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Bresl? - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content


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Segn þǣre Breslū
Segn þ?re Bresl?
Br?du 51°06′36″ N
Lengu 17°01′20″ E
Land   Polaland
Burgriht 1214, 1242
Burgger?fa Jacek Sutryk
Br?dnes 292,82 [1] km²
? burg
? þiccnes
638 586 [2]
2181 b?end/km²
Sprecungr?m +48 71
Wægnplatung DW, DX

Bresl? ( Polisc : Wrocław , Germanisc : Breslau ) is s?o m?ste burg in Polalandes westdæle. H?o stent be Oder ?a in þ?m Niðeran Sysylalande , 25 m?la benorþen þ?m Sudeten Beorgum.

Ð?os burg is Sysylalandes st?rlice h?afodburg.

In hiere langan st?r wæs Bresl? in amnigum r?cum: in Polalande þ?m Cyner?ce, in B?mar?ce , in Ungerlande , in ?astr?ces r?ce, in Pr?osslande , and in Germanie . H?o weard Polalandes dæl in 1945 æfter þ?m Gewinn .

In 2014 wæron 634 487 wunendas in Bresl? þærof is h?o Pola feowerþ ceaster.

Fruman [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

  1. Powierzchnia i ludno?? w przekroju terytorialnym w 2008. ( GUS ), [1] .
  2. .