
Fram Wikip?dian
Republica de Chile
Cilan cassock of geatwe
Þ?odlic cwide: Por la razon o la fuerza
Ambihtlicu spr?c Sp?onisc
Heafodstol Santiago
Brego Gabriel Boric Foresittend
Bradnes 756,102±1 km²
Feoh Chilean peso
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC?03:00, UTC?05:00
Wægnplatung RCH
Webbnamena tægl .cl
Getalu forer?ma feorsprecan be lande +56

Cile is land on S?ðamerican . His heafodburg is Santiago , þæs nama is Halgan Iacobus . In þissum land spricþ man Sp?onisc spr?c . Þis land hæfþ 16.4 þusanda þusanda leoda. His foresittend is Gabriel Boric.

Cile is nearu forþ?m is is bewuh þ?ra Andes beorgum and þ?re brime. Se Sericus Garsecg is on eall his westhealfe. S? norþerne dæl þæs landes is deadwylle sand se het Atacama weste and þærofer is Peru . Se suðernmesta dæl is ceald neah Antarctica , se l?þ suþweard ofer þæm Suþgarsecge .

Be eastan ofer beorgum liþ Argentina . Þa tu land bedælaþ F?rland þæt miclan iegland onmiddan.

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Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce . Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan .

Land on S?ðamerican

Argentina  ? Bolifia  ? Brasil  ? Cile  ? Colombia  ? Ecuador  ? Fenes?ela  ? Folcland ?egland  ? Frencisc Guiana  ? Guyana  ? Paraquaria  ? Peru  ? Suriname  ? S?þgeorgia  ? Uruquaria