
????????????? ?????????????

?????????????????????????????? , ?.?. 1575
?????? ?.?. 1566 ? ?.?. 1648
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สาธารณรัฐดัตช์ ?????????????? สเปน ?????????????

?????????????? ???? ????????????????????????? ( ?????? : Eighty Years' War ???? Dutch War of Independence ) ?????????????????????????????? ?.?. 1566 ??????? ?.?. 1648 [1] ??????? ?????????????? ??? ????????????? ????????????????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????????????????? 2 ???????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ????????????? ???????? ????????

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  1. The Dutch States-General, for dramatic effect, decided to promulgate the ratification of the Peace of Munster (which was actually ratified by them on May 15, 1648) on the 80th anniversary of the execution of the Counts of Egmont and Horne, June 5, 1648. See Maanen, H. van (2002), Encyclopedie van misvattingen , Boom, p. 68. ISBN 90-5352-834-2 .

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