한국   대만   중국   일본 
?????? ?????? ?????? - ?????????? ?????????????

?????? ?????? ??????

????????????? ?????????????
?????? ?????? ??????
ในเดือนกรกฎาคม ค.ศ. 2009
???? 10 ??????? ?.?. 1957 ( 1957-12-10 )
?????? ?????? ??????
?????? , ????????
????????? 3 ??????? ?.?. 2012 (2012-09-03) (54 ??) [1]
????? ???????
????????? ?.?. 2537 - ?.?. 2555
????????? ???? ??? Armageddon ( ?.?. 1998 )
????? ??????? ??? The Green Mile ( ?.?. 1999 - ?.?. 2000 )

?????? ?????? ?????? ( ?????? : Michael Clarke Duncan) ??????? ??????????? ????????? ??????????????? 10 ??????? ?.?. 2500 ??? ?????? ??????????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? , ??????? ??????? , ???? ?????? , ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??????????????????? ???????????????????? 6 ??? 5 ???? (196 ????????? ) ??????? 315 ????? (142 ???????? )

????????????????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ?.?. 1995 ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ??????????????? ?.?. 1998 ??? Armageddon ?????????????????????????????????? ???? ???? ?????? , ???? ?????? , ??? ??????? , ??? ???????? ??????????? ???? ????????????????????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??????????? ???? ??????

????????? ?.?. 1999 ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?.?. 2000 ??????????????? ????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ?????????????? 2 ?? ???????? The Green Mile ?????? ??? ????? ???????????????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? 360 ????? (163 ????????) ?????????????????????? ??????? ???????????????????? ? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ????????????????? , ?????????????????????, ?????????????????????????, ??????????????? ?????????????? ??? ?????? ???????

???? ?.?. 2000 ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ??? ?????? The Whole Nine Yards ???????????????? ???????????????

??????????????? ? ?????? Planet of the Apes ??? ??? ???????? ??????? ????? ??????????? ???? ?.?. 2001 , The Scorpion King ???? ?.?. 2002 ??????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???????, The Island ???? ?.?. 2005 ??????? ??? ???????????? , ??????? ???????? , Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li ???????????????? ??????? ???? ?.?. 2009 ??????? ???????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????? ???? Kung Fu Panda ???? ?.?. 2008 ???????

?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????????????????????? ???????????? ??????????????? 3 ??????? ?.?. 2012 ??? ????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? 54 ?? [1]

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 " "Green Mile" actor Michael Clarke Duncan dead at 54, his fiancee says" . Washington Post . 3 September 2012. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2012-09-04 . ??????????? 3 September 2012 .