Mairead Maguire

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Infotaula de personaMairead Maguire

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Nome orixinal (en) Mairead Corrigan Editar o valor em Wikidata
Nacemento 27 de xaneiro de 1944 Editar o valor em Wikidata (80 anos)
Belfast, Reino Unido Editar o valor em Wikidata
Datos persoais
Pais de nacionalidade Reino Unido Editar o valor em Wikidata
Relixion Igrexa catolica Editar o valor em Wikidata
Educacion Trinity College Dublin Editar o valor em Wikidata
Ocupacion activista pola paz , politica Editar o valor em Wikidata
Membro de
Lingua Lingua inglesa Editar o valor em Wikidata
Participou en
4 de xaneiro de 2021 Dialogue for Catalonia (en) Traducir Editar o valor em Wikidata

IMDB: nm1754030 Editar o valor em Wikidata

Mairead Maguire , tamen conecida como Mairead Corrigan Maguire e anteriormente como Mairead Corrigan , nada en Belfast o 27 de xaneiro de 1944 , e unha activista pola paz norteirlandesa , cofundadora xunto con Betty Williams e Ciaran McKeown , de Women for Peace ("Mulleres pola paz"), mais tarde conecida como Community for Peace People , organizacion dedicada a promover unha solucion pacifica ao conflito de Irlanda do Norte. [ 1 ] Maguire e Williams recibiron o premio Nobel da Paz en 1976. [ 2 ]

Traxectoria [ editar | editar a fonte ]

Mairead Corrigan naceu no seo dunha familia catolica de Belfast , segunda de oito fillos (cinco irmas e dous irmans). Os seus pais eran Andrew e Margaret Corrigan. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] Cursou estudos primarios en colexios catolicos e aos 21 anos comezou a traballar como secretaria na cervexaria Guinness , onde permaneceu ata decembro de 1976. [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Corrigan iniciou o seu activismo a favor da paz cando os tres fillos da sua irma, Anne Maguire, morreron o 10 de agosto de 1976 atropelados polo coche de Danny Lennon, un fuxitivo do Provisional Irish Republican Army , que fora abatido polas tropas britanicas. [ 10 ]

Betty Williams, antiga membro do IRA, foi testemuna do accidente e iniciou a procura de 6000 sinaturas pedindo unha solucion pacifica ao conflito armado norteirlandes. [ 11 ] Corrigan uniuse ao traballo de Williams, fundando o movemento Mulleres pola Paz, que posteriormente se transformou no Movemento pola Paz de Irlanda do Norte. Ambas conseguiron reunir nas ruas da cidade de Belfast mais de 35 000 persoas pedindo unha solucion pacifica ao conflito, logrando reunir tanto catolicos como protestantes . [ 12 ]

Huwaida Arraf e Maguire no barco Spirit of Humanity do Free Gaza Movement en xuno de 2009

En 1976 Betty Williams e Mairead Corrigan foron recompensadas co Premio Nobel da Paz "polas suas loitas pacificas no proceso de Irlanda do Norte mediante a fundacion do Movemento pola Paz de Irlanda do Norte".

En setembro de 1981 casou co seu cunado Jackie Maguire, viuvo da sua irma Anne Maguire, [ 13 ] que se suicidara o ano anterior sen poder recuperarse nunca da morte dos seus fillos. [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ] Dende enton continua a traballar para conseguir o final do conflito armado norteirlandes, mais tamen dos demais conflitos armados que afectan ao mundo viaxando arredor do planeta e dando a conecer os diversos conflitos.

O 30 de xuno de 2009, Corrigan partiu cara a franxa de Gaza no cargueiro Spirit of Humanity xunto con outros 21 activistas en prol dos dereitos humanos . O cargueiro foi interceptado pola marina de Israel , sendo todos os activistas detidos e levados a prisions diferentes, en pequenas celas e incomunicados.

E membro do comite de honor da coordinacion internacional para o decenio da non violencia e a paz.

Notas [ editar | editar a fonte ]

  1. "Peace People ? History" . The Peace People. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 11 de xuno de 2011 . Consultado o 20 de febreiro de 2011 . This was the beginning of the Movement and the three co-founders worked to harness the energy and desire of many people in Northern Ireland for peace... Ciaran named the movement, Peace People, wrote the Declaration, and set out its rally programme, etc.  
  2. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1976" . Nobel Foundation . 2009 . Consultado o 8 de xullo de 2009 . The Nobel Peace Prize 1976 was awarded jointly to Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan. Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan received their Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977.  
  3. "Mairead Corrigan ? Curriculum Vitae" . . Consultado o 21 de marzo de 2011 . Mairead was a co-founder of the Committee on the Administration of Justice, a non-sectarian organisation of Northern Ireland which defends human rights and advocates repeal of the government's emergency laws.  
  4. "Warrior for peace: Mairead Corrigan Maguire" . The Belfast Telegraph . 5 de xuno de 2010 . Consultado o 21 de marzo de 2011 . She co-founded the Committee of the Administration of Justice ? a group involved in the debate on legal matters and special laws ? and studied at the Irish School of Ecumenics, pursuing inter-faith contact and picking up international awards along the way.  
  5. Elizabeth Sleeman, ed. (2003). The International Who's Who, 2004 (67 ed.). Londres: Europa Publications . p. 359. ISBN   1-85743-217-7 . Consultado o 22 de marzo de 2011 . CORRIGAN-MAGUIRE, Mairead; Northern Irish human rights activist; b. 27 Jan. 1944, Belfast; d. of Andrew Corrigan and Margaret Corrigan.  
  6. Darraj, Susan Muaddi (2006). Mairead Corrigan and Betty Williams: Partners for Peace in Northern Ireland . Modern Peacmakers. Infobase Publishing. p. 45.  
  7. Deutsch, Richard (1977). Mairead Corrigan, Betty Williams . Barron's. pp. 27?31.  
  8. Tore Frangsmyr; Irwin Abrams (1997). Peace: Nobel Lectures . Singapore: World Scientific . p. 149. ISBN   981-02-1178-3 . Education: St. Vincent's Primary School, Falls Road, Belfast; Miss Gordon's Commercial College. Employment: From age 16 worked in various positions as a shorthand typist.  
  9. Buscher, p. 32: "Mairead left school at the age of fourteen. She went to business school for a year, taking baby-sitting jobs to earn money. That year she also joined the Legion of Mary, a Catholic lay organization dedicated to helping the very poor in the Catholic community."
  10. "Resistance" (PDF) . Resistance (Irish Republican Support Group ( C.P.G.B. )) (3). 1986 . Consultado o 31 de agosto de 2016 . In August, Belfast IRA Volunteers Danny Lennon and John Chillingworth were moving a broken Armalite rifle in a car through Andersonstown when they were pursued by British soldiers. Without any provocation, the Brits opened fire. Danny, who was driving the car, was killed instantly and his comrade was seriously wounded. The soldiers continued shooting and the car, now out of control, mounted the footpath at Finaghy Road North and crashed into Mrs Annie Maguire who was going to the shops with her children, Joanna, John and Andrew, who all died of their injuries.  
  11. Williams, Betty . " ' Each Child Belongs to Us': A New way forward for children of the world" . Peace Proposal. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 15 de xullo de 2011 . Consultado o 23 de febreiro de 2011 . Provisional I.R.A., on a mission to kill British soldiers, opened fire from the back of a speeding car on an Army foot patrol. They missed. The foot patrol returned fire killing the driver of the car, a young man named Danny Lennon.  
  12. Ramos-Horta, Jose; Hopkins, Jeffrey (2000). The Art of Peace: Nobel Peace Laureates Discuss Human Rights, Conflict and Reconciliation . Ithaca, Nova York: Snow Lion Publications. p. 52. ISBN   1-55939-149-9 . Consultado o 8 de marzo de 2011 . Together, Williams and Maguire organized a peace march of ten thousand Protestant and Catholic women. The marchers were physically assaulted by members of the Irish Republican Army, a violent pro-independence group, who called them dupes of the British. Nonetheless, they succeeded in their trek to the gravesites of the Maguire children. A week later, thirty-five thousand Belfasters marched for peace from a Catholic area of the city to a Protestant area ? again led by Williams and Maguire.  
  13. Dear, John (2008). A Persistent Peace . Lolyola Press. p.  298 .  
  14. "A Belfast Tragedy: Death of a Mother" . The Boston Globe . Associated Press . 22 de xaneiro de 1980 . Consultado o 21 de marzo de 2011 . The 34-year-old woman was discovered yesterday by one of her two surviving children, 9-year-old Mark. The whereabouts of her husband, Jack, 35, and her surviving daughter were not immediately known.  
  15. "Tragedy of a Broken Heart" . TIME . 4 de febreiro de 1980. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 20 de xaneiro de 2011 . Consultado o 21 de marzo de 2011 . But for Mrs Maguire herself there was no consolation. She emigrated to New Zealand with her husband Jack in 1977 and there gave birth to a second daughter. She suffered a nervous breakdown, and the homesick family returned to Belfast in less than a year. Perpetual grief led to even more breakdowns-ever deeper mental depression. Last week Anne Maguire finally gave up. She took her own life, slashing her wrists and throat with an electric carving knife.  
  16. Lynn, Brendan; Melaugh, Martin (1996?2010). "CAIN: People: Biographies of Prominent People During 'the Troubles' ? C" . CAIN Web Service (Conflict Archive on the INternet) . Consultado o 23 de febreiro de 2011 . In 1980 Anne Maguire committed suicide and in 1981 Corrigan married her widow, Jackie Maguire.  

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