Novak đokovi?

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Novak Djokovi?

Novak đokovi? (wæs geboren þæs 22. Þrimilcem?naþ þæs 1987.) is Serbisc tennis plegend . N? ?r on his weorcrene hæfþ Novak 6 ?nplegendlicra h?afodgewinna gewunnen, þe is eallra þæt m?ste r?m ?nes h?des; and h? hæfþ fulfyled þæt þæt 2011. g?ar, and þæt 2012. g?ar mid þ?m h?afodstede on þ?re tennises worulde endebyrdnesse. ?ac hæfþ h? 36 sigeb?acna t? ?num plegende and 1 sigeb?acna t? ?num tweora plegenda gewunnen.

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Novak đokovi?