
Fram Wikip?dian
?eald in Simbab?an

Simbab?e is land in s?ðernum Affrican .

Ðæt land ?eard sundorr?ce in 1980 æfter langum inge?inne and be bigs?ice and mid f?ondr?se ge?onne Robert Mugabe ealdord?me in þissum n??an r?ce s?a Forma Þegn and æfter?eard Foresittend and he ?æs grim ?ealdend, s?a secgþ man. On 21. Bl?tm?nað 2017 ?æs he of his st?l adr?fen and menn bliþsoden ofer eallum Simbab?e þærbe.

Gr?at Simbab?e, hr?ori?
Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce . Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan .

Land on Affrice

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