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The Patriarch Bartholomew - 60 Minutes - CBS News
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The Patriarch Bartholomew

December 20, 2009 5:15 PM

Patriarch Bartholomew, the leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians, feels "crucified" living in Turkey under a government he says would like to see his Patriarchate die out. Bob Simon reports.

Patriarch Bartholomew Feels "Crucified"
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by presbyteraelisabeth September 29, 2013 1:00 PM EDT
I like very much this interview.

It is a sign of our period that, while we let human rights in the front scene, Society hardly respects God's right, ansd in particular his serants's right to pray.
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by Billy_Hatchet November 23, 2011 12:43 AM EST
Billy Hatchet is a dark and twisted children's story that just goes to show not all children's books are meant for kids. Written in the rhythmic tone of Dr. Seuss with a dark setting resembling a Tim Burton film, Johann Wolfe Heisey captures a tale that will definitely gather a following."

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by JSNW November 16, 2011 12:00 PM EST
Well, IF these people really think they are following the Way that Jesus left on record...why do they have all these buildings and why are they PAYING someone to "Spread their word"? Jesus said "Freely ye have received, freely give"...and it wasn't money he was talking about! His apostles and disciples were sent out two together, without money, scrip, etc. ...and they still go out that way today - two together (of the same, one older and one younger), without a home, car, scrip, or a bank account, in faith, and I have seen with my own eyes that God is faithful to care for them. Another special thing about God's people, is that they don't twist the Bible to suit their religious beliefs, they accept ALL of what Jesus spoke. People have asked them why they don't advertise...they don't need to. If people are truly honest about wanting to be right with God, and in their hearts are honestly wanting to serve, God is well able to bring His people to them! You can't fool God!!
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by Jeannie Cole November 16, 2011 11:42 AM EST
To Ephestion: Thank you about enlightening our friend about the historic origins of Christianity! The vestiges that we have of the Greek origins of the Church are found in the Kyrie of the Mass, which is in Greek, not Latin. Had Latin and Rome been the seat of Christianity, our first Bible would have been written in Latin! Regarding St. Peter as being the first Head of the Church in Rome, this claim by the Catholic Church is patently ridiculous, as is the claim that St. Peter's remains were found by Pius XII underneath St. Peter's Basillica. Prior to Pius XII's becoming Pope, he brilliantly choose to draw up concordats between the Vatican and EVERY Fascist Regime in Europe: Hitler in Germany, Spinoza in Portugal, Franco in Spain, Pavelich in Croactia, Mussolini in Italy, etc. His so called "Brilliance" in the political arena was only equal to his grasp of archeology, which was basically, non-existent, but never the less, he pronounced to the Public in 1950 that he had found St. Peter's remains beneath the Vatican. Prior to that, the Catholic Church had pilgrimages to St. Peter's remains in a Franciscan Monastery in Jerusalem! (If you don't believe me, Google it!) The above illustrations were written to show how easily the Catholic Church revises history! How convenient! Latin was never the official language of early Christianity and more than St. Peter's remains were found beneath the Vatican. This claim also makes as much spiritual sense as a future Pope writing Concordats with EVERY Fascist Regime in Europe! I'm glad that at least one reader out there knows about the foundation of the Early Church as well as the historic truth! It was GREEK not Roman!
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by vc10vc10 November 16, 2011 11:17 AM EST
very well, yes
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by bsiris November 14, 2011 10:22 PM EST
Why can't I view this video??? Oh by the way. If you people know your history the Greek Orthodox was the 1st Christian partly because the Greeks wrote part of the bible. enough said...
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by robertandlau August 7, 2010 7:51 PM EDT
Turkey and most Islamic Countries are very INTOLERANT of Christianity and Judaism, yet they call the Adherents of these Religions "People of the Book" in Islam. Problem is...Why does the WEST allow Muslims to build Mosques in Western Nations while in The Islamic Countries they are not even allowed to build Churches and Synagogues in Saudia Arabia? Why should Islam be afforded the Courtesy of having Mosques in Western Nations while they are so unwilling to reciprocate by allowing Churches and Synagogues to be built in Saudia Arabia, and persecute Severely Most Christians in other Islamic Nations? If Westerners were to apply the same STANDARDS TO ISLAM AS IS APPLIED to Christians and Jews in Islamic Countries...There would be more of a Balanced Understanding of each other.
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by WarSnake July 29, 2010 9:38 PM EDT
He is not "Second to the Pope."
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by Ephestion May 11, 2010 8:08 AM EDT
The Roman Empire had only two leaders that did not know Greek, Nero and Julius. The rest learned Greek! The first Bibles to enter Europe were written in Greek and the Bishop of Rome (later becoming the Pope), gave mass in Greek upto 700AD. The New Testament was originally written in Greek, the Old Testament was translated into Greek (the Septuagint) by Ptolemy of Egypt, A greek general of Alexanders' Army around 350BC. The course of Christianity started with the Septuagint and later with the New Testiment. Both were written in Greek. There is no dispute to those that know history, the Greek Orthodox CHurch is the church Christ and his apostles started. The others added and subtracted and became schizmatics.

Constantinople was founded on a 2400 year old city named Byzantium. That is to say the Greeks prior to Christianity existed, lived and populated the majority of Anatolia (Modern day Turkey).

To see this short film, about the plight of the Patriarch, is a suprise, one that i never thought i would see in a Catholic/Protestant dominated West.
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by hierosolimitanum May 6, 2010 8:02 PM EDT

The Orthodox Church is not the oldest Christian Church. The Catholic Church is older by more than a thousand years. The Schism between East and West occurred in the 1100s, giving rise to Eastern Orthodoxy. Although the Orthodox Church holds itself to be the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ, and although the Roman Empire existed officially in Constantinople at the time, the Catholic Church in Rome is still the mother entity from which the East seceded, and this is generally acknowledged. We must remember that the Bishop of Constantinople recognizes the Bishop of Rome, albeit not as Pope.

Also, that Christianity started in Anatolia is simply untrue. The first unified body of Christians existed in Jerusalem, and there were several other locales frequented in the Apostolic Age before Christians established a colony in Asia Minor. Furthermore, that the four Gospels were written in Anatolia may be traditional in the Eastern viewpoint, but this is not verifiable. Scholars believe that at least one was written in Egypt. Christianity was not in its infancy in the 500s AD. At this point it was already the official state-sanctioned religion of the Roman World.

Finally, the document purportedly written by Mohammed but not verified as authentic seems to contradict the various campaigns of extermination against Christendom which were waged by Mohammed himself and his successors during the Age of the Caliphs, which spread Islam in a series of conquests of the territories of the Eastern Roman Empire.
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