한국   대만   중국   일본 
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???????????????? ( ?????? : Zionism ; ????? : ?????????? ? Tsiyyonut ) ???????? ????????? [2] ?????????? ???????? [3] ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? [4] ????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? (??????????????? ??????? ??????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ) [5] [6] ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 19 ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? (Haskalah) [7] [8] [9] ????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????? [10] [11] [12]

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1922 486,177 (74.91%) 83,790 (12.91%) 71,464 (11.01%) 7,617 (1.17%) 649,048
1931 493,147 (64.32%) 174,606 (22.77%) 88,907 (11.60%) 10,101 (1.32%) 766,761
1941 906,551 (59.68%) 474,102 (31.21%) 125,413 (8.26%) 12,881 (0.85%) 1,518,947
1946 1,076,783 (58.34%) 608,225 (32.96%) 145,063 (7.86%) 15,488 (0.84%) 1,845,559

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  1. ??????????? "?????????" ??????????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ???????????? Sergio Della Pergola (2001) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 12 [1] ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????

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  1. Pergola, Sergio della (2001). "Demography in Israel/Palestine: Trends, Prospects, Policy Implications" (PDF) . Semantic Scholar . ????????????????????? ????????? (PDF) ????? 2018-08-20 . ??????????? 2020-09-01 .
  2. ??:
  3. ??:
  4. "What's the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism?" . BBC. 29 April 2016. ???? ????????????????? August 1, 2019 . ??????????? 31 July 2019 .
  5. Motyl 2001 , pp. 604.
  6. Herzl, Theodor (1988) [1896]. "Biography, by Alex Bein" . Der Judenstaat [ The Jewish state ]. ?????? Sylvie d'Avigdor (republication ed.). New York: Courier Dover . p. 40. ISBN   978-0-486-25849-2 . ???? ????????????????? January 1, 2014 . ??????????? September 28, 2010 .
  7. Ben-Ami Shillony (January 24, 2012). Jews & the Japanese: The Successful Outsiders . Tuttle Publishing. p. 88. ISBN   978-1-4629-0396-2 . ???? ????????????????? December 25, 2018 . ??????????? November 21, 2017 . (Zionism) arose in response to and in imitation of the current national movements of Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe.
  8. LeVine, Mark; Mossberg, Mathias (2014). One Land, Two States: Israel and Palestine as Parallel States . University of California Press. p. 211. ISBN   978-0-520-95840-1 . ???? ????????????????? November 17, 2016 . ??????????? March 16, 2016 . The parents of Zionism were not Judaism and tradition, but antiSemitism and nationalism. The ideals of the French Revolution spread slowly across Europe , finally reaching the Pale of Settlement in the Russian Empire and helping to set off the Haskalah , or Jewish Enlightenment. This engendered a permanent split in the Jewish world, between those who held to a halachic or religious-centric vision of their identity and those who adopted in part the racial rhetoric of the time and made the Jewish people into a nation. This was helped along by the wave of pogroms in Eastern Europe that set two million Jews to flight; most wound up in America , but some chose Palestine. A driving force behind this was the Hovevei Zion movement, which worked from 1882 to develop a Hebrew identity that was distinct from Judaism as a religion.
  9. Gelvin, James L. (January 13, 2014). The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War . Cambridge University Press. p. 93. ISBN   978-1-107-47077-4 . ???? ????????????????? November 17, 2016 . ??????????? March 16, 2016 . The fact that Palestinian nationalism developed later than Zionism and indeed in response to it does not in any way diminish the legitimacy of Palestinian nationalism or make it less valid than Zionism. All nationalisms arise in opposition to some "other". Why else would there be the need to specify who you are? And all nationalisms are defined by what they oppose. As we have seen, Zionism itself arose in reaction to anti-Semitic and exclusionary nationalist movements in Europe. It would be perverse to judge Zionism as somehow less valid than European anti-Semitism or those nationalisms. Furthermore, Zionism itself was also defined by its opposition to the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants of the region. Both the "conquest of land" and the "conquest of labor" slogans that became central to the dominant strain of Zionism in the Yishuv originated as a result of the Zionist confrontation with the Palestinian "other".
  10. Cohen, Robin (1995). The Cambridge Survey of World Migration . Cambridge University Press. p.  504 . ISBN   9780521444057 . Zionism Colonize palestine.
  11. Gelvin, James (2007). The Israel?Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 51. ISBN   978-0521888356 . ???? ????????????????? February 20, 2017 . ??????????? February 19, 2016 .
  12. Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine , 2006, p.10?11
  13. unispal (September 3, 1947). "UNSCOP Report to the General Assembly, Volume 1, Chapter II, Par. A., 12 ( A/364)" . United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? January 16, 2013 . ??????????? May 2, 2012 .

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