Private company

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A privately held company is a company which is not publicly listed on a stock market and consequently cannot be openly bought or sold. Often it is owned by a family or a small group of shareholders . Private companies are often small, but some are amongst the largest companies in the world. [1] Many public companies started life as private companies. In the United States , private companies are held to different auditing standards than are public companies. [2] Private companies do not have to file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). [3] This makes it harder to find financial information on private companies.

References [ change | change source ]

  1. Reifman, Shlomo; Murphy, Andrea D., eds. (6 Nov 2008). "America's largest private companies" . Forbes .
  2. "Introduction to Private Companies" . PrivCo. Archived from the original on 20 March 2019 . Retrieved 9 July 2015 .
  3. "Private Company Research" . The Library of Congress. 19 March 2015 . Retrieved 9 July 2015 .