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潘?拉的盒子 - ?基百科,自由的百科全? 跳?到?容


??斯·阿??-塔德? 所?的矛盾潘多拉的水彩?,1881年
希?? 英? pithos ,?前675年 克里特? ?浮?

潘?拉的盒子 (Pandora's box)源自於 希臘神? ,是 宙斯 潘?拉 的神秘 盒子 ,但原本在神話中是 (Pithos),壺在古希臘中是盛裝 食品 的器具。

盒子的詞源 [ ?? ]

?譯?「盒子」的單詞在希臘語中實際上是一個大罐子(π?θο?/pithos)。 [1] [2] Pithoi被用於儲存酒、油、穀物或其他食物,或者在儀式上用作埋葬人體的容器,人們相信靈魂會從中逃脫?必然返回。 [3] 許多學者認?,潘?拉本人是用粘土製成的,與釋放邪惡的陶罐之間有著密切的類比。 [4]

pithos的誤譯通常歸因於 16 世紀的人文主義者 伊拉斯謨 ,他在對潘?拉故事的拉丁語描述中將希臘語 pithos 改? pyxis,意思是「盒子」。 [5] 這個故事出現的背景是伊拉斯謨的諺語集《阿達吉亞》( Adagia ,1508年),以說明拉丁語諺語 Malo accepto stultus sapit (經歷麻煩使?瓜變得聰明)。在他的版本中,盒子是由 厄庇墨透斯 打開的,他的名字的意思是「事後思考」??或者正如赫西俄德所說,「犯錯的人變得聰明」。 [6]

不同版本的容器 [ ?? ]

寓意 [ ?? ]

根據神話,?神之王宙斯要求潘?拉不可以開,但潘?拉不敵好奇心的誘惑,還是??的把盒子打開了,但在盒子裡面裝的是許多不幸的事物。潘?拉打開魔盒後就釋放出往後人世間的所有邪惡??貪?、虛?、 誹謗 嫉? 、痛苦、 疾病 、禍害等等,原本寧靜沒有任何災害動亂的世界開始動?不安起來,此時潘多拉?「希望」(希臘文 Elpis 英? Elpis (mythology) )沒有來得及釋放時,在慌亂中依照宙斯的旨意?緊蓋住盒子,結果盒內只剩希望沒飛出去,永遠鎖在盒內。因此?使人類不斷地受苦受難、遭遇種種挫折和折磨,希望都不會出現。


其實「盒子中保存希望」的寓意歷來在學界頗有爭議。如果災禍被釋放出盒子會帶給人類災禍,那希望未被釋放應該是「沒帶給人類希望」,那?這段神話記載的意涵應該是更悲觀的,亦?:本出於善意而想少放一個災禍出去的潘?拉反而誤把「希望」截留下來,人間因此毫無希望。還有?一個問題是,宙斯?何要在盒中一堆災禍裡?入性質不同的「希望」?這又牽涉了其希臘原文「Elpis」的詞意,古希臘這個詞其實可表達「對壞事或好事的期望」。若是「對壞事的期望」,那就是一種讓人容易「擔驚受?」的災禍;但?使當成「對好事的期望」(最接近「希望」), 尼采 也曾給出最黑暗的?類詮釋:宙斯就是想要人類受盡各種災禍折磨後仍抱持虛假的希望,以致於願意苟延殘喘而繼續遭受折磨。 [來源請求]

影視作品 [ ?? ]


參考資料 [ ?? ]

  • 稻葉義明(2007),快醒來?!傳說中的神秘寶物,台北:達觀出版
  1. ^ Schlegel and Weinfield, "Introduction to Hesiod" p. 6
  2. ^ Meagher 2314, p. 148
  3. ^ Cf. Harrison, Jane Ellen, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek history , Chapter II, "The Pithoigia", pp.42-43. Cf. also Figure 7 which shows an ancient Greek pot painting in the University of Jena where Hermes is presiding over a body in a pithos buried in the ground. "In the vase painting in fig.7 from a lekythos in the University Museum of Jena we see a Pithoigia of quite other and solemn booty. A large pithos is sunk deep into the ground. It has served as a grave. ... The vase-painting in fig. 7 must not be regarded as an actual conscious representation of the rupent rite performed on the first day of the Anthesteria. It is more general in content; it is in fact simply a representation of ideas familiar to every Greek, that the pithos was a grave-jar, that from such grave-jars souls escaped and to them necessarily returned, and that Hermes was Psychopompos , Evoker and Revoker of souls. The vase-painting is in fact only another form of the scene so often represented on Athenian white lekythoi , in which the souls flutter round the grave-stele. The grave-jar is but the earlier form of sepulture; the little winged figures, the Keres, are identical in both classes of vase-painting."
  4. ^ Cf. Jenifer Neils 2005, p.41 especially: "They ignore, however, Hesiod's description of Pandora's pithos as arrektoisi or unbreakable. This adjective, which is usually applied to objects of metal, such as gold fetters and hobbles in Homer ( Il. 13.37, 15.20 ), would strongly imply that the jar is made of metal rather than earthenware, which is obviously capable of being broken."
  5. ^ Meagher 1995, p. 56 . In his notes to Hesiod's Works and Days (p.168) M.L. West has surmised that Erasmus may have confused the story of Pandora with that found elsewhere of a box which was opened by Psyche .
  6. ^ William Watson Baker, The Adages of Erasmus , University of Toronto 2001, 1 i 31, p.32