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2PM Taecyeon mulling TV acting debut - 아시아經濟

2PM Taecyeon mulling TV acting debut

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Taecyeon of popular boy band 2PM is considering making his acting debut in a TV series, according to a source at broadcaster KBS on Tuesday.

"It is highly likely that Taecyeon will appear in the drama," the source said of the singer's possibility to join the cast of the show tentatively titled "Cinderella's Sister" in English. "Talks are in final stages and Taecyeon is considering the project on a positive note."
The singer's agency JYP Entertainment took a more cautious approach though, saying "nothing has been set."

"Cinderella's Sister", a modern adaptation of the fairy tale, will star Korean actors Moon Geun-young, Chun Jung-myung and Seo Woo. If Taecyeon accepts the offer, he will play the role of Jung-woo, who protects Eun-jo, the character to be played by Moon.

Taecyeon, 22, is one of the six members of popular idol group 2PM, who debuted in 2008. The boy band made headlines last year when their former leader Park Jaebeom quit the group and left Korea after sparking national controversy over what he had written on his MySpace page several years ago.
The remaining six members managed to make a successful comeback with their first full-length album "1:59 PM", which was released in November. The album's first single "Heartbeat" topped Korea's music charts for three consecutive weeks.

Reporter : Lim Hye-seon
Editor : Lynn Kim
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