한국   대만   중국   일본 
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 ?  ?????????????? Soibahadine Ibrahim Ramadani
 ? ??????? 374 ??.??. (144 ??.????)
  (??????? 2555) [1]
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??????  (2556) [2] ?????????
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  1. Government of France ; INSEE. "212 600 habitants a Mayotte en 2012 - La population augmente toujours fortement" (PDF) (????????????) . ??????????? 2013-10-04 .
  2. "GDP per capita in the EU in 2013: seven capital regions among the ten most prosperous" . Eurostat . ??????????? 30 July 2015 .
  3. "Enquete sur le Futur 101e Departement" . (????????)
  4. "Mayotte votes to become France's 101st department" . 2009-03-29 . ??????????? 2011-04-01 .
  5. Mayotte vote en faveur de la departementalisation , Le Monde , March 29, 2009 (????????)