Hotel Ads

A Hotel Ad is an ad type that is created automatically by the system based on your provided hotel listings and prices. It lets you target future travelers by showing your hotels' availability, pricing, and other booking options. Learn more about Hotel Ads .

Managing Hotel Ads was once supported only through the Travel Partner API and Hotel Center (previously Hotel Ads Center). With these tools, you could create accounts, campaigns, ad groups, and hotel listings, or set bids and prices.

Now, with Google Ads API and Google Ads , you can perform many of the tasks that were once provided by the Travel Partner API and Hotel Center, such as creating, updating, or deleting:

  • Campaigns
  • Campaign bidding strategies
  • Campaign budgets
  • Ad groups
  • Ad group bids
  • Ad group bid modifiers (also known as bid multipliers in Google Ads)
  • Hotel listing groups (also known as Hotel groups in Google Ads)

However, the following tasks can't yet be done with the Google Ads API and can only be completed in Hotel Center :

  • Create, update, delete hotel feeds
  • Create, update, delete hotel pricing information

Consult Integration Overview for the periodic maintenance tasks that you need to perform on your hotel data.


Apart from the access restrictions mentioned above, you need to first obtain the following to use Google Ads API with Hotel Ads:

Access to the Hotel Center console
You can contact an authorized third-party integration partner to create an account in the Hotel Center console and grant you access. Or, you can integrate with Google directly. Learn more .
Account ID of the Hotel Center account
This can be found inside the Hotel Center console once you have access to it. You need this account ID to link your Google Ads account with the Hotel Center account and to create Hotel campaigns that link to Hotel Center.

This guide describes the steps necessary to create Hotel campaigns, ad groups, and ads with the Google Ads API:

  1. Create a Hotel campaign
  2. Create a Hotel ad group
  3. Create a Hotel ad group ad
  4. Create Hotel listing groups
  5. Set up bidding
  6. Query ad performance and entities

Or you can just dive into a code sample in one of our client libraries .