Benjamin Franklin

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Benjamin Franklin
6t Preses o Pennsylvanie
In office
October 18, 1785 ? November 5, 1788
Vice Preses Charles Biddle
Thomas Mifflin
Precedit bi John Dickinson
Succeedit bi Thomas Mifflin
Unitit States Meenister tae France
In office
September 14, 1778 ? Mey 17, 1785
Servin with Arthur Lee , Silas Deane , and John Adams
Appyntit bi Continental Congress
Precedit bi New office
Succeedit bi Thomas Jefferson
Unitit States Meenister tae Swaden
In office
September 28, 1782 ? Apryle 3, 1783
Appyntit bi Congress of the Confederation
Precedit bi New office
Succeedit bi Jonathan Russell
1st United States Postmaster General
In office
Julie 26, 1775 ? November 7, 1776
Appyntit bi Continental Congress
Precedit bi New office
Succeedit bi Richard Bache
Speaker o the Pennsylvanie Assembly
In office
Mey 1764 ? October 1764
Precedit bi Isaac Norris
Succeedit bi Isaac Norris
Member o the Pennsylvanie Assemmly
In office
In office
Personal details
Born 17 Januar 1706 ( 1706-01-17 )
Boston , Massachusetts Bay
Dee'd 17 Apryle 1790 (1790-04-17) (aged 84)
Philadelphia , Pennsylvanie
Naitionality American
Poleetical pairty Independent
Spoose(s) Deborah Read
Bairns William Franklin
Francis Folger Franklin
Sarah Franklin Bache
Profession Scientist

Benjamin Franklin (17 Januar 1706 ? 17 Apryle 1790) wis an American statesman. He has also been kent as "the First American". He wis a verra important fowk in the American Revolution an helpit make the Thirteen Colonies ane naition. As a leader o the Enlichtment , he influencit European scientists . He even wis the first thing mony Europeans associatit wi Americae at the time. His successfu diplomacy in Fraunce wis an important factor in the Unitit States' win ower Great Breetain .