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Sirnea þorp on Seofenburgum
Seofenburga scild
Seofenburga scild

Seofonbyrig is land in middlum Europan þæt is Rum?nie norðwestd?l oððæt ðe for þ?m m?stum d?le his st?res wæs Seofenburga land Ungerlandes ?astd?l. Þis land is of Moldaviae and Walachie bed?led be h?am beorgum.

H?r onwuniaþ missenlica þ?odas. Se m?sta d?l his folces sind Vlahas , þ? sind Rum?nia folc, and manig sind Ungere. ?ac fint man Germanisc menn þ? het man Seaxe , and þ?s menn timbroden manige fægre t?nas in þ?m beorgum.

Swa swa his manige l?odas, hæfþ Seofenburga land syndrige naman. Germaniafolc gief hit þone naman "Siebenburgen", se is seofen byrig . Ungere secgaþ Erdely and Rum?niefolc Ardeal oþþe Transilvania . On L?den is hit Transylvia , se menþ land ofer wealde .

Seofonbyrig is c?þ on mannum for hire þ?odscipe mid Drac?le , and wæs h?m þ?ra Seofonburga Seaxna .

Landscīte, 1606
Landsc?te, 1606
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