
British prime minister’s leadership is at risk | The DONG-A ILBO

British prime minister’s leadership is at risk

Posted January. 21, 2022 07:42,   

Updated January. 21, 2022 07:42


The ruling Conservative Party of Britain has been embroiled in a growing internal conflict among its party members since British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s leadership was put at risk of being ousted due to his involvement in a series of parties held in his official residence during the COVID-19 lockdown, a.k.a. ‘partygate.’

The British prime minister lost face when a Conservative lawmaker told him in person to step down. Another Conservative member walked to the opposition Labour Party’s side saying that he will join the opposition party right in front of Prime Minister Johnson at the British Parliament.

“You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go,” Conservative lawmaker David Davis said to the prime minister at the London-based parliament on Wednesday. “I expect my leaders to shoulder the responsibility for the actions they take. Yesterday he did the opposite of that.” Under former British Prime Minister Theresa May’s leadership, Davis led the Department for Exiting the European Union and Johnson served as foreign secretary.

First-time parliament member Christian Wakeford on Wednesday defected from the Tory Party to Labour Party. To everyone’s surprise, he passed through the venue at the parliament to take a seat among Labour Party members shortly before David’s remarks. In response, Labour Party leader Keir Starmer gave a warm welcome to the newbie introducing him to other party members. Wakeford wrote a letter to Prime Minister Johnson, “You and the Conservative Party as a whole have shown themselves incapable of offering the leadership and government this country deserves.”

Six Conservatives reportedly submitted a letter to request a no confidence vote on the prime minister to the 1922 Committee or a parliamentary group of the Conservative Party’s members. “Forcing a vote on his leadership would require 15% of the party's MPs - that's 54 out of 359 - to submit letters of no confidence in him,” BBC wrote.

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