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Code review

Code review is systematic examination (sometimes referred to as peer review) of computer source code. It is intended to find mistakes overlooked in software development, improving the overall quality of software. Reviews are done in various forms such as pair programming, informal walkthroughs, and formal inspections.

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Code review apps

Codecov | Code Coverage

Automatic test report merging for all CI and languages into a single code coverage report directly into your pull request


CommitCheck ensures your commit messages are consistent and contain all required information


AI-enhanced code review collaboration across GitHub, Slack & VS Code

PR Chat

Monitor and discuss your Pull Requests right within Slack


Review PRs up to 40% faster. Pinpoint highest tech debt directories. Most engineer-friendly Developer Analytic velocity stats


The Code Health platform - Everything you need to build maintainable and secure software

Naming Conventions Bot

Automatically validates pull requests, branches and commit messages in your Github repositories


AI-powered code review and analysis tool for Python


Supercharge your team with contextual code reviews & smart chat that improves over time


Advanced static analysis for automatically finding runtime errors in JavaScript code


Ensure that new code is fully covered, and see coverage trends emerge. Works with any CI service

Code Climate

Automated code review for technical debt and test coverage

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