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Akademija Hanlin - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija Pojdi na vsebino

Akademija Hanlin

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Akademija Hanlin
Aktivna 708?1911 (pogorela)
Kraj ?angan , Luojang , Peking , Nand?ing
Kitajsko ime
Poenostavljeno kitajsko 翰林院
Tradicionalno kitajsko 翰林院

Akademija Hanlin ( kitajsko 翰林院, pinjin Hanlin Yuan) je bila akademska in upravna visoko?olska ustanova, ki jo je v 8. stoletju v ?anganu ustanovil kitajski cesar ?uandzong iz dinastije Tang . Naziv ustanove bi se lahko prevedel kot "Koled? za knji?evnost" in "Akademija gozda svin?nikov". [1]

?lanstvo v akademiji je bilo omejeno na elitno skupino u?enjakov, ki so za dvor opravljali tajni?ke in literarne naloge. Ena njenih glavnih nalog je bila odlo?anje o interpretaciji kitajskih klasikov, ki so bili podlaga za cesarske izpite, ki so jih morali opraviti ambiciozni vladni birokrati, da so dosegli najvi?ja mesta v cesarski vladi. Akademiji so bili pridru?eni tudi slikarji, ki so delali za dvor. [2]

?lani akademije [ uredi | uredi kodo ]

Nekateri bolj znani Hanlinovi akademiki so bili:

Urad za prevajanje [ uredi | uredi kodo ]

Akademiji Hanlin je bil podrejen Urad za prevajanje, [4] ki ga je ustanovila dinastija Ming leta 1407 po prvi ekspediciji D?eng Heja v Indijski ocean . Urad se je ukvarjal z dokumenti in besedili, ki so jih posredovali tuji veleposlaniki in usposobljeni strokovnjaki za tuje jezike. Vklju?eval je oddelke za veliko jezikov: [5] d?ur?enski (mand?urski), [6] [7] [8] tartarski (mongolski), [9] [10] [11] [12] korejski, [13] riukiu, japonski, [14] [15] tibetanski, [16] huihui (perzijski), [17] [18] [9] [19] [20] [21] vietnamski [22] in burmanski, [22] pa tudi za jezike "razli?nih barbarskih plemen" - baj ji ?anov na jugozahodnih mejah Kitajske, gao?ang (star ujgurski jezik ljudstva Turfana) [9] [20] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] in ?itjan (sanskrt, ki se je govoril v Indiji). Leta 1511 in 1579 sta bila ustanovljena tudi odelka za lao?ki oziroma tajski jezik. [28] Sestavljena sta bila besednjaka malaj??ine, ki se je govorila v sultanatu Malaka, [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] in jezika, ki se je govoril v kraljestvu ?ampa. [34] [35]

Kasneje je prevajanje opravljala vladna ?ola za pou?evanje tujih jezikov Tongven Guan , ki jo je leta 1862 v Pekingu ustanovila dinastija ?ing . ?ola je bila podrejena ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve (uradno Urad za splo?no vodenje zadev, ki zadevajo razli?ne dr?ave). [36]

Po?ar leta 1900 [ uredi | uredi kodo ]

Pekin?ka Akademija Hanlin in njena knji?nica sta bili mo?no po?kodovani v po?aru med obleganjem poslani?ke ?etrti med boksarsko vstajo leta 1900. V po?aru, ki se je na akademijo raz?iril 24. junija, je bilo uni?enih veliko dragocenih starih besedil. [37]

Akademija je delovala neprekinjeno od njene ustanovitve do njene ukinitve med ?inhajsko revolucijo leta 1911.

Sklici [ uredi | uredi kodo ]

  1. Stevens, Keith. ≫THE HAN LIN ACADEMY AND A CHINESE DEITY≪ . Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society . 36 : 231?233 – prek JSTOR.
  2. Chung, A. L. Y. (1966). ≫The Hanlin Academy in the Early Ch'ing Period (1644-1795)≪ . Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society . 6 : 100?119. ISSN   0085-5774 .
  3. Baldrian-Hussein, Farzeen (1996). ≫Alchemy and Self-Cultivation in Literary Circles of the Northern Song Dynasty ? Su Shi 蘇軾 (1037-1101) and His Techniques of Survival ?≪ . Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie . 9 : 15?53. ISSN   0766-1177 .
  4. Wild, Norman (1945). ≫Materials for the Study of the Ss? i Kuan 四 夷 譯 館 (Bureau of Translators)≪. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London . 11 (3): 617?640. doi : 10.1017/S0041977X00072311 . JSTOR   609340 . S2CID   154048910 .
  5. ≫? ?? ? ?≪ . Arhivirano iz prvotnega spleti??a dne 19. oktobra 2013.
  6. Shou-p'ing Wu Ko (1855). Translation (by A. Wylie) of the Ts'ing wan k'e mung, a Chinese grammar of the Manchu Tartar language (by Woo K?h Show-ping, revised and ed. by Ching Ming-yuen Pei-ho) with intr. notes on Manchu literature . str. xix?.
  7. Translation of the Ts'ing wan k'e mung, a Chinese Grammar of the Manchu Tartar Language; with introductory notes on Manchu Literature: (translated by A. Wylie.) . Mission Press. 1855. str. xix?.
  8. de Lacouperie, Terrien (1889). ≫The Djurtchen of Mandshuria: Their Name, Language, and Literature≪. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland . 21 (2): 433?460. JSTOR   25208941 .
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 Morris Rossabi (28. november 2014). From Yuan to Modern China and Mongolia: The Writings of Morris Rossabi . BRILL. str. 98?. ISBN   978-90-04-28529-3 .
  10. Shou-p'ing Wu Ko (1855). Translation (by A. Wylie) of the Ts'ing wan k'e mung, a Chinese grammar of the Manchu Tartar language (by Woo K?h Show-ping, revised and ed. by Ching Ming-yuen Pei-ho) with intr. notes on Manchu literature . str. xxvi?.
  11. Alexander Wylie; Henri Cordier (1897). Chinese Researches . str.  261 ?.
  12. Translation of the Ts'ing wan k'e mung, a Chinese Grammar of the Manchu Tartar Language; with introductory notes on Manchu Literature: (translated by A. Wylie.) . Mission Press. 1855. str. xxvi?.
  13. Ogura, S. (1926). ≫A Corean Vocabulary≪. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London . 4 (1): 1?10. doi : 10.1017/S0041977X00102538 . JSTOR   607397 . S2CID   145363934 .
  14. Mai, Yun (2005). ≫漢語歷史音韻?究中的 一些方法問題 [Some Methodological Problems in Chinese Phonetics]≪ . 浙江大???史?究中心?? [The Briefing News of Research Center for History of Chinese Language] . 18 (2) . Pridobljeno 24. maja 2020 .
  15. Chiu, Chichu (21. december 2012). 中國?譯史學會論文投稿: 16世紀日本譯語的出版及傳抄 [ The Publishing and Writing of Chinese-Japanese Dictionary in the 16th Century ]. 書寫中國?譯史:第五屆中國譯學新芽?討會 [Writing Chinese Translation History: Fifth Young Researchers’ Conference on Chinese Translation Studies] (v kitaj??ini) . Pridobljeno 24. maja 2020 .
  16. Lotze, Johannes S. (2016). Translation of Empire: Mongol Legacy, Language Policy, and the Early Ming World Order, 1368-1453 (PDF) (PhD) . Pridobljeno 24. maja 2020 .
  17. Ido, Shinji (2018). ≫Chapter 2: Huihuiguan zazi: A New Persian glossary compiled in Ming China≪. Trends in Iranian and Persian Linguistics . De Gruyter Mouton. str. 21?52. doi : 10.1515/9783110455793-003 .
  18. Ido, Shinji (2015). ≫New Persian vowels transcribed in Ming China≪. Iranian languages and literatures of Central Asia: from the 18th century to the present . Association pour l’Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes. str. 99?136.
  19. Hecker, Felicia J. (1993). ≫A Fifteenth-Century Chinese Diplomat in Herat≪. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society . 3 (1): 85?98. doi : 10.1017/S1356186300003692 . JSTOR   25182641 . S2CID   153758529 .
  20. 20,0 20,1 Morris Rossabi (28. november 2014). From Yuan to Modern China and Mongolia: The Writings of Morris Rossabi . BRILL. str. 94?. ISBN   978-90-04-28529-3 .
  21. ≫p. 5≪ (PDF) . Pridobljeno 25. junija 2023 .
  22. 22,0 22,1 ≫Thong bao v? vi?c cac GS Nh?t B?n sang trao đ?i khoa h?c, tham gia đao t?o cao h?c Han Nom≪ (PDF) . Arhivirano iz prvotnega spleti??a (PDF) dne 9. marca 2016 . Pridobljeno 22. januarja 2016 .
  23. Association for Asian Studies. Ming Biographical History Project Committee; Luther Carrington Goodrich (15. oktober 1976). Dictionary of Ming biography, 1368?1644 . Columbia University Press. str. 1042, 1126. ISBN   9780231038010 .
  24. Heinrich Julius Klaproth (Januar 1985). Abhandlung uber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren . Buske Verlag. str. 6?. ISBN   978-3-87118-710-0 .
  25. Heinrich Julius Klaproth (1820). Abhandlungen uber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren . str.  6 ?.
  26. Heinrich Julius von Klaproth (1820). Abhandlung uber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren, nebst einem Worterverzeichnisse und anderen uigurischen Sprachproben (etc.) . Konigl. Dr. str.  6 ?.
  27. Heinrich Julius Klaproth (1812). Abhandlung uber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren . str. 41?.
  28. Norman Wild (1945), ≫Materials for the Study of the Ss? i Kuan 四夷(譯)館 (Bureau of Translators)≪, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London , 11 (3): 617?640, doi : 10.1017/s0041977x00072311 , JSTOR   609340 , S2CID   154048910 ; pp. 617-618.
  29. Vladimir Braginsky (18. marec 2014). Classical Civilizations of South-East Asia . Routledge. str. 366?. ISBN   978-1-136-84879-7 .
  30. Edwards, E. D.; Blagden, C. O. (1931). ≫A Chinese Vocabulary of Malacca Malay Words and Phrases Collected between A. D. 1403 and 1511 (?)≪. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London . 6 (3): 715?749. doi : 10.1017/S0041977X00093204 . JSTOR   607205 . S2CID   129174700 .
  31. B., C. O. (1939). ≫Corrigenda and Addenda: A Chinese Vocabulary of Malacca Malay Words and Phrases Collected between A. D. 1403 and 1511 (?)≪. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London . 10 (1). JSTOR   607921 .
  32. Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew (7. december 2012). A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore: From Colonialism to Nationalism . Palgrave Macmillan. str. 79?. ISBN   978-1-137-01233-3 .
  33. Donald F. Lach (15. januar 2010). Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II: A Century of Wonder. Book 3: The Scholarly Disciplines . University of Chicago Press. str. 493?. ISBN   978-0-226-46713-9 .
  34. Edwards, E. D.; Blagden, C. O. (1939). ≫A Chinese Vocabulary of Cham Words and Phrases≪. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London . 10 (1): 53?91. JSTOR   607926 .
  35. Vladimir Braginsky (18. marec 2014). Classical Civilizations of South-East Asia . Routledge. str. 398?. ISBN   978-1-136-84879-7 .
  36. Lackner, Ph.D., Michael; Vittinghoff, Natascha, ur. (2004). Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China ; [International Conference "Translating Western Knowledge Into Late Imperial China", 1999, Gottingen University] . Zv. 64 of Sinica Leidensia / Sinica Leidensia (illustrated izd.). BRILL. str. 249. ISBN   9004139192 . Pridobljeno 24. aprila 2014 .
  37. Diana Preston (1999). The Boxer Rebellion: The Dramatic Story of China's War on Foreigners That Shook the World in the Summer of 1900 . str.  138?140 . ISBN   0-8027-1361-0 .

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