
Button - Powering the commerce-driven internet

The #1 Choice for Deep Linking &?Optimizing Affiliate, Creator, &?Social Traffic

Millions of permutations impact link performance. Button uses AI?to turn this complexity into opportunity by fixing broken tracking, improving user experiences, dynamically deep linking into apps, and growing revenue. Find out more below...

NEW CASE STUDY:? Uber saw a 100% increase in revenue with Button! Learn More.

Button optimizes commerce for the best

PostTap Partners Hotels.com Sams Club and Expedia logos

Built For Today's Affiliate &?Creator Marketing Strategies.

Existing creator and app tracking platforms lack reliability for today's marketing models. Button optimizes "post-tap" traffic, ensuring optimal shopping experiences for users, triple-digit revenue boosts, and increased app traffic.

Guaranteed to Drive Revenue Increases

Tackling inefficiencies are prevelant in current affiliate and app tracking platforms, and Button strives to reduce waste and elevate revenue in today’s dynamic marketing landscape.

Evolution of Mobile Deep Linking

Originally designed for static app redirection, Button pioneered dynamic conversion optimization, enhancing the post-tap shopping experience through re-enforcement learning models.

Innovations?Delivered with No Code

Button opens up new potential for affiliate and creator traffic with AI that is trained to optimize for the conversion event marketers care most about with integration options that require no code.

AI-Enhanced Optimization

Leveraging AI, Button strategically focuses on post-tap optimization to determine where user experiences are broken or tracking is lost. ?When identified, Button redirects traffic to a higher converting user journey.

Improved Shopping Journeys

Button understands that every line of code we write must start with the "shopper" in mind. We ensure our customers' users are delighted by the best experience even if that comes at the expense of Button's revenue.

Privacy First Approach for Modern Marketers

With Button's?patent pending?Private App solution, Button can anonymously and compliantly ensure fidelity on affiliate and creator traffic attribution while still adhering to our unyielding commitment to preserving users' privacy.

Sam's Club

“Button has created a major opportunity to utilize additional marketing channels to drive app installs. By working with Button’s PostTap platform, more channels of marketing have begun to fuel Sam's Club's key mobile initiatives, more than we ever thought they could before.”


"Button helped us optimize mobile commerce traffic which has led to material growth in revenue and improved customer experiences. Notably, the Button team have been wonderful partners to work with on this. Implementation work like this has a tendency to be slow moving and complicated, but the Button team moved fast with us, helped us QA quickly and effectively, and have been overall ideal partners to work with. Button's solution and partnership is an absolute win-win-win all around"

Amplify Your Affiliate Earnings

Maximize your Earnings Per Click (EPC) and provide shoppers with dramatically improved shopping experiences with no code. Bid farewell to oft hard to pinpoint poor user experiences and missing attribution that has hindered your revenue growth.


Capture Revenue You're Losing

Unlock triple digit growth in revenue using Button's AI to optimize your affiliate, creator, and social commerce traffic. Integrated with all the leading affiliate networks, Button seamlessly connects your app to your network to mend broken mobile deep linking and in app attribution. Once integrated, customers see affiliate, creator, and social commerce revenues skyrocket


Optimize Your?Social Traffic

Creators are losing tons of money through unoptimized links that fail to deep link into the largest retail apps and cause poor shopping experiences for their followers. ?Unleash triple digit growth in revenue per click through Button's AI?powered deep link optimization and break free from the shackles of poor user experiences and attribution issues and ensure you reap the rewards (and earnings) you deserve. Button has been battle tested by the biggest companies in the world to become your gateway to unlocking unparalleled earning potential

More Traffic + Optimized Conversion Funnel.

1. Low Code/No Code implementation.
2. AI?that optimizes conversions, outcomes, and revenue.
3. Increased insights, visibility, and attribution on your shoppers.
4. Improved consumer shopping experiences.


Social traffic grows impressively, soaring with a 300% surge.


Retailer programs thrive, witnessing sustained and robust 100% growth.


Publishers see EPCs increase by 50% for their mobile web traffic.


Some of the top questions asked by our customers.

How does Button enhance affiliate and creator marketing?

Button revolutionizes these channels with AI-optimized mobile deep linking - identifying through re-enforcement learning models how best to drive users to the highest converting path to purchase.

What sets Button apart from existing tracking platforms?

Unlike traditional platforms, Button was purpose built for commerce and affiliate based models and was designed from the ground up to support these models, these marketers, and these creators..

How does Button redefine deep linking technology?

Originally companies that built deep linking solutions were focused on statically opening apps at all times. ?Button realized that the real opportunity for growth in driving measurable outcomes relied on driving conversion - and so we're the only dynamic and conversion tuned deep linking platform built for affiliate and creator marketing.

What benefits does Button's AI-enhanced optimization bring?

Leveraging AI, Button focuses on post-tap optimization, delivering triple-digit revenue increases for customers consistently. ?Thinking through the millions of permutations that are seen by Button's platform and the billions in mobile commerce that we've driven, Button uses AI?to understand when mobile linking experiences can be routed to more optimal paths to purchase. Responding to real time changes on OS Versions or App?Versions or Browser Versions, Button ensures our customers can focus on their customers while we build solutions to take care of the ever increasing complexity of mobile linking environments.

How does Button ensure a seamless shopping experience?

Button focuses on the shopper first and foremost. ?As a team of App Economy enthusiasts, we know the importance of getting things right the first time, quickly, and simply. ?We tune all of our models to the conversion outcome our customers are pursuing - most of the time that is the purchase - and we run tests and holdouts across our traffic to ensure we're maximizing the performance and the conversions our customers are seeing. This starts and ends with the shopper being delighed every step of the way along their shopping journey.

- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 교육부 고전문헌국역지원사업의 지원으로 구축되었습니다.
- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
- 현재 고유명사(인명, 지명등)을 비롯한 여러 변환오류가 있으며 이를 해결하고자 많은 연구 개발을 진행하고자 하고 있습니다. 이를 인지하시고 다른 곳에서 인용시 한자 변환 결과를 한번 더 검토하시고 사용해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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