
“더 나은 未來를 위한 엑스포” 政府-地自體-企業 ‘원팀’으로 뭉쳤다 : 비즈N

“더 나은 未來를 위한 엑스포” 政府-地自體-企業 ‘원팀’으로 뭉쳤다

송충현 記者

入力 2023-04-03 03:00 修正 2023-04-03 11:25

記事共有  |  
  • 페이스북
  • 트위터
[The Insight]

‘2030 釜山 世界博覽會(엑스포)’ 誘致를 위한 釜山市와 國內 企業 및 機關들의 弘報戰이 줄을 잇고 있다. 엑스포 誘致를 통해 더 나은 人類의 未來 비전을 提示하겠다는 目標로 政府와 地方自治團體, 企業이 ‘원팀’을 이뤄 弘報에 全力을 기울이는 모습이다.

企業들은 저마다 構築한 글로벌 인프라를 活用해 釜山 엑스포 誘致의 必要性을 强調하고 있다. 敎育 支援과 社會弱者 支援 等 企業의 社會貢獻과 엑스포 誘致 弘報를 椄木하는 戰略도 눈에 띈다. 企業이 가진 事業 力量과 社會貢獻活動을 總動員해 世界 各國과 ‘윈윈’할 수 있는 戰略을 構築해 나가는 것이다.

三星電子는 李在鎔 會長을 包含한 最高 經營陣들이 글로벌 네트워크를 活用해 世界博覽會機構(BIE) 會員國 關係者를 만나 誘致 活動을 펼치고 있다. SK그룹은 ‘2030 釜山世界博覽會 誘致委員會’ 共同委員長을 맡고 있는 崔泰源 會長을 中心으로 글로벌 現場을 누비며 엑스포 誘致 弘報에 나섰다. 2021年 國內 大企業 中 가장 먼저 엑스포 誘致 支援 專擔 組織을 꾸린 現代車그룹은 올 1月 다보스포럼에 釜山 엑스포 弘報 文句를 담은 車輛을 支援해 參加者들의 視線을 사로잡았다. LG 亦是 系列社들과 經營陣을 總動員해 國內外 顧客을 對象으로 엑스포 弘報 活動에 나섰다.

Government and business
work as ‘one team’ to host
World Expo 2030

Busan Metropolitan City, as well as South Korean businesses and institutions, are engaging in a series of promotional efforts to host the World Expo 2030 Busan. Under the aim to propose a better future vision for humanity by hosting the expo, the South Korean central and local governments and businesses are making utmost PR efforts as ‘one team.’

Businesses are highlighting the need to host the expo in Busan by utilizing their global infrastructure. Strategies of combining corporate social contributions, such as educational support and support for vulnerable groups, and PR efforts to win the bid for the World Expo 2030 stand out. Such strategies are to mobilize companies’ business capabilities and social contribution activities to create ‘win-win’ results for countries around the world.

Samsung Electronics’ top management, including Executive Chairman Lee Jae-yong, is utilizing its global network to meet with relevant persons of the member countries of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) to win the bid for the expo. SK Group is also sending its members to several countries for PR efforts to host the expo under the leadership of its Chairman Chey Tae-won who is currently serving as a co-chair of the Bid Committee for World Expo 2030 Busan. Hyundai Motor Group, which set up an organization dedicated to hosting the expo as the first among South Korean companies in 2021, sponsored cars with lettering to promote the Busan expo at the World Economic Forum in January this year, garnering the attention of participants. LG also mobilized its affiliates and management team to carry out PR activities targeting both domestic and overseas customers.

송충현 記者 balgun@donga.com
Song Chung-hyeon balgun@donga.com


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