Ahl-e Haqq

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Ahl-e Haqq ( Persian , translates to people of truth ) is a Kurdish religious movement . It is mainly rooted in Iraqi Kurdistan , as well as Lorestan and Kermanshah in Iran . Many members also live in the diaspora . In total, the followers are estimated to be around 1 million people. [1]

The religion itself has elements of Shi'a Islam , Yazidi , and Alevism . Followers believe that their deity will be reincarnated seven times. The religion took the practice of Dhikr from Sufism . They also share common meals, and live together in a brotherly manner. Wladimir Fjodorowich Minorski was among the first to describe this religious community.

References [ change | change source ]

  1. Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa ; Detroit: Thompson Gale, 2004; ISBN   0028657691 ; p. 82