????????????? ?????????

???????????, ??? ????????? ???????????.
??????? ?????????
????????????? ?????????? ?????????????
Illuminated manuscript with a forward facing man in the middle of the large H. Man is carrying a crozier and his head is surrounded by a halo.
Portrait labelled "AUGUSTINUS" from the mid-8th century Saint Petersburg Bede , though perhaps intended as Gregory the Great . [3]
??????? Diocese of Canterbury
??????????? Unknown
???? ??????????? 26 May 604
??????? None
??????? Laurence of Canterbury
???????????? About 597
??????? ????????
??? ???? Augustine
???? 6th century
Rome , Italy
???? 604 ???? 26
Canterbury , Kent , England
?????? Canterbury Cathedral
??????? ???? 26 May (Anglican Communion)
26 May (Eastern Orthodox)
27 May (Roman Catholic Church)
28 May (Roman Catholic calendar 1882?1969)
??????????? Roman Catholic Church
Anglican Communion
Eastern Orthodox Church
??????????? ?????????? Pre-Congregation
??????????? ?????????????? Pre-Congregation
????????????????? St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury

?????? ??????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ??????? ????????? . ????????????? ?????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????? ( ???????? : Augustine of Canterbury ) ????? ??????????????. ??????? I -??? ?????????????? ????? ?????????????????? ??????? 595-???? ??????????? ????? ???????????????????? ?????????? ??????????????????????? ????????????. ??????????? 40 ????????????? ??? ??????????????????? 597-? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ?????. ????? ????? ???????? ????????????? ??????????? ???????????????????? ???????. ??? ???????????????? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????? ??????????????????????????? ????????. ???????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????? ??????. ?????????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????????????? ??????????? ??????????. ??????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????. ???????????? ???????? 604 ???? 26-?? ??????????????? ????????????????????.

?????? [ ????????? ]

  1. Schapiro "Decoration of the Leningrad Manuscript of Bede" Selected Papers: Volume 3 pp. 199; 212?214
  2. Dales "Apostle of the English" L'eredita spirituale di Gregorio Magno tra Occidente e Oriente p. 299
  3. The name is in the halo, in a later hand. The figure is identified as a saint by his clerical tonsure . [1] The view that it represents Gregory is set out by Douglas Dales in a recent article. [2]

??????????? [ ????????? ]

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