ?ra Sunni Arabiscena forst?don. On þ?m 15. G?olm?nþes þæs 2005 . curon þ? Iraciscan hira ?restne Þ?odlicne Gem?t under þ?re n??an gesetednesse. In þissum ?æs 70% þ?re l?odr?denne on cyre.

Þ?ah þe þraca g?þ forþ, is þæt Iracisce folc ?nr?d t? geb?tenne hira land mid helpe þ?re Ge?nedr?ciscan fierde and þ?re bet?uxþ?odlican fierde.

St?r Iraces [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Landascr?fung [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Se m?sta d?l þæs landes is ??sten, ac in Iraqes middan sind t?? micela laca, ?n is Baħr Milh (þe m?neþ Sealts? ), and ?ðer is Baħr Þarþ?r þe m?nþ Felaspr?ce S?. Þ? t?? m?stan ?a, s?o Tigris and s?o Eufrates, sind t?? þ?ra ieldest c?ðena ?ana þ?re ?orulde.

Feohhandlung [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Land on Asie

Afghanistan  ? Aserbaigan  ? Bahrain  ? Bængladesc  ? Bhutan  ? Brunei  ? Burma  ? Cambodia  ? Casahstan  ? Catar  ? C?na  ? Cirgisstan  ? Cor?a  ? Cu?ait  ? Earmenia  ? ?asttimor  ? Fietnam  ? Filippin?ega  ? Ge?nedu Arabisc Bregor?cu  ? Gemen  ? Georgia  ? Indea  ? Indonesia  ? Irac  ? Israh?l  ? Iapan  ? Iordanr?ce  ? Laoland  ? Libanus  ? Malægsia  ? Maldif?ega  ? Mongolland  ? Nepal  ? Oman  ? Pacistan  ? Palest?n  ? Persealand  ? Russland 1  ? Saudisc Arabea  ? Singapore  ? Syria  ? Tacgicastan  ? T?prabane  ? Thailand  ? Tyrcland 1  ? Turcmenistan  ? Usbecastan  ?

1  Dæl þisses landes is on Europan