Roald Dahl

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Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl (September 13, 1916 - November 23, 1990) wis a Norrowan- Welsh writer , weel-kent for his novelles , short stories an parteecular for his beuks for bairns . Mony o his beuks an stories haes been made intae films an shawed on TV aw athort the warld.

Amang his maist faur ben beuks is The Sleekit Mr Tod , The Eejits an Geordie's Mingin Medicine that haes been owerset intae the Scots . Mony o his bairn's beuks haes picturs drawn by Quentin Blake .

Thare is a Roald Dahl Museum an Story Centre in Great Missenden that shaws the wark o Roald Dahl.