????????? ?????? ??????

??????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ???????.
????????? ?????? ??????
????? ??????? ?????????
??????? trad. ca 283 [1]
?????????, ???????
?????? 304
?????????, ???????
??????? ???/???????? ????????????
??????? ??????? ?????????
??????? ?????? Pre-congregation
??????? ????????????? San Geremia , ??????
???????? 13 ????????
16 ??????????
????????????????? ??? ???? ?????; ??????; ??????? ??????; ???????; ???????; woman hitched to a yoke of oxen; ????? ??????????? ??? ????, Saint Agnes of Rome, Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Saint Thecla; ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ???? ??????????? ???????
????????? ????????????????; ?????????; Perugia , ???????; Mtarfa , ???????? , ?????????? , ?????????,????????? , throat infections , ?????????????

????????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ?????. ???? ????????????, ?????????, ????????????, ??????? ??????? ????????? ???? ??????????? ????????? ????????????????.

?????????? ???????? [ ???? ]

????? ?????????? ?????????? Eutychia and ????? ??????, by Jacobello del Fiore
????? ?????? by Domenico Beccafumi , 1521, a High Renaissance recasting of a Gothic iconic image ( Pinacoteca Nazionale , Siena )

????????? [ ???? ]