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Caption Colorado
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Caption Colorado
products and services
Offline Captioning

For non-live, or pre-recorded programs, you can choose from two presentation styles models for offline captioning or transcription needs in English or Spanish.

Premiere Offline Captioning

Premiere Offline Captioning is geared toward the high-end television industry, providing highly customized captioning features, such as pop-on style captions, specialized screen placement, speaker identifications, italics, special characters, and sound effects.

Premiere Offline involves a five-step design and editing process, and does much more than simply display the text of a program. Premiere Offline helps the viewer follow a story line, become aware of mood and feeling, and allows them to fully enjoy the entire viewing experience. Premiere Offline is the preferred presentation style for entertainment-type programming.

Value Offline Captioning

Value Offline Captioning offers high quality, FCC-compliant captioning at very affordable rates. Two or three line roll-up captions are placed at the bottom of the screen, and the product is edited twice to ensure all content is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

offline captioning
Image of hands on railing

Offline captioning, with the post-event editing process to turn the transcript into error-free work, is the preferred method wherever flawless text is desired. This is the ideal solution for non-live or pre-recorded programming.

Caption Colorado features an advance digital offline-editing suite and can support virtually any tape format, including support for digital and analog media.

©2002 Caption Colorado