Si te kontribuosh

This page is a translated version of the page How to contribute and the translation is 33% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Permbajtja e te gjitha projekteve Wikimedia jepet nen licenca falas. Shkruani kodin te hyni, te permiresoni dhe te zgjeroni kete hapesire te madhe te njohurive te lira duke perdorur Web API -n e fuqishem, i disponueshem ne te gjitha wikit e MediaWikit. Burime te tjera te hapura te te dhenash , qe perfshijne depot XML dhe SQL , jane gjithashtu te disponueshme. Write code to access, remix and grow this immense pool of free knowledge. Follow the tutorial to get started with the API , available on all MediaWiki wikis, and other APIs for content and Wikidata. Other open data sources , including XML and SQL dumps , are also available.
Our code is all free and open source. Choose a project , provide a patch, and fix a task!

Wikimedia projects use a variety of languages such as PHP and JavaScript in MediaWiki and its extensions , Lua (in Templates ), CSS/LESS (in skins etc.), Objective-C, Swing and Java (in Mobile Apps and Kiwix ), Python (in Pywikibot ), C++ (in Huggle ), or C# (in AWB ). Create bots to process content and host your tools on Toolforge . Hack on mobile apps or on desktop applications. Or help Site Reliability Engineering maintain the server configuration .

Learn more at New Developers/Introduction to the Wikimedia Technical Ecosystem .
Raportoni te parin "bug" ! Gjithashtu ndihmoni te permiresoni cilesine e projekteve tona nepermjet proves tuaj, proves se integrimit te vazhduar dhe managimit te "bug"-ut .
Si nje Ambasador teknik , ndihmo Wikimedianet e tjere me ceshtje teknike, pasimin e Lajmeve teknike per te informuar perdoruesit rreth asaj qe do te ndikoje ata, dhe bashkohuni te grupi i ambasadoreve dhe lista e postimeve per te vepruar si nje ure midis zhvilluesve dhe wiki-it tuaj lokal.
Shkruesit shqip mund te permiresojne dokumentacionin e MediaWikit , faqe te tjera mbeshtetese thelbesore dhe, ne fakt, cdo faqe te kesaj faqeje interneti.
Ne qofte se jeni njohes i mire i nje gjuhe tjeter ju mund jepni kontributin per te perkthyer kete faqe interneti dhe softuerin MediaWiki .
Ndihmoni perdoruesit dhe zhvilluesit qe kerkojne pergjigje ne tavolinen e ndihmes ose komunikimin e MediaWikit dhe kanalet e medias sociale .
Help apply the Wikimedia design principles in projects looking for UX feedback.
Takoni komunitetin ne internet ose ne vendtakim .
How-to guides and walkthroughs for MediaWiki and Wikimedia technologies

More helpful information


  • You can also subscribe to Tech News to receive a weekly summary on your user talk page of recent software changes, without technical jargon.

Editing and discussing in MediaWiki

If you have not used MediaWiki before:

  • You can discuss the content of each page in its related Discussion page. You can communicate with users by adding a public message in their discussion pages. Learn more at Help:Talk pages .