
public class HeroCarouselStrategy
extends CarouselStrategy

   ↳ com.google.android.material.carousel.CarouselStrategy
     ↳ com.google.android.material.carousel.HeroCarouselStrategy

A CarouselStrategy that knows how to size and fit one large item and one small item into a container to create a layout to browse one 'hero' item at a time with a preview item.

Note that this strategy resizes Carousel items to take up the full width or height of the Carousel, save room for the small item.

This class will automatically be reversed by CarouselLayoutManager if being laid out right-to-left and does not need to make any account for layout direction itself.

For more information, see the component developer guidance and design guidelines .


Public constructors

HeroCarouselStrategy ()

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public HeroCarouselStrategy ()