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  1. Burke, Lauretta A.; Kura, Yumiko; Kassem, Ken; Revenga, Carmen; Spalding, Mark; McAllister, Don (2001). ?Coastal Ecosystems“ ???????????? 2003-04-08 ?????? Wayback Machine . . In Hutter, Carolynne (ed.). Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems. World Resources Institute. Internet Archive . ????????? ??????: 10 ?????, 2019.
  2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition (2000). coast . n. 1a. Land next to the sea; the seashore. b. Coast The Pacific Coast of the United States. 2. A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled. 3. The act of sliding or coasting; slide. 4. Obsolete The frontier or border of a country. Internet Archive . ????????? ??????: 10 ?????, 2019.