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Francisco de Miranda ? Wikipedia ti?ng Vi?t B??c t?i n?i dung

Francisco de Miranda

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Francisco de Miranda
Francisco de Miranda
Bi?t danh El Precursor
El Primer Venezolano Universal
Sinh 28 thang 3 n?m 1750
Caracas ,   Venezuela
M?t 14 thang 7 n?m 1816
Cadiz ,   Tay Ban Nha
Thu?c Tay Ban Nha
  Hoa K?
N?m t?i ng? 1771?1812
Tham chi?n Chi?n tranh Cach m?ng M?
Cach m?ng Phap
chi?n tranh gianh đ?c l?p Venezuela

Sebastian Francisco de Miranda Rodriguez (28 thang 3 n?m 1750 - 14 thang 7 n?m 1816), th??ng đ??c g?i la Francisco de Miranda ( ti?ng Tay Ban Nha phat am la: [f?ansisko de mi?anda]), la m?t nha cach m?ng Venezuela. M?c du k? ho?ch đ?c l?p c?a ong cho cac thu?c đ?a chau M? thu?c Tay Ban Nha khong thanh cong, ong đ??c coi la m?t ti?n than c?a Simon Bolivar , ng??i trong cu?c cac cu?c chi?n tranh đ?c l?p Tay Ban Nha-M? đa thanh cong trong vi?c gi?i phong m?t ph?n r?ng l?n c?a Nam M? . Miranda đa co m?t cu?c s?ng lang m?n va m?o hi?m. La m?t ng??i ly t??ng hoa, ong đa phat tri?n m?t k? ho?ch co t?m nhin xa trong r?ng đ? gi?i phong va th?ng nh?t t?t c? cac khu v?c chau M? thu?c Tay Ban Nha M? nh?ng cac sang ki?n ??quan s? c?a ong thay m?t cho chau M? thu?c Tay Ban Nha M? đ?c l?p k?t thuc vao n?m 1812. Ong đa đ??c ban giao cho k? thu c?a minh va b?n n?m sau, n?m 1816, đa qua đ?i trong m?t nha tu Tay Ban Nha. Trong th?i h?n m??i b?n n?m v? cai ch?t c?a ong, tuy nhien, ph?n l?n chau M? thu?c Tay Ban Nha M? đa đ??c đ?c l?p.

Chu thich [ s?a | s?a ma ngu?n ]

Tham kh?o [ s?a | s?a ma ngu?n ]

  • It cites the following references:
    • Biggs, [James]. History of Miranda's Attempt in South America , London, 1809.
    • The Marques de Rojas, El General Miranda , Paris, 1884.
    • The Marques de Rojas Miranda dans la revolution francaise , Caracas, 1889.
    • Robertson, W. S. Francisco de Miranda and the Revolutionizing of Spanish America , Washington, 1909.
  • Chavez, Thomas E. Spain and the Independence of the United States: An Intrinsic Gift . University of New Mexico Press, 2003.
  • Chirinos, Juan Carlos. Miranda, el nomada sentimental . Editorial Norma, Caracas, 2006.
  • Harvey, Robert. "Liberators: Latin America`s Struggle For Independence, 1810-1830". John Murray, London (2000). ISBN 0-7195-5566-3
  • Miranda, Francisco de. (Judson P. Wood, translator. John S. Ezell, ed.) The New Democracy in America: Travels of Francisco de Miranda in the United States, 1783?84 . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.
  • Roberston, William S. "Francisco de Miranda and the Revolutionizing of Spanish America" in Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1907 , Vol. 1. Washington: Government Priniting Office, 1908. 189?539.
  • Robertson, William S. Life of Miranda , 2 vols. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1929.
  • Thorning, Joseph F. Miranda: World Citizen . Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1952.
  • Moisei Alperovich. "Francisco de Miranda y Rusia", V Centenario del descubrimiento de America: encuentro de culturas y continentes. Editorial Progreso, (Moscu), shortened version in Spanish, (1989), ISBN 5 ? 01 ? 001248 -0, Edit. Progreso, URSS, 380 pages. Russian Version: unabridged, (1986).

Lien k?t ngoai [ s?a | s?a ma ngu?n ]

  • Grogan, Samuel "Francisco de Miranda" , History Text Archive
  • Another statue by Lorenzo Gonzalez (1977) on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway , Philadelphia
  • "General Miranda's Expedition" , Atlantic Monthly , Vol. 5, No. 31 (May 1860). An account of the Leander affair
  • (ti?ng Tay Ban Nha) Diarios: Una seleccion 1771 ? 1800 L?u tr? 2009-01-24 t?i Wayback Machine ? Selections from the diaries of Francisco de Miranda, 1771?1800, Caracas: Monte Avila, 2006
  • UNESCO (2007), Colombeia: Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda’s Archives , truy c?p ngay 11 thang 5 n?m 2009