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К?льк?сть 90 м?льйон?в

Велика Британ?я : [1]
США : [2]
Австрал?я : [3]
Канада : [4]

Нова Зеланд?я : [5]
Близьк? до: германськ? народи
Мова англ?йська
Рел?г?я англ?канство , протестантизм , католицизм ; ?нш? в?рування меншин. З 19 стол?ття зроста? к?льк?сть ате?ст?в . [6]

Англ?йц?  ? нац?я, основне населення Велико? Британ?? (бл. 37 млн. чолов?к, при чому частина населення ?дентиф?ку? себе як британц?в), живуть також в колишн?х англ?йських колон?ях (США, Канада, Австрал?я, Нова Зеланд?я, П?вденна Африка).

Мова ? англ?йська .

Англ?йц? ? нащадки кельтських племен брит?в та ?н., що зм?шалися в 5?6 ст. з германськими племенами англ?в , сакс?в , фриз?в та ют?в . Асим?ляц?я кельт?в ( шотландц?в на П?вноч? та валл?йц?в на Заход? острова) трива? й дос?. В 17 ст. Англ?йц? склалися в буржуазну нац?ю. В 18?20 ст. Англ?йц? були одним з компонент?в в консол?дац?? американц?в США , англо-канадц?в , англо-австрал?йц?в , англо-новозеландц?в .

Багат? англ?йц? (1% населення) волод?ють 56% нац?онального багатства. Роб?тники становлять 60% населення. Рел?г?йн? англ?йц? належать переважно до англ?кансько? церкви , ? також баптисти , кальв?н?сти ? католики .

Прим?тки [ ред. | ред. код ]

  1. The CIA World Factbook [ Арх?вовано 22 вересня 2006 у Wayback Machine .] reports that in the 2001 UK census 92.1% of the UK population were in the White ethnic group, and that 83.6% of this group are in the English ethnic group. The UK Office for National Statistics reports [ Арх?вовано 2007-07-17 у Wayback Machine .] a total population in the UK census of 58,789,194. A quick calculation shows this is equivalent to 45,265,093 people in the English ethnic group. However, this number may not represent a self-defined ethnic group, these data do not take into account non-white people who would also identify as ethnically English. The number who described their ethnic group as English in the 2001 UK census has not been published by the Office for National Statistics .
  2. The 2000 US census [ Арх?вовано 2020-02-12 у Archive.is ] shows 24,515,138 people claiming English ancestry. This figure may be an underestimate of the number of people with English ancestry as some people of English descent may not consider themselves ethnically English. Conversely ancestry and ethnicity are not necessarily synonymous concepts and claiming English ancestry does not necessarily indicate an English ethnic identity. Furthermore, although under-reported, English may actually be the most common ancestry in the United States. According to the 1980 census (the first year that the census asked about ethnicity), English ancestry was the most common ancestry with 50.6 million Americans claiming English ancestry to be their dominant ancestry. The reason why the number of people claiming English ancestry has dwindled to half its number is subject to interpretation. The US census also contains a separate option of ' British ' ancestry. According to EuroAmericans.net the greatest population with English origins in a single state was 2,521,355 in California , and the highest percentage was 29.0% in Utah . In addition, millions in the South claimed "American" ancestry, which may actually indicate ethnic English origin given predominately Anglo-Celtic settlement in that area. The American Community Survey 2004 [ Арх?вовано 2020-02-11 у Archive.is ] by the US Census Bureau estimates 28,410,295 people claiming some English origin.
  3. The Australian Bureau of Statistics [ недоступне посилання з лютого 2019 ] reports 6,358,880 people of English ancestry in the 2001 Census . [1] .
  4. 2001 Canadian Census [ Арх?вовано 2013-04-09 у Wayback Machine .] gives 1,479,520 respondents stating their ethnic origin as English as a single response, and 4,499,355 including multiple responses, giving a combined total of 5,978,875. Many respondents may have misunderstood the question and the numerous responses for "Canadian" does not give an accurate figure for numerous groups, particularly those of British Isles origins.
  5. The 2001 New Zealand census [ Арх?вовано 2007-03-10 у Wayback Machine .] reports 34,074 people stating they belong to the English ethnic group. The 1996 census used a different question [ Арх?вовано 19 лютого 2008 у Wayback Machine .] to both the 1991 and the 2001 censuses, which had "a tendency for respondents to answer the 1996 question on the basis of ancestry (or descent) rather than 'ethnicity' (or cultural affiliation)" and reported 281,895 people with English origins.
  6. http://www.vexen.co.uk/religion/rib.html . URL accessed November 11, 2006

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