??bun Nobel ninu Litire???

Lat'?w?? Wikipedia, iwe im?? ??f??
??bun Nobel ninu Litire???
The Nobel Prize in Literature
Bibun fun Fun i??? pataki ninu Litire???
Lat?w?? Swedish Academy
Oril??-ede Sweden
Bibun laak??k?? 1901
Ibiitakun onibi??? http://nobelprize.org
Rene-Francois-Armand Prudhomme (1839?1907), a French poet and essayist , was the first person to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1901, "in special recognition of his poetic composition, which gives evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect."

??bun Nobel ninu Litire??? ( Adak?:Lang-sv ) j?? ??bun ?l??d??dun, lati 1901, ti w??n maa ? fun aw?n o?k??we lati oril??-ede yiowu ti wa, g??g?? bi ogun Alfred Nobel ?e s?, o se "ninu papa litireso ise pataki lona to daa" (ni ede Sweden: den som inom litteraturen har producerat det utmarktaste i idealisk riktning ). [1] [2] Akademi Swidin lo n pinnu tani, ti onitoun ba wa, yio gba ebun na ninu odun kan, won si n sekede oruko onitoun ninu osu kewa odun. [3]

Itokasi [ atun?e | atun?e ami??r?? ]

  1. "The Nobel Prize in Literature" . nobelprize.org . Retrieved 2007-10-13 .  
  2. John Sutherland (October 13, 2007). "Ink and Spit" . Guardian Unlimited Books (The Guardian) . http://books.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,2189673,00.html . Retrieved 2007-10-13 .  
  3. "The Nobel Prize in Literature" . Swedish Academy . Archived from the original on 2008-02-01 . Retrieved 2007-10-13 .