
國際展示會 한가운데 懸垂幕 내걸고 弘報 ‘積極’ : 비즈N

國際展示會 한가운데 懸垂幕 내걸고 弘報 ‘積極’

이건혁 記者

入力 2023-04-03 03:00 修正 2023-04-03 13:17

記事共有  |  
  • 페이스북
  • 트위터
[The Insight]
觀覽客에 自體 製作 브로슈어 配布
鄭基宣 社長, 다보스서 直接 弘報도

이탈리아 밀라노에서 열린 ‘가스텍 2022’ 內에 設置된 HD現代 부스에서 觀覽客들이 釜山엑스포 弘報資料를 살펴보고 있다. HD現代 提供
HD現代(옛 現代重工業그룹)는 2030 世界博覽會(엑스포)의 釜山 誘致를 위해 海外 大型 博覽會를 活用한 弘報 活動을 펼치고 있다.

HD현대는 지난해 9月 이탈리아 밀라노에서 열린 世界 最大 가스分野 展示會 ‘가스텍(Gastech) 2022’에서 2030 釜山 엑스포 誘致 弘報에 나섰다. HD현대는 展示場에 釜山엑스포에 對한 배너와 案內 冊子를 備置했고, 自體 製作한 英文 브로슈어를 配布했다. 行使 期間 中 發光다이오드(LED) 스크린을 통해 弘報 이미지를 上映하며 現場을 찾은 觀覽客들을 對象으로 2030 釜山 엑스포 誘致 必要性을 紹介했다.

現代제뉴인, 現代建設機械, 現代斗山인프라코어 等 建設機械 3社도 지난해 10月 獨逸 뮌헨에서 열린 世界 最大 建設機械 博覽會 ‘바牛馬(BAUMA) 2022’ 展示부스에서 2030 釜山 엑스포 誘致 弘報 活動을 펼쳤다. 최철곤 現代建設機械 代表, 오승현 現代斗山인프라코어 代表 等 最高經營者(CEO)가 直接 現地人들과 함께 弘報 活動에 나섰다. 現代일렉트릭과 현대에너지솔루션은 各各 프랑스 ‘CIGRE 2022’와 美國 ‘솔라 파워 인터내셔널 2022’ 等 大規模 海外 展示展에서 釜山엑스포 誘致를 積極 弘報했다. 鄭基宣 HD現代 社長도 1月 스위스 다보스에서 열린 2023 世界經濟포럼(WEF·다보스포럼) 現場을 直接 訪問해 2030 釜山 엑스포 誘致 弘報에 나섰다.

國內에서도 다양한 誘致 弘報 活動을 벌이고 있다. 현대오일뱅크는 釜山 및 경남도에 位置한 直營注油所 前 地點에 2030 釜山 엑스포 弘報 懸垂幕을 備置했다. 蔚山현대蹴球團은 홈 球場인 蔚山 문수競技場에 2030 釜山 엑스포 誘致 弘報 懸垂幕을 내걸었고, 選手團 유니폼에 2030 釜山 엑스포 엠블럼을 附着했다.

HD Hyundai actively promotes
World Expo Busan bid at international exhibitions

Produces and distributes brochures to exhibition visitors

CEO Chung proactively promotes Busan Expo bid at WEF

Visitors of Bauma 2022, held in Munich, Germany, watch a video wishing for Busan to host the World Expo 2030 at Hyundai Construction’s booth. Photo by HD Hyundai
HD Hyundai(formerly Hyundai Heavy Industries Group) is making promotional efforts to help Busan win the bid for the World Expo 2030 by utilizing large overseas exhibitions.

HD Hyundai engaged in promotional activities for the expo at Gastech 2022, the world’s biggest exhibition on gas, held in Milan, Italy in September last year. The group placed banners and informational booklets regarding the World Expo 2030 Busan at its exhibition hall and distributed self-produced brochures in English. The group also played PR images on an LED screen during the exhibition, introducing why the expo should be hosted in Busan to visitors.

Three construction machinery companies of the group ? Hyundai Genuine, Hyundai Construction, and Hyundai Doosan Infracore ? also promoted the World Expo 2030 Busan in their exhibition booth at Bauma 2022, the world’s biggest construction machinery exhibition, held in Munich, Germany in October last year. Hyundai Construction CEO Choi Cheol-gon and Hyundai Doosan Infracore CEO Oh Seung-hyun directly engaged in promotional activities along with local figures. Hyundai Electric and Hyundai Energy Solutions actively promoted the World Expo 2030 Busan at large overseas exhibitions ? CIGRE 2022 in France and Solar Power International 2022 in the U.S., respectively. HD Hyundai CEO Chung Ki-sun also attended the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland in January to promote the expo.

HD Hyundai is also conducting various activities to promote the Busan Expo. Hyundai Oilbank installed banners promoting the expo at all gas stations directly managed by the company in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province. Ulsan Hyundai FC hung banners promoting the expo at its home stadium, Ulsan Munsu Football Stadium, and attached Busan expo emblems to the team’s uniforms.

이건혁 記者 gun@donga.com
Lee Geon-hyeok gun@donga.com


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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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