
CocoaPods Guides - Setting up for Development

Setting up for Development

CocoaPods is a collection of ruby gems. It is possible to clone them individually and set up a bundler environment for working in CocoaPods. However, for someone new to high-level library development in ruby this comes with a high learning curve.

< Working on CocoaPods

If you're not sure where your changes are going to be, you may way to look at the Core Components to get a sense of where the change will take place.

Once in the correct gem you should verify that all specs pass and all examples build. ( See rake -T for other per-gem based tasks. )

rake spec
rake examples:build

Create your patch, verify all specs still pass and examples still build, and create a pull request .

< Using latest pod command

If you would like to run latest pod command in terminal for you project.

You could run it with full path, i.e.


For convenience you could add the next alias to you .zshrc or .bashrc or similar:


Other advanced aliases:

If you want to autoload Pry and the Awesome Print gems set the COCOA_PODS_ENV environment variable to development . This can be done with an alias like:

'COCOA_PODS_ENV=development path/to/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/bin/pod'

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