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  1. " "?????????????????????" ?????????????????????????? ???? 8 ????????? ?????? Doctors" . ?????? ?????????????. 12 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-09-16 . ??????????? 17 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  2. "[單獨]웹小說 '구르미 그린 달빛', 2016年 KBS 드라마로 본다" . ??????. 24 ??????? ?.?. 2558 . ??????????? 4 ?????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  3. "[SW新刊] 구르미 그린 달빛" . ??????. 24 ?????????? ?.?. 2558 . ??????????? 17 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  4. "박보검, 下半期 期待作 '구르미 그린 달빛' 男子 主人公 王世子驛 確定 (구르미 그린 달빛)" . KBS . ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-07-25 . ??????????? 2016-09-23 .
  5. "Park Bo-geom confirmed for KBS' 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' " . Han Cinema .
  6. "잘 자란 俳優 金裕貞, 女主人公 電擊 캐스팅! (구르미 그린 달빛)" . KBS . ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-04-24 . ??????????? 2016-09-23 .
  7. "Kim Yoo-jeong confirmed to co-star with Park Bo-geom in 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' " . Han Cinema .
  8. "Actor Park Bo-gum to take on period drama after 'Reply 1988' " . Korean Herald .
  9. "Park Bo-geom's next drama, 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' has been confirmed to begin on August 1st" . Han Cinema .
  10. "박보검-金裕貞, 保有커플 베일 벗었다! (구르미 그린 달빛)" . KBS . ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-10-04 . ??????????? 2016-09-24 .
  11. "??? ??-??? (Park Bo Gum) ?????????????????????????????? ??-??? (Kim Ji Won) ????????????????" . ?????????????. 7 ?????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-09-23 . ??????????? 26 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  12. "???????? ????????? ????????????????? ??-??? ???????????? "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" " . Popcornfor2. 18 ?????? ?.?. 2559 . ??????????? 24 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  13. " "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" Finalizes Main Cast And Air Date" . Soompi . ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-09-27 . ??????????? 2016-09-26 .
  14. "New period drama aims for lighthearted entertainment" . Yonhap News .
  15. "Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung star in new period drama series" . Korea Herald .
  16. "??????????????????? ??? ??-??? (Park Bo Gum) ?????????????? ? ??? "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" " . ?????????????. 19 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2017-01-06 . ??????????? 29 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  17. "??? ??-???? (Kim Yoo Jung) ?????????????????????????????? ???????????? 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' " . ?????????????. 1 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-10-07 . ??????????? 29 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  18. "#????????????? : ??? Viral Video ??? ??-??? ???????????????? #MoonlightDrawnByClouds ???????????" . Nubeever. 17 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-10-01 . ??????????? 27 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  19. "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds ???????????????????????? ??????????????????? 3" . Hallyukstar. 30 ??????? ?.?. 2559 . ??????????? 28 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
  20. "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds ?????????????" . Hallyukstar. 25 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-09-28 . ??????????? 28 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
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  31. " "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" Takes 1st Place For Most Influential Drama" . Soompi. 5 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-09-29 . ??????????? 29 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
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  35. "???????? (Kim Yoo Jung) ??????????????????????????????? ???????????? 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' " . ?????????????. 26 ??????? ?.?. 2559. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-10-01 . ??????????? 29 ??????? 2559 . {{ cite web }} : ??????????????????: |accessdate= ??? |date= ( help )
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